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3.2.9 Software Housekeeping Purpose

ACIS provides the maintainer with a measure of how the ACIS system is operating. This information includes the disposition of commands, statistics on various operating conditions, the current state of the instrument, and fatal error indications. Scenario

In order to help a maintainer develop a history of the operation of ACIS, the ACIS Science Instrument Software maintains and telemeters software housekeeping information. Whenever an observer or maintainer sends a command to the ACIS Science Instrument Software, ACIS posts an echo of the command and its disposition to telemetry. This allows an maintainer to verify that all commands intended for ACIS software were received and interpreted.

In order to allow monitoring of the overall operation of ACIS without relying on its serial science telemetry, ACIS also provides active status information using the discrete telemetry signals, read by the hardware and placed into the Engineering portion of the telemetry stream (see Section on page 36). Functional Requirements Command Indicators

ACIS shall provide command receipt and disposition indication in the telemetry stream. After processing each ACIS command, the software will form and post a telemetry packet which contains the Back End timer-tick value at the time the command was received, a result code indicating the disposition of the command, and a verbatim copy of the received command packet.

TABLE 63. Command Echo Telemetry Content (Continued)

Req     Item                    Description                                                       
 63-1   Packet Synch            This field marks the start of the ACIS packet within the          
                                telemetry stream.                                                 
 63-2   Packet Word Length      This field indicates the number of 32-bit words in the packet.    
 63-3   Format Tag              This field indicates the type of data contained in the teleme     
                                try packet.                                                       
 63-4   Packet Sequence Number  This field is used to sequentially number all ACIS telemetry      
 63-5   BEP Tick Counter        This item contains the value of the internal timer-tick counter   
                                at approximately the time at which the command packet was         
                                received by the software.                                         
 63-6   Command Result Code     This is the disposition code of the command. These codes          
                                shall be capable of representing the following types of condi     
                                Command executed successfully without warnings or errors          
                                Command was not executed (code must indicate reason)              
                                Command executed with warnings (code must indicate rea            
                                Command executed with errors (code must indicate reason)          
 63-7   Copy of Command Packet  This is a copy of the command packet received by the ACIS         
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Status Indicators

The ACIS software shall indicate its boot and running status using the 4 discrete telemetry signals provided by the ACIS hardware (see Section on page 36).

During boot, these signals shall indicate the current mode of the boot and current state. If, ACIS hangs during the boot, the boot status shall provide an indication of the last action performed prior to the lockup.

While running after a commanded reset, the ACIS software shall cycle the signals between two or more values, indicating the current overall state of the software. If ACIS hangs, these signals will freeze into one state until the Watchdog Timer resets the system.

After a watchdog reset, ACIS shall cycle these signals between values which indicate that ACIS had locked up at some point, and was reset by the Watchdog Timer. Run-time Statistics and Monitoring

ACIS shall maintain a set of system statistics representing various operating conditions, such as number of interrupts, numbers of context switches, etc. These statistics also contain the number of occurrences of various warning conditions, such as the number of dropped exposures. These statistics shall be represented as an array of counters. Periodically, ACIS shall telemeter and reset the contents of these statistic counters. Table 64 illustrates the content of a statistics packet.

TABLE 64. Software Housekeeping Telemetry Content (Continued)

Req     Item                         Description                                                             
 64-1   Packet Synch                 This field marks the start of the ACIS packet within the                
                                     telemetry stream.                                                       
 64-2   Packet Word Length           This field indicates the number of 32-bit words in the packet.          
 64-3   Format Tag                   This field indicates the type of data contained in the telemetry        
 64-4   Packet Sequence Number       This field is used to sequentially number all ACIS telemetry            
                                     packets. Since this is the first packet which is sent after a           
                                     reset, this field will be zero.                                         
 64-5   BEP Tick Counter             This items contains the value of the internal timer-tick                
                                     counter at approximately the time (i.e. within a minute) when           
                                     accumulation into the packet started.                                   
        The remainder of the packet contains the set of software statistics reported since the previous      
        housekeeping packet was sent, or since the Back End Processor was re-booted. Each statistic          
        is reported using a statistic identifier, count of reports since the previous housekeepng packet,    
        and the most recently reported value associated with the statistic (NOTE: For some statistics,       
        this third item is always zero). The number of values and slot assignments are listed in the         
        ACIS Software IP&CL Structures Definitions (MIT 36-53204.0204).                                      
 64-6   Statistic Identifier         This identifies the item being reported in this entry.                  
 64-7   Counter Value                This contains the number of times a particular statistic was            
                                     reported since the last time a software housekeeping packet             
                                     was sent, or since the instrument was reset if this is the first        
                                     housekeeping packet.                                                    
 64-8   Counter Argument             This contains the last reported statistic argument value.               
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watchdog Maintenance

Both the ACIS Back End and Front End software shall periodically set their respective Watchdog Counters (see Figure 10, "Mongoose Component Overview," on page 30). The value written into the counter determines the time-out duration of the Watchdog Timer. In the event of a crash whereby the ACIS software hangs, the Watchdog Timers will reset the hung processor. Startup Reporting

Upon reset, after the instrument software has been initialized and is running, the ACIS software shall post a startup telemetry packet, indicating the cause of the restart. Table 65 illustrates the content of this packet.

TABLE 65. Startup Telemetry Content (Continued)

Req     Item                 Description                                                                   
 65-1   Packet Synch         This field marks the start of the ACIS packet within the telemetry            
 65-2   Packet Word Length   This field indicates the number of 32-bit words in the packet.                
 65-3   Format Tag           This field indicates the type of data contained in the telemetry packet.      
 65-4   Packet Sequence      This field is used to sequentially number all ACIS telemetry packets.         
        Number               Since this is the first packet which is sent after a reset, this field will   
                             be zero.                                                                      
 65-5   BEP Tick Counter     This items contains the value of the internal timer-tick counter at           
                             approximately the time (i.e. within a minute) when the packet is sent.        
 65-6   Reset Reason Code    This indicates the reason the instrument reset. This code specifies           
                             either a Commanded Reset, or a Watchdog Reset.                                
 65-7   Startup Information  These items describe the state of the instrument at start-up, such as         
                             the version number of the software, the most recent fatal error mes           
                             sage code and value, the states of the patch list, system configuration       
                             parameters, and stored parameter blocks.                                      
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Error Reporting and Recovery

If ACIS encounters a condition from which it cannot recover, it shall make a best attempt to flush the current telemetry packet being written to the RCTU, and then issue a telemetry message indicating that ACIS is about to reset. After sending this message, the software uses the Watchdog Timer to reset the instrument within at most 7 or 8 minutes (NOTE: The time-out will probably set to around 10 seconds to improve testability). Table 66 illustrates the content of this error message.

TABLE 66. Fatal Error Telemetry Content (Continued)

Req     Item                Description                                                               
 66-1   Packet Synch        This field marks the start of the ACIS packet within the telemetry        
 66-2   Packet Word Length  This field indicates the number of 32-bit words in the packet.            
 66-3   Format Tag          This field indicates the type of data contained in the telemetry packet.  
 66-4   Packet Sequence     This field is used to sequentially number all ACIS telemetry packets.     
 66-5   BEP Tick Counter    This items contains the value of the internal timer-tick counter at       
                            approximately the time (i.e. within a minute) when fatal condition was    
 66-6   Fatal Error Code    This indicates the point at which the fatal error was detected.           
 66-7   Optional Argument   This item is provided to allow more information about the error to be     
                            telemetered. This meaning of this item depends on the Fatal Error         

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