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3.2.7 Hardware Configuration Purpose

The Detector Electronics Assembly on ACIS contains a set of hardware settings used to condition the CCD clocks, control the analog signal processing, and set the focal plane and housing temperatures. In addition, ACIS provides the capability to filter bad pixels and columns from generated CCD data. ACIS provides a set of commands a maintainer uses to manage these settings. Scenario

Over the life of the instrument, the maintainer may issue commands to ACIS to modify its settings for various DEA clock voltages, processing levels, etc. As the CCDs degrade due to radiation damage, the maintainer may also add pixels and columns to the ACIS Bad Pixel and Column Maps.

The maintainer modifies one or more settings by issuing a "Change System Configuration Settings" command to ACIS. Upon receipt of this command, ACIS updates its configuration parameter block. If a Science Run is in progress when the command is executed, the changes are held until the end of the run, after which they are loaded into the hardware. If no run is in progress, ACIS immediately loads the changes into the hardware.

The maintainer adds items to the Bad Pixel and Column Maps using "Add" commands, and deletes the contents of the maps using the "Reset Map" commands. Upon receipt of these commands, ACIS modifies the appropriate map. Any changes to the Bad Pixel or Column Map will not take effect until the start of the next Science Run. Functional Requirements System Configuration Parameters

ACIS shall contain a single set of System Configuration Parameters. Table 37 lists the possible content of this parameter set. The final content depends on the design of the Detector Electronics Assembly, and will be defined in the AS-BUILT ACIS Software Detailed Design Specification, MIT 36-53200. Each individual parameter shall be identifiable using a 16-bit setting code. Each value shall take 16-bits or less to represent. The range of each value are specified by the DEA hardware specifications.

TABLE 37. System Configuration Parameter Set Content (Continued)

Req      Item                         Description                                                             
 37-1    DEA CCD-Controller           This items selects which CCD Controller boards within the DEA           
         Power Selection              are powered on.                                                         
 37-2    FEP Power Selection          This item selects which Front End Processors are powered on.            
         The remaining parameters consist of DEA board settings. In order to reduce the volatility of the     
         software to changes in the DEA hardware design, the DEA parameter settings are implemented           
         by the software as an array of DEA register settings, leaving the final register function designa    
         tions up to the DEA hardware specification.                                                          
 37-3    Image Section Phase          These items control the high level of the Image Section Phase           
         Clocks High Levels           Clocks. The ACIS software loads these levels into the Driver            
                                      board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters. These          
                                      are specified for each CCD.                                             
 37-4    Image Section Phase          These items control the low level of the Image Section Phase            
         Clocks Low Levels            Clocks. The ACIS software loads these levels into the Driver            
                                      board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters. These          
                                      are specified for each CCD.                                             
 37-5    Framestore Phase Clocks      These items control the high level of the Framestore Phase              
         High Levels                  Clocks. The ACIS software loads these levels into the Driver            
                                      board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters. These          
                                      are specified for each CCD.                                             
 37-6    Framestore Phase Clocks      These items control the low level of the Framestore Phase               
         Low Levels                   Clocks. The ACIS software loads these levels into the Driver            
                                      board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters. These          
                                      are specified for each CCD.                                             
 37-7    Serial Output Register       These items control the high level of the Serial Output Shift Reg       
         Phase Clocks High Levels     ister Phase Clocks. The ACIS software loads these levels into the       
                                      Driver board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters.         
                                      These are specified for each CCD.                                       
 37-8    Serial Output Register       These items control the low level of the Serial Output Shift Reg        
         Phase Clocks Low Levels      ister Phase Clocks. The ACIS software loads these levels into the       
                                      Driver board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters.         
                                      These are specified for each CCD.                                       
 37-9    Output Node Reset Gate       These items control the high level of the Output Node Reset             
         High Levels                  Gate. The ACIS software loads these levels into the Driver              
                                      board's clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters. These          
                                      are specified for each CCD.                                             
 37-10   Output Node Reset Gate       These items control the low level of the Output Node Reset Gate.        
         Low Levels                   The ACIS software loads these levels into the Driver board's            
                                      clock conditioning Digital-to-Analog converters. These are spec         
                                      ified for each CCD.                                                     
 37-11   Output Node Reset            These items control the level applied to the Output Node's Reset        
         Diodes                       Diode. These are specified for each CCD.                                
 37-12   Output Node Drains           These items control the levels of each of the Output Node Drains.       
                                      These are specified for each CCD and Output Node.                       
 37-13   Output Node Output           These items control the level of the Output Node Output Gates.          
         Gates                        These are specified for each CCD.                                       
 37-14   Output Node Bias Offsets     These items control the bias level applied to the Output Nodes.         
                                      These are specified for each CCD.                                       
 37-15   Scuppers                     These items control the bias-level to the Scuppers. These are           
                                      specified for each CCD.                                                 
 37-16   Back-Junction Diodes         These items select the levels of the Back Junction Diodes. These        
                                      are specified for each CCD.                                             
 37-17   Focal Plan Temperature       This item specifies the set-point of the focal plane controller.        
 37-18   Bakeout Mode Switch          This item controls whether or not bakeout mode is enabled.              
 37-19   Focal Plane Temperature      This item sets the focal plane temperature. There is one set point      
         Set Point                    for ACIS.                                                               
 37-20   Housing Temperature Set      This item sets the housing temperature. There is one set point for      
         Point.                       ACIS.                                                                   
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Change System Configuration Settings

