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32.0 Bad Pixel and Column Map Classes (36-53240 A)

32.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Bad Pixel and Column Map classes are to maintain a persistent list of bad CCD pixels and columns within the instrument. Within the instrument, there is one bad pixel map, and two bad column maps. The bad column maps are respectively associated with Timed Exposure mode and Continuous Clocking mode. These lists are used by science processing to prevent damaged pixels from saturating telemetry with non-X-ray event data.

32.2 Uses

The following lists the use of the Bad Pixel and Column Map classes:

  1. Append a bad pixel entry to the end of a bad pixel or column map

  2. Remove all entries from a bad pixel or column map

  3. Retrieve an entry from a bad pixel or column map

  4. Retrieve the address and length of a map (for telemetry dump purposes)

32.3 Organization

Figure 152 illustrates the class relationships used by the Bad Pixel and Column Map classes. These classes include the BadPixelMap class, which is responsible for maintaining a list of bad pixels, and a BadColumnMap class, which is responsible for maintaining a list of bad column entries. In order to prevent stray pointers from corrupting the tables, their contents are maintained within Instruction Cache RAM (I-cache). The BadPixelMap and BadColumnMap classes both use the Mongoose class to read and write to this RAM.

FIGURE 152. Bad Pixel and Column Map Class Relationships

BadPixelMap- This class represents a list of bad pixels for all CCDs in the system. This class maintains the list in I-cache and provides functions to append new entries to the end of the list (addPixel), remove all entries from the list (removeAll), retrieve an entry from the list (getPixel) and get the total number of entries currently stored in the list (getCount). In order to support dumping the list to telemetry, the class also provides a function which returns the address of the start of the list, and the number of 32-bit words contained in the list (getMapInfo).

BadColumnMap- This class represents a list of bad columns for all CCDs in the system. This class maintains the list in I-cache and provides functions to append new entries to the end of the list (addColumn), remove all entries from the list (removeAll), retrieve an entry from the list (getColumn) and get the total number of entries currently stored in the list (getCount). In order to support dumping the list to telemetry, the class also provides a function which returns the address of the start of the list, and the number of 32-bit words contained in the list (getMapInfo).

Mongoose- This class is provided by the Devices class category, and is used by the BadPixelMap and BadColumnMap classes to write and read data to and from I-cache RAM (icacheWrite, icacheRead).

32.4 Memory Layouts

32.4.1 I-cache Memory Map

In order to reduce the opportunity that writes through a corrupted data pointer will corrupt the bad pixel and column maps, these maps are maintained within Instruction Cache RAM. Each map consists of a 32-bit entry count, followed by zero or more entries. For bad pixel maps, each entry is 32-bits wide. For bad column maps, each entry is 16-bits wide. Table 27 illustrates a proposed layout for the bad pixel and column maps.

TABLE 27. I-cache Bad Pixel and Column Map Layout (TBD)

Region                         Address     Byte Size  Description                       
Patch Area                     0x800fffff  0x30400                                      
Bad Pixel Map         Entries  0x800cdc04  0x9ffc     Array of bad pixel map entries    
                                                      (max. 10239)                      
                      Count    0x800cdc00  0x4        Number of 32-bit bad pixel map    
                                                      entries in the table              
Continuous Clocking   Entries  0x800cc404  0x17fc     Array of bad column map entries   
Bad Column Map                                        (max. 3070 entries)               
                      Count    0x800cc400  0x4        Number of 16-bit bad column map   
                                                      entries in the table              
Timed Exposure        Entries  0x800cac04  0x17fc     Array of bad column map entries   
Bad Column Map                                        (max. 3070 entries)               
                      Count    0x800cac00  0x4        Number of 16 bit bad column map   
                                                      entries in the table              
Compression Tables             0x800c2c00  0x8000                                       
Parameter Blocks               0x800c0400  0x2800                                       
System Configuration           0x800c0000  0x400                                        
Code                           0x80080000  0x40000                                      

32.4.2 Bad Pixel Entry Format

The bit layout for a bad pixel entry is as follows:

(msb)   24  23  20  19  10  9  (lsb)  
31                                0   
     0      CCD Id   Column      Row    

Where row and column specify the row and column position of the pixel within the CCD, and CCD Id specifies which CCD has the bad pixel. 0 indicates that the corresponding bits are set to 0 in a map entry.

32.4.3 Bad Column Entry Format

Bad column entries are bit-packed into each 32-bit entry location within I-cache, starting with the lower 16-bits. If there are an odd number of bad column entries in the table, the last 32-bit word in the table will contain 0 in its upper 16-bits. (NOTE: There is no ambiguity since he count at the beginning of the table reflects the number of column entries, not pairs of entries). The format of a 32-bit word containing two entries is as follows:

(msb)   30  29      26  25      16  15  14  13      10  9  (lsb)  
31                                                             0  
     0       CCD Id 1    Column 1      0     CCD Id 0   Column 0   

Where Column specifies the position of the column pixel within the CCD, and CCD Id specifies which CCD has the bad pixel. 0 indicates that the corresponding bits are set to 0 in a map entry.

