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30.0 System Configuration Classes (36-53238 A)

30.1 Purpose

The purpose of the System Configuration classes is to manage the suite of software-controllable hardware settings within the instrument.

30.2 Uses

The following lists the use of the System Configuration Classes:

  1. Update settings within the system's table

  2. Update DEA and FEP power selections

  3. Load updated settings into the DEA interface controller

  4. Power off the DEA if the radiation monitor is asserted

  5. Re-enable DEA power once the radiation monitor de-asserts

  6. Re-load settings into a DEA CCD controller

30.3 Organization

Figure 142 illustrates the class relationships used by the System Configuration Classes. These class include the SysConfigTable class, which maintains the current list of settings, and the SystemConfiguration class, which is a task which reloads settings into the hardware and monitors the radiation flag.

FIGURE 142. System Configuration Class Relationships

SysConfigTable- This class represents the collection of system configuration parameters within the instrument. It provides a function which modifies an entry in the table (changeEntry), and provides a function which returns the address and length of the table for purposes of dumping the table to telemetry (getTableInfo). This class provides services used by the SystemConfiguration class to get the desired power settings for each of the DEA and FEP boards (getDeaPowerEnable, getFepPowerEnable), to fetch a desired DEA CCD Controller or Interface Controller register setting from the table (getCcdSetting, getCntlSetting, respectively), and to determine the total number of settings for the CCD Controller or Interface Controller (getCcdSettingCount., getCntlSettingCount, respectively).

SystemConfiguration- This class is a subclass of Executive::Task, and is responsible for maintaining the hardware configuration settings and reacting to the radiation monitor. This class provides a main task entry function (goTaskEntry) and a public function used to reload all settings into a CCD Controller (reloadCcdSettings).

Task- This class is supplied by the Executive class category. It represents and controls an active running task. The SystemConfiguration class inherits from this class, and uses the class's functions to relinquish control for a period of time (sleep), and to detect queries from the TaskMonitor (requestEvent).

RadDevice- This class is supplied by the Devices class category. It is responsible for providing access to the radiation monitor flag (isAsserted).

IntrGuard- This class is supplied by the Devices class category and is responsible for disabling and re-enabling interrupts.

TaskMonitor- This class is supplied by the Executive class category, and is responsible for periodically polling each task in the instrument. When polled, the SystemConfiguration task responds using this classes member function (respond).

DeaManager- This class is supplied by the Protocols class category, and is responsible for arbitrating access to the DEA hardware interface. The SystemConfiguration class uses this class to disable power to the DEA boards (powerOff), to query the current power state of the boards (hasPower), to enable power to the boards (powerOn), and to write to the CCD Controller and Interface Controller boards registers (setCcdRegister, setCntlRegister, respectively).

FepManager- This class is supplied by the Protocols class category, and is responsible for managing access to the Front End Processors. The SystemConfiguration class uses this class to query the current power state of each of the FEPs (hasPower), to disable power to a FEP (powerOff), and to power on a FEP and load a default program (loadRunProgram).

ScienceManager- This class is supplied by the Science class category, and is responsible for managing overall science processing. The SystemConfiguration class uses this class to detect when a science run is complete (isIdle), and to abort a run in-progress and inhibit further runs (inhibit).

30.4 Scenarios

30.4.1 Overall SystemConfiguration task operation

The SystemConfiguration task consists of a main polling loop, contained within goTaskEntry(), which uses the RadDevice class to determine when the radiation monitor is asserted.

Figure 143 illustrates the main operations performed on each iteration of this loop, and the interactions with the Radiation Monitor interrupt.

FIGURE 143. SystemConfiguration task polling loop

  1. During system startup, the executive starts the systemConfiguration task using systemConfiguration.goTaskEntry(). The task function goTaskEntry() then enters its infinite polling loop.

  2. At the top of its loop, goTaskEntry() calls sleep() to allow other tasks to run.

  3. It then checks for, and responds to queries from the taskMonitor, and checks the current state of the radiation monitor using checkMonitors().

  4. It then checks if the radiation monitor has been asserted, using radDevice.isAsserted(). Assume for this example, that the monitor has been asserted.

  5. Once the task detects the assertion of the monitor, it tells science to end its current run and delay the start of any subsequent runs until the radiation condition subsides, by passing BoolTrue to scienceManager.inhibit().

  6. The task then shuts off power to all of the DEA's CCD-controller boards, using powerOffDea().

  7. If the radiation monitor is not asserted, the task then updates any changes to the DEA power settings using updateDeaPower().

  8. If the monitor had previously been asserted, the task then enables science runs using enableScience(), which then passes BoolFalse to scienceManager.inhibit() to perform the enable (and possibly re-start a previously shutdown science run).