ACIS shall provide a command to change one or more system configuration settings. Table 38 illustrates the contents of a Change Settings Command.

TABLE 38. Change Settings Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item               Description                                                                           
 38-1   Packet Length      Length of command packet in 16-bit words                                              
 38-2   Packet Identifier  This is used to identify the command                                                  
 38-3   Command Opcode     Change_Settings_Command opcode                                                        
 38-4   Settings[Number    This is an array of setting entries. The number of entries is determined              
        of entries]        using the Packet Length. Each entry has the following format:                         
 38-5                      Setting Identifier                    This is a 16-bit identifier which uniquely      
                                                                 identifies the item within the System Con       
                                                                 figuration Parameter Block                      
 38-6                      Setting Value                         This the value to use for the specified item.   
                                                                 A single setting value shall take no more       
                                                                 than 16-bits to represent.                      

Upon receipt of this command, ACIS shall overwrite the System Configuration Parameter Block items as indicated by the entries in the command packet. If no Science Run is in progress, the new settings will be loaded into the hardware immediately. If a Science Run is in progress, the new settings will be loaded after the current run completes. If a setting enables power to a previously un-powered CCD-controller, the corresponding hardware settings are re-loaded into the powered board. If a setting enables power to a previously un-powered Front End Processor, software will power on the corresponding processor and will load and run the default FEP program. Dump System Configuration Settings

ACIS shall provide a command which allows a maintainer to dump the current contents of the System Configuration Parameter Block. This requirement may be implemented using a Read Back End Memory Command (see Section on page 106) or may be implemented using a customized command packet and telemetry representation. Add Bad Pixel

ACIS shall provide a command to add a set of pixels to the Bad Pixel Map. Table 39 describes the Add Bad Pixel Command.

TABLE 39. Add Bad Pixel Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item                       Description                                                          
 39-1   Packet Length              Length of command packet in 16-bit words                             
 39-2   Packet Identifier          This is used to identify the command                                 
 39-3   Command Opcode             Add_Bad_Pixel_Command opcode                                         
 39-4   Pixels[Number of entries]  This is an array of setting entries. The number of entries is        
                                   determined using the Packet Length. Each entry has the follow        
                                   ing format:                                                          
 39-5                              CCD Identifier                   This specifies the CCD containing   
                                                                    the bad pixel.                      
 39-6                              Row and Column                   These values identify the row and   
                                   Addresses                        column within the CCD which is      
                                                                    bad, in CCD Coordinates. Summed     
                                                                    image pixels which include the      
                                                                    specified CCD pixel location are    
                                                                    considered bad.                     

Upon receipt of this command, the ACIS software shall add the listed pixels to its Bad Pixel Map. No attempt is made to eliminate redundant entries. Reset Bad Pixel Map

ACIS shall provide a command to delete the contents of the Bad Pixel Map. Table 40 describes the Reset Bad Pixel Map Command.

TABLE 40. Reset Bad Pixel Map Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item                                                         
 40-1   Packet Length    Length of command packet in 16-bit words    
 40-2   Sequence Number  This is used to identify the command        
 40-3   Command Opcode   Reset_Bad_Pixel_Map opcode                  

Upon receipt of this command, the ACIS software shall remove all pixels from its Bad Pixel Map. Dump Bad Pixels

ACIS shall provide a command to dump the contents of its bad pixel map into the telemetry stream. This is accomplished via a "Dump Bad Pixels" command. This command will have the form as shown in Table 41.

TABLE 41. Dump Bad Pixels Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item               Description                                
 41-1   Packet Length      Length of command packet in 16-bit words   
 41-2   Packet Identifier  This is used to identify the command       
 41-3   Command Opcode     Dump_Bad_Pixels_Command opcode             

The one or more telemetry packets resulting from this command will contain the information described in Table 42. This requirement may be implemented using a Read Back End Memory Command (see Section on page 106) or may be implemented using a customized telemetry representation.

