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20.0 Parameter Block Management (36-53229 01)

20.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Parameter Block Management classes are to maintain sets of science and DEA housekeeping parameter blocks.

This section describes two main classes, the PblockList class, the Pblock class, and lists their respective subclasses. Detailed descriptions of each of the subclasses are provided in Appendix TBD.

20.2 Uses

The following lists the primary uses of the Parameter Block Management classes:

  1. Store parameter blocks for use by science and DEA housekeeping managers

  2. Perform integrity checks on parameter blocks

  3. Supply parameter blocks when needed for a science or DEA housekeeping run

20.3 Organization

Figure 89 illustrates the class relationships used by the Parameter Block Management classes.

FIGURE 89. Parameter Block Management Classes

Pblock- This abstract class is responsible for interpreting the contents of a single parameter block, and for moving parameter data into and out of storage in Instruction Cache RAM. It provides functions to load the contents of its internal buffer from the contents of a command packet (loadFromCmdPkt), to copy its contents into a client supplied buffer (copyToBuffer), to store and retrieve the contents of its internal buffer to and from a region of instruction cache memory (storeToIcache and loadFromIcache), to verify the integrity of the block using its CRC value (checkCrc), and to retrieve the slot id and number of words contained within the block (getSlotId and getWordCnt). This class uses the services provided by the Devices::Mongoose device class to copy data, and to store and load data from instruction cache RAM.

PblockList- This abstract class is responsible for maintaining a fixed size collection of homogenous parameter blocks (Pblock or one of its subclasses). This class provides functions to replace the contents of one its parameter blocks with the contents of a command packet (replaceBlock), to check the integrity of all of its blocks (checkBlocks) and to retrieve the contents of one of its blocks (getBlock). It also provides functions to obtain and release a semaphore associated with the collection (waitForLock and releaseLock). This class's constructor (PblockList not shown) is responsible for initializing the list's instance variables and checking their validity. This class uses the services provided by the Pblock class to manage the contents of a single parameter block, and contains a Executive::Semaphore instance associated with its collection of parameter blocks.

The following lists the various subclasses of Pblock. Each of these classes are responsible for providing functions with return the values of the various fields within the parameter block. The functions belonging to each of these classes are produced using a code-generator directly from the Instrument Program and Command List specification. The functions belonging to each of these classes are described in Appendix TBD:

PbTimedExp - Timed Exposure Parameter Block

PbContClock - Continuous Clocking Parameter Block

Pb2dWindow - 2D Window List Parameter Block

Pb1dWindow - 1D Window List Parameter Block

PbDeaHouse - DEA Housekeeping Parameter Block

The following lists the various subclasses of PblockList. There is one global instance of each of these classes within the instrument. Each of these classes is responsible for managing the collection of parameter blocks of the indicated type, and, in addition to the member functions provided by PblockList, overload the getBlock() function with a public member function. Rather than using the generic Pblock type as an argument, the overloaded functions require the correct parameter block type for their input arguments.

PblTimedExp -Manage all Timed Exposure Parameter Blocks (PbTimedExp)

PblContClock - Manage all Continuous Clocking Parameter Blocks (PbContClock)

Pbl2dWindow -Manage all 2D Window List Parameter Blocks (Pb2dWindow)

Pbl1dWindow- Manage all 1D Window List Parameter Blocks (Pb1dWindow)

PblDeaHouse - Manage all DEA Housekeeping Parameter Blocks (PbDeaHouse)

20.4 Parameter Block Storage

The Pblock class and its various subclasses are used as temporary objects which move data into and out of I-cache slots, and provide functions which retrieve specific fields of a given type of parameter block. Each parameter block slot in I-cache is sized to hold the maximum size allowed for a parameter block (i.e. one command packet). The number of slots reserved for each type of block is TBD. Upon power-on, this area of I-cache is loaded with default parameter blocks from the main instrument ROM. Subsequent resets do not modify the slot contents. Assuming, for now, that the instrument supports 4 blocks of each type, Table 22 illustrates the overall layout of parameter block slots within I-cache RAM, where the addresses and sizes are gross approximations. The first two slots of each type of block contain the default parameter blocks for Imaging and Spectroscopy observations.