32.5 Scenarios

32.5.1 Use 1: Append a bad pixel entry to the end of a map

Figure 153 illustrates the steps used by the client to append a bad pixel to the end of the bad pixel map. The steps to append a bad column are similar.

FIGURE 153. Append Bad Pixel to map

  1. The client appends a pixel to the end of the bad pixel list by passing the pixel's CCD identifier, and row and column identifiers to badPixelMap.addPixel().

  2. addPixel() gets the current end of the map using getCount().

  3. getCount() uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read the entry count from within I-cache.

  4. addPixel() checks to see if the table is full, and if so, returns the condition to the client. If the table is not full, addPixel() then retrieves the address of the entry slot just after the last entry using getAddress().

  5. addPixel() then forms the entry value and write it to I-cache using mongoose.icacheWrite(). For the Bad Column map, if the entry slot index is odd, addColumn() (not illustrated) uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read the current 32-bit word from RAM, places the new entry value into the upper 16-bits of the word, and writes the value back out using mongoose.icacheWrite().

  6. addPixel() then increments the current entry count and stores the value using setCount().

  7. setCount() writes the new entry counter to I-cache using mongoose.icacheWrite().

32.5.2 Use 2: Remove all entries from a map

Figure 154 illustrates the steps used by the client to remove all entries from the bad pixel map. The steps to remove all entries from a bad column map are similar.

FIGURE 154. Delete contents of map

  1. The client empties the bad pixel map by calling badPixelMap.removeAll().

  2. removeAll() passes zero to setCount() to indicate the map is now empty.

  3. setCount() stores the passed entry count into I-cache using mongoose.icacheWrite().

32.5.3 Use 3: Retrieve an entry from a map

Figure 155 illustrates the steps used by the client to retrieve an entry from the bad pixel map. The steps to obtain a bad column entry are similar.

FIGURE 155. Get Bad Pixel entry

  1. The client obtains the number of entries currently in the table using badPixelMap.getCount().

  2. The client then iteratively calls badPixelMap.getPixel() to obtain the contents of each bad pixel map entry.

  3. getPixel() uses getAddress() to obtain the memory location of the desired map entry.

  4. getPixel() then reads the entry using mongoose.icacheRead(), and returns the entry's CCD identifier, and row and column position to the caller. For the Bad Column Map, if the requested index is odd, the function shifts the upper 16-bits of the read word into the lower 16-bits, and then extracts the entry's fields from the lower 16-bits.

32.5.4 Use 4: Retrieve the address and length of a map

Figure 156 illustrates the steps used by a client to obtain the address and word length of the bad pixel map. The steps to obtain the corresponding address and length of a bad column map are similar.

FIGURE 156. Get Map Address and Length

  1. The client gets the I-cache address of the map, and the number of words in the map using badPixelMap.getMapInfo().

  2. getMapInfo() retrieves the current number of entries using getCount().

  3. getCount() reads the entry count value from I-cache using mongoose.icacheRead(). getMapInfo() then returns the map's address and word count to the caller.

32.6 Class BadPixelMap

This class represents the Bad Pixel Map within the instrument. It is responsible for managing the list of bad CCD pixels within I-cache.
Export Control:




Implementation Uses:


Public Interface:



Protected Interface:



Private Interface:

Has-A Relationships:

unsigned* const baseAddress: This is the base address of the bad pixel map in i-cache.

const unsigned maxCount: This is the maximum number of entries in the bad pixel map table.

32.6.1 BadPixelMap()

Public member of:


unsigned* base
unsigned words
This is the constructor for the bad pixel map. base is the base address of the map in I-cache, and words is the maximum number of words that can be stored in the map. The initialization statements for the constructor set baseAddress to the passed base, and maxCount to the passed words.

32.6.2 addPixel()

Public member of:
Return Class:


CcdId ccdid
unsigned row
unsigned column
This function adds a pixel to the bad pixel map. ccdid is the CCD which contains the bad pixel. row and column identify the pixel's row and column location within the CCD. If successful, the function returns BoolTrue. If the map is full and the pixel cannot be stored, it returns BoolFalse.
This forms the bit-field entry using the passed arguments. It then uses getCount() to get the number of entries currently in the map. If the result is less than maxCount, the function uses getAddress() to get the virtual address of the last written entry, and uses mongoose.icacheWrite() to write the new entry onto the end of the map. It then uses setCount() to store the incremented entry count into I-cache.

32.6.3 getAddress()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


unsigned index
This function obtains the I-cache address for the table entry indicated by index. The function uses getCount() to obtain the number of entries in the table. If index is beyond the end of the table, this function returns 0, otherwise, it adds index + 1 to baseAddress (the plus 1 handles the count field at the beginning of the table) to form the address of the entry, and returns the computed table entry address.

