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44.0 FEP Continuously Clocked Bias Calibration (36-53227 02)

44.1 Purpose

The fepCClkBias module, executing in the FEP, calibrates the bias map for subsequent continuously-clocked science processing. It is called from fepCtl with a single argument, fp, a pointer to the fepParm structure. Before invoking fepCClkBias, the FEP must be commanded to load a continuously-clocked FEPparmBlock into fp->tp.

In continuous clocking mode, all pixels within the same column have moved through all rows of CCD image and frame stores, and are therefore characterized by identical values of bias threshold. However, the FEP hardware thresholder requires the bias map to be 2-dimensional as in timed exposure more, although all entries in a given column will be identical. It is therefore particularly simple to compute the continuously clocked bias map --the image map is filled with N consecutive rows of pixels (typically 1024), and the bias threshold for each column is determined from the N values. The values are replicated in each row of the bias map. If a bias value is subsequently upset by a high-energy event and is detected by its incorrect parity, the correct value can be retrieved from the remaining values in the same column of the bias map.

44.2 Uses

The fepCClkBias function has a single mode of operation:

  1. Calculate a continuously-clocked bias map.

    FIGURE 182. fepCClkBias Structure

44.3 Organization

All interactions with the BEP and with FEP hardware are made through fepio library functions described in Section 38.0. The commands that are passed between FEP and BEP are defined in that document and in Section 4.10. fepCClkBias makes use of the following functions which call each other in the manner shown in Figure 1:

44.4 Global Variables

The following FEPparm fields, defined in fepCtl.h and fepBep.h, are invariably 
addressed by the fp pointer parameter, are used by the bias calculation:
latest command received from BEP
pointer to bias calibration parameters
average overclocks for first bias frame
sum of the 4 bias0 values
FEPexpRec record
current "exposure" number
microsecond timer value at start of expnum
number of 512-row bias frames processed
FEP status reported to BEP
=1 if bias has been computed
flag bits:
FEP hardware has finished with the current frame
BEP is terminating normally
the next exposure index that the FEP is to process
the number of DEA output nodes being sampled
exposure parameter block (see Table 46)
mode-dependent parameters
number of CCD columns per output node
number of overclocks per output node
number of CCD rows between frame markers
output node clocking mode

44.5 Scenario

The following paragraphs describe the basic functions performed by fepCClkBias during continuously clocked bias calibrations, which are determined by the fields in the parameter block, fp->tp shown in Table 46.

TABLE 46. Parameters used by fepCClkBias

 Field Type   Field Name                          Description                         
unsigned     nrows       Number of pixel rows between frame markers.                
unsigned     ncols       Number of pixels per output node per row                   
fepQuadCode  quadcode    Output node configuration, i.e., ABCD, AC, or BD.          
unsigned     noclk       Number of overclocks per row per output node               
int          bparm[1]    =0 to use the Interated Mean algorithm, mean               
                         =1 to use the Fractile algorithm, fractile                 
int          bparm[2]    For mean, specifies s rejection criterion. For fractile,   
                         index of sorted pixel array.                               

The bias calibration algorithms themselves are presented in some detail in the ACIS report entitled "CCD Bias Level Determination" by Rita Somigliana and Peter Ford, ACIS part #36-56101-02, MIT CSR, Revision 2.1, June 19, 1995.

44.6 Algorithms

44.6.1 The Iterated Mean Algorithm

This algorithm, described in Section 3.2.4 of 36-56101-02, is implemented by the function mean (see page 1199 of the current document). It takes the N pixel values pi, i=0,N-1, (N is 2*fp->tp.nrows, usually 1024 in continuously clocked mode), and computes their mean value p and variance s2:

(EQ 9)

If the value of BPARM[2] is zero, mean returns p as the bias value. Otherwise, it inspects the pi and removes any that do not satisfy the condition

(EQ 10)

(EQ 11)

Finally, it recomputes p from the remaining pi using Eq. 9, and returns it as the bias value.

