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9.0 DEA Management

9.1 Overview

This section describes the preliminary design of the ACIS Back End's Detector Electronics Assembly Management software. This software manages commands to the Detector Electronics Assembly subsections, and acquires responses to the commands.

9.2 DEA SRAM and PRAM Loads

The exact format and content of Detector Electronics Assembly Program RAM and Sequencer RAM loads are TBD. The structure will probably contain one or more blocks, where each block has a DEA subsection selection mask, SRAM/PRAM address, the length of the load, and the data to load. The data will consist of a series of 16-bit words, as defined by the hardware.

9.3 DEA Management

9.3.1 Overview

Figure 12 illustrates the DEA management scenario.

FIGURE 12. DEA Management Scenario

9.3.2 DEA Management - Class "DEA Manager"

The Back End software manages commands and status from the Detector Electronics Assembly using a "DEA Manager" class. The DEA manager fields requests from other Back End software elements, translating the requests into one or more DEA commands, forwarding the commands to the "DEA Device" and acquiring the responses to the commands (see Table 9, "`DEA Device' Operations," on page 35). Table 30 lists some of the operations provided by the DEA Manager.

TABLE 30. `DEA Manager'Operations

Function                        Inputs                               Outputs                   
Initialize                      Address of "DEA Device" to use for   none                      
                                input and output                                               
Write to Channel Control Regis  Subsystem Identifier(s)              none                      
ter                             Channel identifier                                             
                                Value to write                                                 
Set D/A Converter               Subsystem Identifier(s)              none                      
                                Channel identifier                                             
                                Value to write                                                 
Read Housekeeping Register      Subsystem Identifier                 The value acquired        
                                Channel Identifier                   from the requested reg    
Load SRAM                       Subsystem Identifier(s)              none                      
                                Address to load                                                
                                Length of load                                                 
                                Data to load                                                   
Load PRAM                       Subsystem Identifier(s)              none                      
                                Address to load                                                
                                Length of load                                                 
                                Data to load                                                   
Read SRAM                       Subsystem Identifier                 Data read from            
                                Address to read from                 addressed SRAM            
                                Length to read                                                 
                                Destination Buffer                                             
Read PRAM                       Subsystem Identifier                 Data read from            
                                Address to read from                 addressed PRAM            
                                Length to read                                                 
                                Destination Buffer                                             
Start PRAM Cycle                Subsystem Identifier(s)              Start time of cycle (in   
                                Address to start cycle from          ACIS time-stamps)         
Stop PRAM Cycle                 Subsystem Identifier(s)              none                      
CCD Power Disable               none                                 none                      
CCD Power Enable                Subsystem Identifier(s)              none                      
Dump SRAM (TBD)                 Subsystem Identifier                 Series of telemetry       
                                Address to read from                 packets containing the    
                                Length to read                       requested information     
Dump PRAM (TBD)                 Subsystem Identifier                 Series of telemetry       
                                Address to read from                 packets containing the    
                                Length to read                       requested information     

The decision as to whether the "DEA Manager" is responsible for producing SRAM/PRAM telemetry dumps, or if it is a "DEA Housekeeping" operation (using the Read PRAM/SRAM features of the DEA Manager) is TBD.


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