32.6.4 getCount()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function returns the number of bad pixel entries currently in the bad pixel map. This function uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read the count field from the map.

32.6.5 getMapInfo()

Public member of:
Return Class:


const unsigned*& addr
unsigned& wordcnt
This function retrieves the base address of the bad pixel map, and the number of 32-bit words currently stored in the map. On return, addr contains the address of the map in I-cache (baseAddress), and wordcnt contains the number of words in the map (result of getCount() + 1).

32.6.6 getPixel()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned index
CcdId& ccdout
unsigned& rowout
unsigned& colout
This function retrieves the bad pixel indexed by index. On return, ccdout contains the CCD which contains the bad pixel, and rowout and colout contain the row and column position within the CCD. If index is within range, the function returns BoolTrue. If index is beyond the last entry in the map, the function returns BoolFalse.
This starts by getting the address corresponding to the entry indicated by index using getAddress(). If the entry is valid (i.e. result is not zero), the function uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read the entry, and then extracts the bit-fields from the entry and stores the values into ccdout, rowout and colout.

32.6.7 removeAll()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function removes all pixels from the Bad Pixel Map by writing 0 to the entry count at the start of the map via setCount().

32.6.8 setCount()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


unsigned count
This function sets the number of pixels currently stored in the bad pixel map. This function calls mongoose.icacheWrite() to store count into the first location of the map.

32.7 Class BadColumnMap

This class represents the Bad Column Map within the instrument. It is responsible for managing the list of bad CCD columns within I-cache.
Export Control:




Implementation Uses:


Public Interface:



Protected Interface:



Private Interface:

Has-A Relationships:

unsigned* const baseAddress: This is the base address of the bad column map in i-cache.

const unsigned maxCount: This is the maximum number of entries in the bad column map table.

32.7.1 BadColumnMap()

Public member of:


unsigned* base
unsigned words
This is the constructor for the bad column map. base is the base address of the map in I-cache, and words is the maximum number of words that can be stored in the map. The initialization statements for the constructor set baseAddress to the passed base, and maxCount to the passed words.

32.7.2 addColumn()

Public member of:
Return Class:


CcdId ccdid
unsigned column
This function adds a column to the bad column map. ccdid is the CCD which contains the bad column. column identifies the column's location within the CCD. If successful, the function returns BoolTrue. If the map is full and the column cannot be stored, it returns BoolFalse.
This forms a right-justified bit-field entry using the passed arguments. It then uses getCount() to get the number of entries currently in the map. If the result is less than maxCount, the function uses getAddress() to get the virtual address of the last written entry. If the result is odd, it then uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read the low order bits of the last entry, shifts the new entry into the upper 16-bits and combines the two. Otherwise, if the entry count is even, the function increments the address pointer to point to the next 32-bit word in the table. If then uses mongoose.icacheWrite() to write the new entry onto the end of the map. It then uses setCount() to store the incremented entry count into I-cache.

32.7.3 getAddress()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


unsigned index
This function obtains the I-cache address for the table entry indicated by index. The function uses getCount() to obtain the number of entries in the table. If index is beyond the end of the table, this function returns 0, otherwise, it adds (index/2) + 1 to baseAddress (NOTE: The divide by two is because there are two entries per 32-bit I-cache word, and the plus 1 handles the count field at the beginning of the table) to form the address of the entry, and returns the computed table entry address.

32.7.4 getColumn()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned index
CcdId& ccdout
unsigned& colout
This function retrieves the bad column indexed by index. On return, ccdout contains the CCD which contains the bad column, and colout contains the column position within the CCD. If index is within range, the function returns BoolTrue. If index is beyond the last entry in the map, the function returns BoolFalse.
This starts by getting the address corresponding to the entry indicated by index using getAddress(). If the entry is valid (i.e. result is not zero), the function uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read word containing the entry. If index is odd, it then shifts the read word to put the desired entry into the lower 16-bits of the word. It then extracts the bit-fields from the entry in the lower 16-bits and stores the values into ccdout, rowout and colout.

32.7.5 getCount()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function returns the number of bad column entries currently in the bad column map. This function uses mongoose.icacheRead() to read the count field from the map.

32.7.6 getMapInfo()

Public member of:
Return Class:


const unsigned*& addr
unsigned& wordcnt
This function retrieves the base address of the bad column map, and the number of 32-bit words currently stored in the map. On return, addr contains the address of the map in I-cache (baseAddress), and wordcnt contains the number of words in the map. The wordcnt is computed by dividing the result of getCount() by two, rounding up to the nearest word, and adding 1 (for the count field at the start of the table).

32.7.7 removeAll()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function removes all columns from the Bad Column Map by writing 0 to the entry count at the start of the map via setCount().

32.7.8 setCount()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


unsigned count
This function sets the number of columns, count, currently stored in the bad column map using mongoose.icacheWrite().

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