The ACIS reference CCDs were calibrated against the SSD at five primary energies, corresponding to the K lines of Si (1.74 keV), P (2.01), Ti (4.51), Mn (5.89), and Cu (8.03). The Mn lines are generated by radioactive decay of a 10 Ci Fe source with an Al collimator followed by a 2 mm Al aperture. When used with the calibration aperture, this produces a circular spot of irradiation on the CCD approximately 320 pixels (7.7 mm) in diameter.
The other lines are produced by irradiating pure samples of the target element with continuum X-ray emission from a commercial X-ray tube with a molybdenum anode, operated at 15 kV. This radiation efficiently ionizes the target material's inner shell, yielding fluorescent X-ray emission at the characteristic K lines of each material used. This source, referred to as the High Energy X-ray Source (HEXS) is described elsewhere in these proceedings[4]. Depending on the angle between the Mo anode and the surface normal of the target element, the radiation pattern reaching the CCD has a width varying from approximately 13 to 17 mm. The current was adjusted on the commercial X-ray tube to optimize the flux rate for efficient counting with losses due to pulse pile-up limited to or less. Pile-up corrections have been measured as a function of count rate, assuming the X-ray flux is linear with tube current.
For each reference CCD, the calibrated points above 4 keV will be used to model the depletion depth, which is the key parameter governing detection efficiency for the higher energy X-rays. The depletion depth has been estimated to be 47 m for one reference CCD (device w34c3). The flight chips will be operated with higher gate voltages and are estimated to have a depletion depth of order 70 m, increasing the detection efficiency for the higher energies. Other detection parameters such as the CCD oxide layer, which are more important for low energy X-rays (4 keV), are determined from the PTB/BESSY calibrations.