Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 GSE Transport Tools
2.1 sendCmds
2.2 cclient
2.3 cserver
2.4 shim
2.5 getPackets
2.6 filterServer
2.7 filterClient
2.8 Transport Tool Interfaces
2.8.1 Stdin to sendCmds
2.8.2 Stdout from filterClient
2.8.3 filterClient arguments
3.0 GSE Test Tools
3.1 buildCmds
3.1.1 buildCmds Examples
3.2 lcmd
3.3 ltlm
3.4 psci
3.5 analyzeData
3.6 runacis
3.7 monitorDeaHousekeeping
3.8 monitorEngineeringData
3.9 monitorScience
3.10 processEngineeringData
4.0 Image Tools
4.1 getImages
4.2 putImages
4.3 genPixelImages
4.4 loadFitsImage
4.5 genObjectImage
4.6 generateExpectedData
4.7 Image Tool Interfaces
4.7.1 stdin to putImages
4.7.2 Output from getImages
5.0 The PSCI Program
5.1 Packet Field Verification
5.2 Packet Logging
5.3 Monitor Output
5.4 Science Event Modes
5.5 Event Frame Timestamp Files
5.6 Histogram Files
5.7 Raw Mode
5.8 Bias Files
5.9 Memory Readout
5.10 Huffman Tables
5.11 Pseudopackets
5.12 Architecture
5.13 Tests applied to packet fields
6.0 Simulated ACIS Telemetry
6.1 fepCtlTest--simulate the ACIS front-end processor
6.2 dumpring--display ring-buffer records
6.3 tlmsim--create simulated telemetry packets
6.3.1 Bias Map
6.3.2 Timing
6.3.3 Miscellaneous
6.4 Examples
7.0 ACIS Timing Algorithms
7.1 Determining the Start Time of an Exposure (single exposure time)
7.2 Determining the Start Time of an Exposure (two exposure times)
8.0 Frame Buffer Specification
8.1 Significant Changes in this Version
8.2 Terms
8.3 Initial Requirements/Specifications
8.4 Basic Design Concept
8.5 Operating Modes
8.5.1 Ramp Mode
8.5.2 Normal Mode
8.6 Directive Functions
8.6.1 "EXXX" Last Pixel Flag (LPF)
8.6.3 "7nnn" Repeat Frame "nnn" times (RF)
8.6.4 "6000" Go (TBR)
8.7 Current Status
8.8 Proposed Additional Features
8.8.1 Front Panel Status LEDs
8.8.2 Error LED(s)
9.0 ACIS Data Analysis and Database
9.1 Data Format
9.2 Raw Image Format
9.2.1 FSF Format
9.2.2 ARV Format
9.2.3 IDL Format
9.3 Analysis Procedure
9.3.3 Data Products
9.4 Utility Software
9.5 Database
10.0 UNIX Manual Pages
10.1 ACISshell
10.2 acisBepUnix
10.3 acisFepUnix
10.4 acispkts
10.5 bcmd
10.6 buildCmds
10.7 cclient
10.8 cserver
10.9 diff6
10.10 dumpring
10.11 fepCtlTest
10.12 fepImage2
10.13 filterClient
10.14 filterServer
10.15 genObjectImage
10.16 genPixelImages
10.17 getPackets
10.18 lcmd
10.19 lerv
10.20 lhuff
10.21 loadFitsImage
10.22 logGet
10.23 ltlm
10.24 monitorScience
10.25 processDEAhkp
10.26 psci
10.27 runacis
10.28 sciglue
10.29 sendCmds
10.30 shim
10.31 tlmsim
10.32 writeCCB
Appendix A -- Test Tool Status
Peter G. Ford
Last modified: Fri Jun 20 18:24:50 EDT