  9. On each iteration, the task updates the FEP power settings using updateFepPower(), and updates the DEA Interface Controller settings using updateCntlSettings().

30.4.2 Use 1: Update settings within the system's table

To modify an entry in the system configuration table, the client passes the entry index and value to sysConfigTable.changeEntry(), which then modifies the indexed value and sets the corresponding changed flag to BoolTrue. Later, the systemConfiguration task will pick up the modification, adjust the corresponding DEA hardware setting or power selection as described in the subsequent scenarios and sets the changed flag to BoolFalse.

The final layout of the table is TBD. Table 26 illustrates the current layout:

TABLE 26. System Configuration Table Layout

Index              Name              Quantity  Description                                        
0                  DEA Power         1         This is a bit-field, indicating which CCD-con      
                                               trollers should be powered. Each bit is indexed    
                                               by CCD Id (i.e. bit 0 corresponds to CCD_I0).      
                                               If a bit is `1', then the CCD controller should    
                                               be on, otherwise, it should be off. Unused bits    
                                               in the field should be set to zero.                
1                  FEP Power         1         This is a bit-field, indicating which FEPs         
                                               should be powered. Each bit is indexed by          
                                               FEP Id (i.e. bit 0 corresponds to FEP_0). If a     
                                               bit is `1', then the FEP should be on, other       
                                               wise, it should be off. Unused bits in the field   
                                               should be set to zero.                             
2..65              DEA Interface     64        This is an array of interface board settings.      
                   Controller Set              The assignments are TBD.                           
66+ (64 * ccdId)   DEA CCD Con       10 * 64   This is a set of arrays of CCD Controller set      
+ settingId        troller Settings            tings. The index formula indicates the offset to   
                                               a particular setting, indicated by settingId       
                                               for a particular CCD Controller, indicated by      
                                               ccdId. The register assignments are TBD.           

30.4.3 Use 2: Update DEA and FEP power selections

Figure 144 illustrates the case where the SystemConfiguration updates the DEA power settings.

FIGURE 144. Update DEA Power Settings

  1. The main polling loop of the systemConfiguration task determines that the radiation monitor is off. It takes the opportunity to update any DEA power settings which have changed by calling updateDeaPower().

  2. updateDeaPower() consists of two loops. The first loop powers off any DEA boards which have been disabled. The second loop then powers on any boards which have been enabled (NOTE: The settings for a given CCD controller are re-loaded at the onset of the next science run). At the top of each loop iteration, updateDeaPower() calls checkMonitors() to ensure that the taskMonitor and radiation monitors are responded to in a timely fashion.

  3. checkMonitors() first checks to see if a query from the taskMonitor is outstanding, using the inherited function, Task::requestEvent().

  4. If a query is pending, checkMonitors() replies to the query using taskMonitor.respond().

  5. checkMonitors() then checks to see if the radiation monitor is active by calling isRadiationOn() (not shown). isRadiationOn() then calls radDevice.isAsserted() to test the hardware radiation monitor flag. If the flag is asserted, then checkMonitors() returns, indicating that the current update operation should be aborted. If the radiation monitor is inactive, then the current operation may proceed. Assume for the remainder of the scenario that the monitor is inactive.

  6. updateDeaPower() then obtains the desired power setting for a DEA board using sysConfigTable.getDeaPowerEnable().

  7. updateDeaPower() then compares this with the current power state of the board, as indicated by deaManager.hasPower().

  8. If the configuration indicates that the board should be off, but it is on, updateDeaPower() shuts off power to the board using deaManager.powerOff().

  9. Once all of the boards which should be off have been disabled, updateDeaPower() checks for boards which should be turned on. If a board's power is off when it should be on, updateDeaPower() enables power to the board using deaManager.powerOn().

The scenario for powering FEPs is similar to the above scenario except that the desired power settings are obtained using sysConfigTable.getFepPowerEnable(), and the queries and power control functions (hasPower, powerOff, powerOn) are issued to the fepManager, rather than the deaManager. Since changes in FEP power are driven by power-consumption and thermal concerns, power settings to the FEPs are always updated, regardless of the state of the radiation monitor.

30.4.4 Use 3: Load updated settings into the DEA interface controller

Figure 145 illustrates the steps used by the SystemConfiguration class to update modified register settings in the DEA interface controller board.

FIGURE 145. Load updated DEA settings

  1. The systemConfiguration's polling loop calls updateCntlSettings() to update any DEA interface controller register values which have changed.

  2. updateCntlSettings() obtains the total number of settings for the interface board using sysConfigTable.getCntlSettingCount(). It then enters its main loop to update the collection of settings.

  3. Meanwhile, a client object may make changes to the collection of settings using sysConfigTable.changeEntry(). If a change is made to a setting prior to it's being processed by updateCntlSettings(), it will be loaded into the hardware on this invocation of updateCntlSettings(). If, however, a change is made after it has been passed over by updateCntlSettings(), it won't be loaded into the DEA until the next iteration of the systemConfiguration task's polling loop.