44.6.2 The Fractile Algorithm

This algorithm, which is a generalization of the Median method described in Section 3.2.5 of 36-56101-02, is implemented in the function fractile (see page 1200 of the current document). It takes the N pixel values pi, i=0,N-1, sorts them into ascending order, and returns the value indexed by the value of bparm[2]. For instance, if N were 11, and bparm[2] were 5, and the pixel values pi were,

    212 216 205 1041 208 217 211 214 215 206 210

their bias value would be 212, since, when the values are sorted into ascending order,

    205 206 208 210 211 212 214 215 216 217 1041

that is the value of the element p5. In practice, N is 2*fp->tp.nrows, usually 1024.

44.6.3 Use 1: Calculate a Continuously-Clocked Bias Map

fepCClkBias calls FEPCClkBiasInit to validate the fp->tp parameter block, to initialize the parity table (fp->parity), and set the hardware registers to write the first half-frame (512 rows) of image pixels into the first half of the image buffer. It then loops over calls to FIOgetExpInfo, waiting for the first image frame to be received from the DEA.

Immediately a frame arrives, fepCClkBias resets the hardware registers to cause the second set of 512 rows to be written into the remainder of the image buffer. It then calls FEPCClkBiasExec to monitor the arrival of the 2*fp->tp.nrows rows and accumulating overclock values. Once the last row has been processed, FEPCClkBiasExec saves the average overclock for each CCD quadrant and returns. While waiting for each row to arrive, FEPCClkBiasExec calls FIOgetNextCmd to see whether a command has arrived from the BEP. If it has, FEPCClkBiasExec calls fepHandleCmd and then tests the FP_TERMINATE bit in fp->flags. If the latter has been set, as a result of receiving a BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP command, FEPCClkBiasExec terminates immediately and fepCClkBias marks the bias map as bad.

fepCClkBias then calls FEPCClkBiasProc to calculate the bias for each CCD column, using either the "iterated mean" algorithm, or the "fractile" algorithm. These are discussed in detail in Section 3.2 of the CCD Bias Level Determination report described in Section 44.5 above. Once computed, the bias values are written into all elements of that column of the bias map. Their parity is also calculated and written into the bias parity buffer.

44.7 Specification

This section describes the functions that are local to the fepCClkBias module. The only external is fepCClkBias itself which is called from fepCtl. The FEPparm structure is defined in fepCtl.h and fepBep.h, along with several pixel access macros. The interface to the FEP I/O library is described in Section 38.0, and data and messages exchanged between FEP and BEP are described in Section 4.10.

44.7.1 fepCClkBias()

#include fepCtl.h
Scope: Science
Return type: void
FEPparm *fp
fepCClkBias is called from fepCtl with a single argument: the pointer fp to the 
fepParm structure. It is responsible for all FEP actions associated with a timed 
exposure bias calibration. It performs the following actions:
Calls FEPCClkBiasInit to initialize various fepParm fields and hardware registers. It tells the hardware to begin writing the first frame at the top of the image map. If FEPCClkBiasInit returns FEP_CMD_NOERR, fepCClkBias calls fepAckCmd and continues. Otherwise, it calls fepNackCmd to pass the error code to the BEP, indicating that the command has failed, and fepCClkBias then returns to fepCtl.
Waits for the first image frame to arrive from the DEA. While waiting, fepCClkBias executes a tight loop, alternatively calling FIOtouchWatchdog to keep the watchdog timer alive, and FIOgetNextCmd to intercept and process commands from the BEP. Once FIOgetExpInfo indicates that the frame is being copied into the image map, fepCClkBias calls FIOsetImageMapRowStart to tell the FEP hardware to write the second frame into the lower half of the image map, starting at row fp->tp.nrows, i.e. directly after the first frame.
Calls FEPCClkBiasExec to monitor the incoming image rows and sum the overclocks.
Calls FEPCClkBiasProc to compute the bias values, and to set the bias parity buffer.
Unless the FP_TERMINATE bit is set in fp->flags, indicating that the BEP has issued a BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP command, it marks the bias map as "good" by setting fp->biasmode to TRUE and fp->br.biassum to the sum of the 4 elements in the fp->br.bias0 array, and it saves these values in I-cache via a call to FIOsetBiasConfig.

