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29.0 FatalError (36-53243 01)

29.1 Purpose

The Fatal Error class provides notification that an irrecoverable condition exists and controls an expeditious watchdog CPU reset.

29.2 Uses

Any of the processes or functions may use Fatal Error. Normally, requests for this service are a result of some function encountering a illegal value or condition.

Specifically it provides the following features:

  1. Initiates a panic message which identifies the fault encountered

  2. Forces a system reset.

29.3 Organization

Figure 140 illustrates the relationship between the classes used by Fatal Error.

FIGURE 140. Fatal Error Class Relationships

Fatal Error uses Devices, and, Protocols, class categories.

IntrGuard - This class is provided by the Devices class category, and is used to prevent interrupts from interfering with FatalErrors activities.

TlmFatal - This class is provided by the Protocols class category and is responsible for insertion of the data into the packet and for initiating delivery of the panic message.

Watchdog - This class is provided by the Devices class category and is responsible for resetting the hardware watchdog timer.

29.4 Scenarios

The 1: may be called by any active process. It is delivered a value identifying the error encountered, and a second argument which provides further information. A call to never returns.

FIGURE 141. Fatal Error Scenario

29.4.1 Use 1: Deliver Panic Message invokes IntrGuard.guard 2: which disables interrupts. FatalError will then touch() 3: the watchdog providing sufficient time to telemeter the error message. Failure to complete the following steps will result in the watchdog resetting when its regular interval completes since the disabled interrupts will keep the taskMonitor() from touching the watchdog. 

report() then delivers the information to the TlmFatal form using its sendMessage() 4: function which installs the arguments provided by the client into a packet buffer, and hands it off to TlmManager.sendPanic() for delivery (not shown). sendPanic() attempts to allow an outgoing message to complete before resetting the telemetry device, handing off the message, and idling for a nominal interval before returning.

29.4.2 Use 2: Handle Watchdog

The Watchdog.forceReset() 5: is used to reset that device to the shortest interval, and then busy loops until the CPU is reset.

29.5 Class Fatal Error

FatalError provides the ability to issue a fatal error telemetry report, then hastens the hardware watchdog's reset of the system.
Export Control: Public
Cardinality: 1
Superclasses:   none 
Public Interface


Concurrency: Synchronous
Persistence: Transient

29.5.1 FatalError()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This constructor initializes the FatalError instance.
Concurrency: Sequential

29.5.2 report()

Public member of:
Return Class:
enum Fatal_Code errorNum
unsigned opInfo 
report() provides the means to control interrupts, deliver a panic message and set the shortest Watchdog interval to immediately reset the CPU.
When a client activates report(), it disables interrupts, touches the watchdog timer, initiates installation of the arguments provided into the packet using TlmFatal.sendMessage() which hands it off to the Telemetry Manager for delivery. report() invokes Watchdog.forceReset() which will cause an immediate watchdog reset.
This function Never returns.
Concurrency: Sequential


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