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11.0 Science Processing

11.1 Overview

This section describes the preliminary design of the ACIS Back End's FEP (Front End Processor) Management software. This software is responsible for configuring science runs, starting the runs, and for acquiring, processing, and sending data from the runs.

Figure 14 provides a coarse overview of science processing, where the numbers indicate the overall sequence of events for a science run.

FIGURE 14. Science Processing Overview

11.2 Science Data Processing Flow

When performing science operations, the system is treated as a pipeline. Images are produced by the CCDs, which are then, via the DEA, fed into the FEPs. The FEP hardware provides the capability to accept or ignore a complete exposure. If an exposure is accepted, it is read into the FEP's image buffer. The FEP software then scans the image looking for events. As events are found, the FEP software extracts the relevant event information and forwards it to the BEP. The BEP accepts event information from each of the active FEPs, keeping the different CCD information separate. The BEP then filters a given CCD's events, packs the accepted events into a data packet, and posts the data packet to be telemetered. As each exposure completes, the BEP forms an exposure record for each of the FEPs, and enqueues the formed packets to be telemetered.

In order to synchronize the FEP exposure processing, each FEP queries the BEP before accepting or rejecting data from the next exposure. Once all of the active FEPs have reported, the BEP notifies them all that they may proceed with the next exposure.

If the telemetry queue becomes backlogged to the point where the BEP stops reading FEP data, and one or more of the FEP buffers fill, the FEPs will wait (i.e. block) until some room becomes available. If the condition persists, the blocked FEP hardware will drop one or more subsequent exposures. Since one or more of the FEPs won't be bothering the BEP about proceeding to the next exposure, the BEP will stop responding to other FEP requests to proceed, causing all of the remaining FEPs to block. When this happens, all of the FEPs drop data from the same exposures. The FEP software is responsible for keeping track of which exposures are dropped by numbering each exposure, regardless of whether or not it is accepted by the hardware. Once the telemetry queue has room, the BEP starts reading the FEP data again, the jammed FEP(s) finish the suspended exposure and query the BEP to proceed. The BEP finally responds to the queries, and the event processing resumes. Since the FEPs are numbering each exposure whether it is processed or not, the dropped exposures will correspond to missing exposure numbers in the telemetry stream.

11.3 Science Configuration

11.3.1 Science Parameters - Class "Parameter Block"

All parameters which select and control a Science Run are supplied by ROM or parameter blocks loaded by command into the Back End Processor. The Back End software encapsulates the top level representation of parameter blocks using a "Parameter Block" class. Different types of parameter blocks "inherit" from this top level definition by providing additional operations which are specific to the particular type of block being defined. Table 32 lists the operations provided by the top-level Parameter Block definition.

TABLE 32. `Parameter Block'Operations

Function          Inputs                   Outputs                                                    
Initialize        none                     Marks the block as "unused"                                
Get Block Id      none                     Returns the "block id" of the Parameter Block              
Check CRC         none                     Computes the block's CRC and compares it with the          
                                           stored CRC. If the values are different, this function     
                                           returns an error.                                          
Get Length        none                     The length of the parameter block                          
Get Parameter     none                     The Parameter Block Identifier used by the ground to       
Block Identifier                           associate the block with the resulting science data.       
Copy to Buffer    Address of destination   Fills the specified destination buffer with the contents   
                  buffer.                  of the parameter block's data. The copied data has the     
                                           same format as the data portion of the Command             
                                           Packet used to load the block.                             
Load from Com     Address of Command       none                                                       
mand Packet       Packet containing the                                                               
                  new block contents                                                                  

11.3.2 Parameter Database- Class "Parameter Block List"

All parameter blocks are maintained by the Back End using type-specific Parameter Block Lists. These lists are implemented as arrays of "Parameter Block" classes, where the parameter's "block id" serves as the index into the array, and the type of block selects which array to use. The Back End software encapsulates this representation using a generic Parameter Block List class. This class serves to standardize the interface to the block-specific lists. Table 33 lists the operations provided by this class.

TABLE 33. `Parameter Block List'Operations

Function       Inputs                      Outputs                                            
Initialize     none                        Re-loads ROM blocks and marks remaining            
                                           blocks as "unused"                                 
Check Blocks   none                        Computes the CRC of all used blocks and flags      
                                           any which have been corrupted.                     
Replace Block  Command Packet containing   Overwrites a block with the new parameters         
               Parameter Block id and con  specified in the Command Packet.                   
Get Block      Block Id                    Address of the parameter block, or an error code   
                                           if the block is unused or has an invalid CRC.      