  4. At the start of each iteration of the loop, updateCntlSettings() calls checkMonitors() to respond to queries from the taskMonitor.

  5. updateCntlSettings() obtains the desired value for a given DEA board's register, whether or not it is used by the hardware, and whether or not the desired setting has changed since the last update, using sysConfigTable.getCntlSetting().

  6. If the register setting is used, and has changed, updateCntlSettings() loads the value into the DEA board using deaManager.setCntlRegister().

30.4.5 Use 4: Power off the DEA if the radiation monitor is asserted

Figure 146 illustrates the steps used by the SystemConfiguration class to shutdown the DEA when the radiation monitor has been asserted.

FIGURE 146. DEA shutdown due to radiation monitor assertion

  1. When the systemConfiguration task's polling loop detects that the radiation monitor has gone off, it instructs the scienceManager to stop its current run, and delay the onset of any subsequent runs, by passing BoolTrue to scienceManager.inhibit().

  2. It then immediately shuts off power to all of the DEA's CCD-controller boards using powerOffDea().

  3. powerOffDea() iterates through each board. At top of each iteration, powerOffDea() calls checkMonitors() to respond to any queries from the taskMonitor. Since it already knows that the radiation monitor has been asserted, powerOffDea() ignores the return value from checkMonitors().

  4. As part of its processing loop, powerOffDea() then shuts off power to each DEA CCD-controller using deaManager.powerOff().

30.4.6 Use 5: Re-enable DEA power once the radiation monitor de-asserts

Once the radiation monitor subsides, the systemConfiguration's polling loop calls updateDeaPower() to power on all of the required DEA boards (see Section 30.4.3). Their respective settings are re-loaded at the onset of the next science run. It then enables science by passing BoolFalse to scienceManager.inhibit().

30.4.7 Use 6: Re-load settings into a DEA CCD controller

The settings for a given CCD Controller are re-loaded when the CCD is about to be used for a science run. Its settings are loaded as part of the setup for the run. Figure 147 illustrates the steps used by the SystemConfiguration to load the settings for a particular CCD.

FIGURE 147. Re-load CCD Controller Settings

  1. The client (scienceManager) attempts to re-load the settings for a particular CCD controller using systemConfiguration.reloadCcdSettings().

  2. reloadCcdSettings() obtains the number of settings used for a CCD controller using sysConfigTable.getCcdSettingCount().

  3. reloadCcdSettings() then enters loading loop. On each iteration, reloadCcdSettings() calls checkMonitor() to test for and respond to queries from the TaskMonitor.

  4. reloadSettings() checks that the selected CCD controller was commanded to be powered on using deaManager.hasPower(). If the board was not powered on, then the function immediately returns.

  5. If the board has power, reloadCcdSettings() obtains the next setting using sysConfigTable.getCcdSetting().

  6. It loads the setting into the CCD Controller using deaManager.setCcdRegister().

30.5 Class SysConfigTable

This class acts as a repository for the system configuration settings.
Export Control:




Public Interface:



Protected Interface:



Private Interface:

Has-A Relationships:

Boolean inuseCcdMap[64 (TBD)]: This is an array of in-use flags indicating whether a particular DEA CCD-controller board register is used by the hardware or not. The array is indexed by register index. If an entry is BoolFalse, then the corresponding setting is not used by the system. If an entry is BoolTrue, then the setting entry is valid.

Boolean inuseCntlMap[64 (TBD)]: This is an array of in-use flags indicating whether a particular DEA interface board register is used by the hardware or not. The array is indexed by register index. If an entry is BoolFalse, then the corresponding setting is not used by the system. If an entry is BoolTrue, then the setting entry is valid.

Boolean settingChanged[2818 (TBD)]: This is an array of flags which indicate which values have been changed since the last read. BoolFalse indicates that the value hasn't changed since the last query, and BoolTrue indicates that the value has changed. (TBD: use bit-field)

unsigned short setting[2818 (TBD)]: This is the array of configuration setting values.

30.5.1 SysConfigTable()

Public member of:
This function is the constructor for the SysConfigTable class.This function initializes the in-use tables, and flags all settings as changed.

30.5.2 changeEntry()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned item
unsigned value
This function modifies the configuration entry, setting the entry indicated by item to the passed value.

30.5.3 getCcdSetting()

Public member of:
Return Class:


CcdId ccdid
unsigned regid
unsigned short& value
Boolean& changed
This function reads the desired setting for the DEA CCD Controller register. The CCD controller is indicated by ccdid, and the register setting is indexed by regid. The function returns the desired setting in value and resets the modification flag corresponding to the entry. If the value has changed since the last call, the function sets changed to BoolTrue. If the value hasn't changed since the last time it was fetched, changed contains BoolFalse. If the register is not used by the DEA hardware, the function returns BoolFalse. If it is a valid hardware register, the function returns BoolTrue. (NOTE: This scheme is to allow for late changes to the DEA register settings without impacting the software design).