TABLE 42. Dumped Bad Pixel Map Telemetry Content (Continued)

Req     Item                       Description                                                           
 42-1   Packet Synch               This field marks the start of the ACIS packet within the teleme       
                                   try stream.                                                           
 42-2   Packet Word Length         This field indicates the number of 32-bit words in the packet.        
 42-3   Format Tag                 This field indicates the type of data contained in the telemetry      
                                   packet, in this case a Timed Exposure Bad Pixel Map Dump              
 42-4   Packet Sequence Number     This field is used to sequentially number all ACIS telemetry          
 42-5   Command Packet Identifier  This is the Packet Identifier of the command causing the dump         
                                   being performed. This allows the ground to associate the com          
                                   mand and the resulting telemetry packets.                             
 42-6   Pixels[Number of entries]  This is an array of setting entries where each entry has the fol      
                                   lowing format.                                                        
 42-7                              CCD Identifier                    This specifies the CCD containing   
                                                                     the bad pixel.                      
 42-8                              Row and Column                    These values identify the row and   
                                   Addresses                         column within the CCD which is bad  

Upon receipt of a Dump Bad Pixels Command, the ACIS Back End software shall form and send one or more telemetry packet containing the current list of bad pixels for all CCDs. Add Bad Columns

ACIS maintains two bad column maps, one for Timed Exposure Mode, and one for Continuous Clocking Mode. ACIS shall provide a command to add a set of columns to either Bad Column Map. Table 43 describes a generic Add Bad Column Command.

TABLE 43. Add Bad Column Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item                        Description                                                                    
 43-1   Packet Length               Length of command packet in 16-bit words                                       
 43-2   Packet Identifier           This is used to identify the command                                           
 43-3   Command Opcode              Mode-specific Add_Bad_Column_Command opcode                                    
 43-4   Columns[Number of entries]  This is an array of setting entries. The number of entries is deter            
                                    mined using the Packet Length. Each entry has the following                    
 43-5                               CCD Identifier                     This specifies the CCD containing the bad   
 43-6                               Column Address                     This value identifies the bad column        
                                                                       within the CCD. Summed image pixels         
                                                                       which include the specified CCD column      
                                                                       are considered bad.                         

Upon receipt of this command, the ACIS software shall add the listed columns to the Bad Column Map indicated by the opcode. No attempt is made to eliminate redundant entries. Reset Bad Column Map

ACIS shall provide a command to remove all columns from a Bad Column Map. Table 44 describes a generic Reset Bad Column Command.

TABLE 44. Reset Bad Column Map Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item               Description                                       
 44-1   Packet Length      Length of command packet in 16-bit words          
 44-2   Packet Identifier  This is used to identify the command              
 44-3   Command Opcode     Mode-specific Reset_Bad_Column_Command opcode     

Upon receipt of this command, the ACIS software shall remove all pixels from the Bad Column Map indicated by the opcode. Dump Bad Columns

ACIS shall provide a command to dump the contents of a bad column map into the telemetry stream. This is accomplished via a "Dump Bad Columns" command. This command will have the form as shown in Table 41.

TABLE 45. Dump Bad Columns Command Packet (Continued)

Req     Item               Description                                     
 45-1   Packet Length      Length of command packet in 16-bit words        
 45-2   Packet Identifier  This is used to identify the command            
 45-3   Command Opcode     Mode-specific Dump_Bad_Columns_Command opcode   

The one or more telemetry packets resulting from this command will contain the information described in Table 42. This requirement may be implemented using a Read Back End Memory Command (see Section on page 106) or may be implemented using a customized telemetry representation.

TABLE 46. Dumped Bad Column Map Telemetry Content (Continued)

Req     Item                        Description                                                                     
 46-1   Packet Synch                This field marks the start of the ACIS packet within the telem                  
                                    etry stream.                                                                    
 46-2   Packet Word Length          This field indicates the number of 32-bit words in the packet.                  
 46-3   Format Tag                  This field indicates the type of data contained in the telemetry                
                                    packet, in this case a Continuous Clocking Bad Column Map                       
                                    Dump packet.                                                                    
 46-4   Packet Sequence Number      This field is used to sequentially number all ACIS telemetry                    
 46-5   Command Packet Identifier   This is the Packet Identifier of the command causing the                        
                                    dump being performed. This allows the ground to associate                       
                                    the command and the resulting telemetry packets.                                
 46-6   Columns[Number of entries]  This is an array of setting entries where each entry has the fol                
                                    lowing format:                                                                  
 46-7                               CCD Identifier                    This specifies the CCD containing the bad     
 46-8                               Column                            This value identifies the column within the   
                                    Address                           CCD which is bad                              

Upon receipt of a Dump Bad Columns Command, the ACIS Back End software shall form and send one or more telemetry packet containing the current list of bad columns for all CCDs.


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