11.4 Setup and Processing Control

11.4.1 Science Mode Dispatch - Class "Science Run"

The Back End software manages an overall science run using the operations provided by a "Science Run" class. This class is responsible for fetching the parameters for a science run, dumping the parameters into the telemetry stream, and for dispatching control to the selected "Science Mode." The operations provided by a "Science Run" are listed in Table 34.

TABLE 34. `Science Run'Operations

Function      Inputs              Outputs  
Initialize    none                none     
Execute Run   Parameter Block Id  none     
Shutdown Run  Parameter Block Id  none     

11.4.2 Science Run Control- Class "Science Mode"

The Back End software controls a science run using a type of "Science Mode." A "Science Mode" class defines the generic properties of all science modes. Each specific type of mode inherits from this base class, and supplies any mode specific properties, operations, or implementations. Table 35 lists the operations provided by all "Science Modes."

TABLE 35. `Science Mode'Operations

Function      Inputs                              Outputs                                      
Initialize    none                                none                                         
Setup         Address of the Parameter Block to   Sets up the DEA, the FEP, and any internal   
              use for the run                     data filtering and processing information    
Start Run     none                                Start the DEA and FEPs.                      
                                                  This establishes the start time of the run.  
Process Expo  none                                Acquire and process one exposure from one    
sure                                              (or more TBD) of the FEPs.                   
Shutdown Run  none                                Shutdown the DEA and FEPs and close out      
                                                  any pending data processing.                 
Check Run     none                                Perform post-run integrity checks and pro    
                                                  duce a final science run report.             

11.4.3 CCD Sequencing - Class "PRAM Synthesizer"

A given "Science Mode" uses a PRAM synthesizer class to generate the PRAM sequence used to clock the CCDs for a given mode. Each type of clocking mode defines its own synthesizer class, but in order to present a simple and consistent interface, these classes are all types of a generic "PRAM Synthesizer" class. Table 36 lists the general operations provided by this class.

TABLE 36. `PRAM Synthesizer'Operations

Function    Inputs                      Outputs                                   
Initialize  none                        none                                      
Generate    CCD List                    Generates a PRAM sequence given the       
            Clocking Parameters to use  specified parameters, and loads the       
                                        sequence into the DEA subsections associ  
                                        ated with the specified CCDs.             
Check       CCD List                    Generates a PRAM sequence given the       
            Clocking Parameters to use  specified parameters, and compares the    
                                        sequence with that loaded in the DEA sub  
                                        sections associated with the specified    

11.5 Data Representation

11.5.1 Generic Representation - Class "Pixel Array"

All event data produced by the Front End processors consist of a collection of pixel values and pixel bias information. Different types of data produce different numbers of pixels with different dimensions, but the overall property of the data is still a collection of pixels. For this reason, the Back End represents all event data as some subclass of a "Pixel Array" class. Table 37 lists the operations provided by this generic data representation.

TABLE 37. `Pixel Array'Operations

Function          Inputs                     Outputs                                                
Initialize        none                       none                                                   
Get Position      none                       Returns the row and column of the bottom left-         
                                             most pixel in the array.                               
Get Width         none                       Returns the width of the array in pixels.              
Get Height        none                       Returns the height of the array in pixels.             
Get Pixel Pulse   Pixel Row and Column,      Returns the raw pulse-height of the pixel addressed    
Height            relative to bottom-left    by the specified location.                             
                  pixel in the array.                                                               
Get Pixel Bias    Pixel Row and Column,      Returns the bias associated with the pixel             
                  relative to bottom-left    addressed by the specified location.                   
                  pixel in the array.                                                               
Pack to Buffer    Address of the destina     Bit-packs the pixel data into the specified buffer.    
                  tion buffer.               The 12-bit raw pixel pulse-heights are bit-packed      
                  Bit-index into the first   into the buffer, starting with the bottom pixel row    
                  word of the destination    of the Pixel Array and moving left to right and then   
                  buffer.                    up to the next row. The first bit written to in the    
                  Max. Length of the         destination buffer is specified by the Bit-Index       
                  buffer.                    argument to the function. This allows the Pixel        
                                             Array data to be bit-packed along with other infor     
                                             mation into a single destination buffer.               

