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1.5.1 Performance Synopsis

Table 1.1 lists many characteristics relevant to the ACIS/AXAF performance. Those not discussed there will be addressed in the following sections.

Quantum efficiency
Quantum efficiency
(including filter)  
$\gt 80\%$ @ 4 keV
$\gt 30\%$ 0.8-8 keV
$\gt 5\%$ 0.35-0.8 keV
Detector projected area 16.9 by 16.9 arc-min imaging
  8.3 by 50.6 arc-min spectroscopic
System noise $\mathrel{\hbox{\rlap{\hbox{\lower4pt\hbox{$\sim$}}}\hbox{$<$}}}2$ electrons (rms) per pixel
Electron production energy $3.65 \rm eV/e^-$
Fano factor 0.12
Max readout-rate per channel 100,000 pixels/sec
Number of parallel signal channels 4
Pulse-height encoding 12 bits/pixel
Max internal data-rate 6.4 Mbs ($100,000\times4\times16\times 6$ CCD)
Output data-rate 24 kb per sec
CCD frame repetition times 3.3 sec (nominal full array)
  0.18 sec (fastest-single CCD)
Minimum line readout time 100 ms (full line)
Minimum pixel readout time $100.0 \mu \rm s$
Nominal exposure time 0.2 to 10.0 s
Point-source sensitivity $4\times10^{-15}\rm ergs\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\ in 
\ 10^4\, s$ (0.4-6.0 keV)
Detector operating temperature $-120^\circ$ C

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John Nousek