30.5.4 getCcdSettingCount()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function returns the fixed number of CCD controller settings in the table.

30.5.5 getCntlSetting()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned regid
unsigned short& value
Boolean& changed
This function reads the desired setting for the DEA Interface Controller register. The register setting is indexed by regid. The function returns the desired setting in the value and resets the changed flag corresponding to the entry. If the value has changed since the last call, the function sets changed to BoolTrue. If the value hasn't changed since the last time it was fetched, changed contains BoolFalse. If the register is not used by the DEA hardware, the function returns BoolFalse. If it is a valid hardware register, the function returns BoolTrue. (NOTE: This scheme is to allow for late changes to the DEA register settings without impacting the software design).

30.5.6 getCntlSettingCount()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function returns the fixed number of Interface controller settings in the table.

30.5.7 getDeaPowerEnable()

Public member of:
Return Class:


DeaBoardId boardid
This function returns whether or not the DEA board, indicated by boardid, is configured to be powered on. If the board should not be powered on, this function returns BoolFalse. If the board should be powered on when the radiation monitor is not active, the function returns BoolTrue.

30.5.8 getFepPowerEnable()

Public member of:
Return Class:


FepId fepid
This function indicates whether or not the FEP, indicated by fepid, should be powered on. If the function returns BoolFalse, the FEP should be off. If the function returns BoolTrue, the FEP should be on.

30.5.9 getSetting()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


unsigned item
unsigned short& value
Boolean& changed
This function reads and resets the changed flag for the indicated item. The fetched item is returned in value. If the value has changed since the last time it was fetched, the function sets changed to BoolTrue, otherwise, changed contains BoolFalse.

30.5.10 getTableInfo()

Public member of:
Return Class:


const unsigned*& addr
unsigned& wordcnt
This function returns the address and word length of the system configuration table. Upon return, addr points to the start of the system configuration table, and wordcnt contains the number of 32-bit words in the table.

30.6 Class SystemConfiguration

This class manages the system configuration of the instrument. It is responsible for monitoring the radiation flag, maintaining the power settings to the DEA and FEP, and updating DEA register settings.
Export Control:




Implementation Uses:


Public Interface:



Protected Interface:



Private Interface:

Has-A Relationships:

const unsigned pollSleep: This contains the number of ticks the task should sleep on each iteration.

Boolean radiationAssertFlag: This flag indicates that the radiation monitor has been asserted.

30.6.1 SystemConfiguration()

Public member of:


unsigned taskid
This is the constructor of the system configuration class. taskid is the RTX task id to use for the task. This function first initializes the parent Task. It then initializes its instance variables.

30.6.2 checkMonitors()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function polls the radiation monitor and the task monitor. If the task monitor is querying the task, the function responds to the query. If the radiation monitor is off, the function returns BoolFalse. If the monitor is on, the function returns BoolTrue.

30.6.3 enableScience()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function enables science activities if the radiation monitor is not active.

30.6.4 goTaskEntry()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This is the main loop of the system configuration task. This loop sleeps for pollSleep timer ticks. It then processes taskMonitor queries, changes to the radiation monitor flag, and updates any changed power or board settings, if allowed by the radiation monitor and science.

30.6.5 isRadiationOn()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function polls the radiation monitor. If the monitor is asserted the function returns BoolTrue. If the monitor is off, the function returns BoolFalse.

30.6.6 powerOffDea()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function shuts down power to all of the DEA's CCD-controller boards.

30.6.7 reloadCcdSettings()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


CcdId ccdid
This function reloads all settings to the DEA CCD controller board indicated by ccdid. Currently, the function always returns BoolTrue.

30.6.8 updateCcdSettings()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function updates any settings which have changed in any of the powered DEA CCD controllers. It returns BoolTrue if it completes, and BoolFalse if it is aborted by the radiation monitor.
NOTE: This function is currently unused, and may disappear.

30.6.9 updateCntlSettings()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function updates any settings which have changed in the DEA Interface controller.

30.6.10 updateDeaPower()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function tests DEA power, first shutting down all boards which should be turned off, and then powering on boards which should be powered on. This function returns BoolTrue if successful, and BoolFalse if it was aborted by the radiation monitor.

30.6.11 updateFepPower()

Protected member of:
Return Class:
This function updates the power settings of the FEPs. It first powers down all FEPs which should be off, and then powers on and runs the default FEP program on all FEPs which should be powered on. This function currently always returns BoolTrue.

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