11.5.2 Event Representation - Class "Event Data"

The Back End software uses a sub-class of "Pixel Array" to represent event data produced by the Front End processors. This is known as the "Event Data" class. This class adds operations which are helpful for event selection and processing, but are too inefficient or inappropriate for some forms handled by the more general "Pixel Array" data representation. Table 38 lists these additional operations.

TABLE 38. `Event Data'Operations

Function              Inputs  Outputs                             
Get Event Amplitude   none    Returns the total corrected pulse-  
                              height of the event.                
Get Event Grade Code  none    Returns the "Grade" code of the     

11.5.3 Data Collections - Class "Data Platoon (name is TBR)"

In order to maintain data processing throughput, the Back End software processes event data in collections, known as "Data Platoons." A "platoon" is a traffic term referring to a package or group of items. The Back End software acquires data from the Front Ends one "platoon" at a time, and then processes the data in the platoon until it is finally stored into the telemetry stream. In practice, each type of event representation uses a corresponding platoon subtype. These subtypes, however, are derived from a common base class. Table 39 lists the operations provided by this base class.

TABLE 39. `Data Platoon'Operations

Function                Inputs  Outputs                                                        
Get CCD Id              none    Returns which CCD produced this platoon of data.               
Get Exposure Id         none    Returns the exposure, within the science run, which produced   
                                the data.                                                      
Get Number of Elements  none    Returns the total number of "Pixel Array" elements contained   
                                in the platoon.                                                
Get Element             index   Returns a reference to the indexed data element.               

11.6 Data Filtering

11.6.1 Data Filtering - Class "Data Filter"

The Back End software provides the capability to filter Front End pixel data and event data based on the various properties of this data. The Back End defines a general "Data Filter" class. Table 40 lists the common operations provided by all Back End filters.

TABLE 40. `Data Filter'Operations

Function              Inputs                          Outputs                                              
Initialize            none                            none                                                 
Reset Counters        none                            Clears the filter's internal data acceptance and     
                                                      rejection counters                                   
Get Reject Count      none                            Returns the current value of the filter's data       
                                                      rejection counter.                                   
Get Acceptance        none                            Returns the current value of the filter's accep      
Count                                                 tance counter.                                       
A subclass-specific   Address of the specific sub     Returns whether or not to telemeter the passed       
Filter operation      type of "Pixel Array" handled   data. If the data is to be rejected, it increments   
                      by the filter                   its internal rejection counter. If the data is to    
                                                      be accepted, it increments the internal accep        
                                                      tance counter.                                       

Each subclass of "Data Filter" define its own "filter" function. Since each filter depends on data-specific properties, the declaration and implementation of the "Filter" operation is left up to the various sub-classes.

11.6.2 Window Filtering - Class "Pixel Window Filter"

The Back End software uses a "Pixel Window Filter" class to select or reject raw data, or event data which falls into a specific region of the CCD. A "Pixel Window Filter" class is a subclass of "Data Filter." It only uses the common features of the class "Pixel Array," and can, therefore, process any subtype of "Pixel Array." Table 41 lists the operations provided by this filter.

TABLE 41. `Pixel Window Filter'Operation

Function      Inputs                               Outputs                                 
Set Window    Bottom Row                           none                                    
Bounding Box  Left Column                                                                  
              Pixel Width                                                                  
              Pixel Height                                                                 
Filter        Address of a "Pixel Array" or some   Returns "reject" if the bounding box    
              sub-type of "Pixel Array"            of the window does not intersect the    
                                                   Pixel Array. Returns "accept" if they   
                                                   do intersect                            

11.6.3 Amplitude Filtering - Class "Event Amplitude Filter"

The Back End software uses an "Event Amplitude Filter" class to select events whose amplitude are within a given range. An "Event Amplitude Filter" class is a subclass of "Data Filter." It uses the features of the class "Event Data," and can, therefore, process only subtypes of "Event Data." Table 42 lists the operations provided by this filter.

TABLE 42. `Event Amplitude Filter'Operation

Function        Inputs                                  Outputs                                 
Set Amplitude   Lower Amplitude Boundary                none                                    
Range           Upper Amplitude Boundary                                                        
Filter          Address of an "Event Data" element or   Returns "reject" if the amplitude of    
                some sub-type of "Event Data"           the event is less than the configured   
                                                        "Lower Boundary" or greater than        
                                                        the "Upper Boundary."                   