44.7.2 FEPCClkBiasExec()

#include fepCtl.h
Scope: Science
Return type: void
FEPparm *fp
This function is called from fepCCLKBias to process a single frame. It loops over 
incoming rows of image pixels, calling FIOgetNextCmd once per row to catch in
coming commands from the BEP and, when detected, fepHandleCmd is called to 
process them. FEPCClkBiasExec then sums the overclocks. The process is termi
nated prematurely if a BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP command is received from the 
BEP, in which case the FP_TERMINATE flag is set in fp->flags.
Once a pair of frames (2*fp->tp.nrows rows) has been processed, the over
clock values are summed and saved in fp->br.bias0.

44.7.3 FEPCClkBiasInit()

#include fepCtl.h
Scope: Science
Return type: fepCmdRetCode
FEPparm *fp
This function is called from fepCClkBias to verify the contents of the 
FEPparmBlock, fp->tp, and to perform the following initializations:
fp->quadrants to 2 or 4, depending on the value of
FEP hardware registers, by calls to FIOsetCcdRowStart, FIOsetImageMapRowStart, and FIOsetImageMapRowLength.
The bias parameter structure, fp->br is initialized with "bad" values, i.e. fp->br.biassum is set to the unphysical value ~0, and FIOsetBiasConfig is called to save this in I-cache. If an error is detected, FEPCClkBiasInit returns a fepCmdRetCode code as de fined in fepBep.h; otherwise it returns FEP_CMD_NOERR.

44.7.4 FEPCClkBiasProc()

#include fepCtl.h
Scope: Science
Return type: void
FEPparm *fp
This function is called from fepCClkBias once the image map has been filled with 
two frames of pixel rows. It begins by computing a table of 4096 elements, each 
either PARITY_EVEN or PARITY_ODD, according to the parity of the integers 0 
through 4095. For instance, the number fifteen is represented by the bit pattern 
01111, which contains an even number of `1's. Its parity is therefore even, so 

fp->parity[15] = PARITY_EVEN.
The image pixels are then examined column by column, a bias value is computed 
for each column and stored in the corresponding column of the bias map. The bias 
values are calculated by copying a pair of pixel columns to a pair of value arrays, 
Data0 and Data1, located in D-cache (for access speed). The algorithm used to 
compute the bias values is determined by the value of fp->tp.bparm[1].
bparm[1]=0:   mean is called to compute the mean of the pixel values,as de
scribed in Section 44.6. When fp->tp.bparm[2] is zero, 
this becomes the bias map value. When fp->tp.bparm[2] 
is non-zero, pixels with values that differ from the zeroth-order 
mean by more than fp->tp.bparm[2] times the RMS vari
ance of the values are eliminated, and the mean of the remainder 
becomes the bias map value.
bparm[1]=1:  fractile is called to sort the pixel values into ascending order. 
The element in this sorted list indexed by

fp->tp.bparm[2] becomes the bias map value, as de
scribed in Section 44.6.2.
Once a pair of bias values has been computed, they are stored in the corresponding 
columns of the bias map. Then their parities are computed and, every 32 columns, 
a column of 32-bit parity flags is stored in the bias parity map. It is important to 
store the bias values and their parity flags as soon as they are calculated since their 
maps are located in bulk memory which is subject to single-event upsets (SEUs). 
By saving the values in all rows simultaneously, elements that have suffered SEUs 
can be replaced at a later time by undamaged duplicate values.

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