Next: 3.1.3 On-board Data Processing
Up: 3.1 Modes
Previous: 3.1.1 Imaging Point Selection
Choices selected under this section reflect decisions
to select different CCD clocking waveforms. Choices
selected under the next section (On-board Processing
Choices) reflect decisions to select different digital
event processing algorithms in the DPA.
- Timed exposure readout mode
- Expose 0.2 to 10 seconds
(typically), transfer imaging array to frame store array, then
simultaneously start another exposure and read the frame store data.
Note that the minimum time to readout and process every pixel
in a CCD requires 3.3 seconds. Exposures shorter than this
time must reduce the number of pixels processed by selecting
a smaller `sub-frame window' on the CCD. (Sec.
Another alternative is to collect a very short exposure
(less than the 3.3 second full frame readout limit), then
take the full readout time to process the complete CCD frame,
but discard the incident photons while the readout is occurring.
This allows short exposure times and full frame readouts, but
suffers the penalty of `dead-time', time in which the CCD is
inactive for X-ray detection.
- Continuous readout mode
- allows greater time resolution, but at
the expense of angular and spectral resolution. The CCD is read
continuously; each output pixel represents the integrated flux
received as the charge crosses the array. The observer can `tune'
the clocking rate to accommodate the expected counting rate from a given
source, but at higher rates it becomes necessary to more severely
degrade the angular resolution by ignoring or combining together
CCD pixels in the readout process. Two pixel handling schemes
are possible in continuous readout mode:
Normal rate, in which each pixel of each row is read out;
and Summed, which does on-chip summation of pixels; spectral resolution is
degraded in this mode. Table 3.1 shows the
timing and resolution of each of these modes.
Table 3.1:
ACIS Readout Modes
Readout Mode |
Time Resolution |
Field-of-View |
Spatial Resolution |
Spectral |
(seconds) |
(arc-min2) |
(pixels) |
Resolution |
Timed integration |
0.2-10 |
280 |
1x,1y |
maximum |
Continuous |
Normal |
1x,1024y |
maximum |
Summed |
1024x,256y |
minimum |
Next: 3.1.3 On-board Data Processing
Up: 3.1 Modes
Previous: 3.1.1 Imaging Point Selection
John Nousek