11.6.4 Event Grade Filtering - Class "Event Grade Filter"

The Back End software uses an "Event Grade Filter" class to select events whose "Grade" is in an acceptance list. An "Event Grade Filter" class is a subclass of "Data Filter." It uses the features of the class "Event Data," and can, therefore, process only subtypes of "Event Data." Table 43 lists the operations provided by this filter.

TABLE 43. `Event Data Filter'Operation

Function          Inputs                                   Outputs                                 
Set Grade Bitmap  Address of a 256 bit-array, indicating   none                                    
                  which Grade Codes to accept.                                                     
Filter            Address of an Event Data" element or     Returns "reject" if the event's grade   
                  some sub-type of "Event Data"            isn't in the acceptance bit-map.        

11.7 Data Processing

11.7.1 Science Telemetry - Class "Science Telemetry Packet"

The Back End software manages all science telemetry buffering using a "Science Telemetry Buffer Pool." This pool contains a set of "Science Telemetry Packets," which are a subclass of "Telemetry Packet Buffer" and inherit the properties of that class. Each type of telemetry packet used by the science processing section comes from this pool. These types of packets use equally sized buffers, which are each large enough to contain the maximum packet length used by the science system. As exposures are acquired and their data are filtered, the "Science Mode" attempts to allocate a telemetry buffer for the data, and process the data directly into the buffer. Once the buffer is filled, it is posted to the "Telemetry Manager" for transfer out of ACIS. Once the "Telemetry Manager" is done with the buffer, it "deletes" the buffer, which effectively returns it to the science telemetry pool.

11.7.2 Science Data - Class "Exposure Data"

The Back End software uses a type of "Exposure Data" telemetry packet subclass to pack and telemeter pixel array data. Different types of science data define subclasses of this top level class. This class provides the operations listed in Table 44.

TABLE 44. `Exposure Data'Operations

Function                 Inputs                                      Outputs                       
Initialize               Exposure Id                                 none                          
Get Max. Length          none                                        The maximum length of its     
                                                                     data buffer.                  
Get Available Space      none                                        The amount of space           
                                                                     remaining in its data buffer  
Subclass specific "Add   Address of particular subclass of "Pixel    none                          
Data" function           Array" to process and pack into the buffer                                

Each subclass of "Exposure Data" defines its own "Add Data" function. Since each filter depends on data-specific properties, the declaration and implementation of the "Add Data" operation is left up to the various sub-classes.

11.7.3 Exposure Information - Class "Exposure Report"

The Back End software uses a type of "Exposure Report" telemetry packet subclass to telemeter exposure-specific information (such as overclock levels, etc.). Different types of processing modes define subclasses of this top level class. This class provides the operations listed in Table 45.

TABLE 45. `Exposure Report'Operations

Function                Inputs                                  Outputs  
Initialize              Science Run Start Time                  none     
                        Parameter Block Identifier                       
                        Exposure Id                                      
Set Number of Elements  Number of items sent in the "Exposure   none     
                        Data" associated with the report.                
Set Bias Hits           Total number of Bias Map parity check   none     
                        failures since the start of the run.             

11.7.4 End of Science Run Information - Class "Run Report"

Once a Science Run has ended, the "Science Run" class sets up a "Run Report." A "Run Report" is a subclass of a "Science Telemetry Packet." It then proceeds to perform integrity checks on the key resources used during the run, and fills in the report. A "Run Report" supplies the operations listed by Table 46.

TABLE 46. `Run Report'Operations

Function            Inputs                                                           Outputs  
Initialize          Science Run Start Time                                           none     
                    Identifier of the Parameter Block used to configure the run               
Set Exposure Count  Number of exposures produced by the run                          none     
Set Bias Hits       Total number of Bias Map parity check failures since the start   none     
                    of the run.                                                               
Set DEA Report      The results of the DEA integrity checks                          none     
Set FEP Report      The results of the FEP integrity checks                          none     
Set BEP Report      The results of the local Back End data structure integrity       none     
(TBD)               checks                                                                    

11.8 Bias Map Telemetry

In order to send bias map information from each of the active CCDs, the software uses a "Bias Thief" class. This class actively acquires the bias values from the FEPs and compresses and telemeters the acquired values, as telemetry resources permit.

TABLE 47. `Bias Telemetry'Operations

Function              Inputs                     Outputs  
Start Bias Telemetry  List of active FEPs        none     
                      Location of each bias map           
                      Bias Map Row Width                  
                      Number of Bias Map rows             
Stop Bias Telemetry   none                       none     

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