Next: 1 Introduction
Quantum Efficiency Calibration of AXAF CCDs from 2 - 10 keV
Herbert L. Manning, Stephen E. Jones, Steve E. Kissel,
Marshall W. Bautz, and George
R. Ricker
Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139
We describe methods used to measure the X-ray detection efficiency of
reference CCDs for the AXAF CCD Imaging Spectrometer in the spectral
range between 2 keV and 10 keV. The reference CCDs are identical to
and are used as calibration transfer standards for the actual flight
CCDs. Both radioactive (
Fe) and fluorescent X-ray sources are used
to illuminate the CCDs, providing a range of discrete emission lines
to cover the energy band. A Si(Li) solid state detector is inserted
into the beam to provide absolute calibration from 2 - 10 keV (where
the Si(Li) detection efficiency can be calculated from first
principles). The response function of the Si(Li) detector is
discussed, along with factors used to obtain CCD efficiency
parameters from the raw data. Calibration geometry and typical data
are also presented.
KEYWORDS: ACIS, AXAF, calibration, CCD, Si(Li) detector, detection efficiency