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 The various device performance, spectral resolution and quantum efficiency measurements to be made, and the associated off-nominal conditions for the measurements, are summarized in Table 4.3. The ``CCD parameters'' referred to in Table 4.3 will be measured according to procedures specified in the ACIS CCD Screening Plan (ACIS memo PS-77). Thus the results of these measurements will be determination of quantities such as noise, dark current, and charge transfer efficiency, for each `off-nominal' condition listed in Table 4.3.


Table 4.4: Calibration Facility Characteristics
Name Source Type Energy Range Chamber Type Detector Reference
    (keV)   Translation Detector
HIREFS Spectrometer+Fe55 0.1-1.5 1 CCD 1-d Trans. none
IFM Monochromator+Fe55 0.1-1.5 1 CCD none none
SES Monochromator 0.5-2.2 1 CCD none none
HEXS A photon fluorescent+H3 0.3 - 10 2 CCD 2-d CCD
HEXS B photon fluorescent+H3 0.3 - 10 2 CCD 2-d CCD

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John Nousek