TABLE 22. I-cache Parameter Block Layout (TBD)

Region                       Address     Byte Size  Description            Slot #  
Patch Area (grow down from   0x800fffff  0x30400                                   
0x800fffff)                  0x800cfc00                                            
Bad Pixel and Column Maps    0x800c2c00  0xd000                                    
DEA Housekeeping Blocks      0x800c2a00  0x200      General Purpose        3       
                             0x800c2800  0x200      General Purpose        2       
                             0x800c2600  0x200      General Purpose        1       
                             0x800c2400  0x200      Default                0       
1D Window Blocks             0x800c2200  0x200      General Purpose        3       
                             0x800c2000  0x200      General Purpose        2       
                             0x800c1e00  0x200      Default Spectroscopy   1       
                             0x800c1c00  0x200      Default Imaging        0       
2D Window Blocks             0x800c1a00  0x200      General Purpose        3       
                             0x800c1800  0x200      General Purpose        2       
                             0x800c1600  0x200      Default Spectroscopy   1       
                             0x800c1400  0x200      Default Imaging        0       
Continuous Clocking Blocks   0x800c1200  0x200      General Purpose        3       
                             0x800c1000  0x200      General Purpose        2       
                             0x800c0e00  0x200      Default Spectroscopy   1       
                             0x800c0c00  0x200      Default Imaging        0       
Timed Exposure Blocks        0x800c0a00  0x200      General Purpose        3       
                             0x800c0800  0x200      General Purpose        2       
                             0x800c0600  0x200      Default Spectroscopy   1       
                             0x800c0400  0x200      Default Imaging        0       
System Configuration and     0x800c0000  0x400                                     
Huffman Compression Tables                                                         
Code                         0x80080000  0x40000                                   

20.5 Scenarios

20.5.1 Use 1: Store parameter blocks

Figure 90 illustrates the steps used to store Timed Exposure Parameter blocks. The steps used to store Continuous Clocking, 2D Window, 1D Window and DEA Housekeeping parameter blocks are identical except for the identities of the parameter block list objects.

FIGURE 90. Load Parameter Block Scenario

  1. The client command handler receives a command to overwrite a parameter block, and instructs the Timed Exposure Parameter Block List object to store the block using pblTimedExp.replaceBlock().

  2. replaceBlock() suspends the current task until it has obtained its semaphore, indicating that it has exclusive access to the parameter block list using lock.waitFor(). If the wait time-out expires, the attempt to replace the block is aborted and the function returns BoolFalse. For the purposes of this scenario, assume that the lock is obtained successfully and returns BoolTrue.

  3. replaceBlock() declares an instance of a Timed Exposure Parameter Block, pblock, and instructs it to load its contents from the command packet, passed in from the handler using pblock.loadFromCmdPkt(). At this point, pblock has a copy of the parameter block data.

  4. pblock.loadFromCmdPkt() copies the parameter data from the command buffer, and then checks the integrity of the copied data by calling checkCrc(). If the data has been corrupted, loadFromCmdPkt() returns an error. Assume for the purposes of this scenario that the parameters are intact.

  5. Once pblock has copied the parameters, pblTimedExp.replaceBlock() obtains the slot identifier from the block using pblock.getSlotId().

  6. replaceBlock() uses the returned slot id to select the region in Instruction Cache RAM to store the block, and copies the block data into I-cache using pblock.storeToIcache().

  7. pblock.storeToIcache() uses mongoose.icacheWrite() to copy its parameter block data to the selected region.

  8. Once the parameter block has been stored into the appropriate slot in I-cache, replaceBlock() releases its semaphore, using lock.release().

20.5.2 Use 2: Perform integrity checks

Figure 91 illustrates the steps used to check the integrity of the collection of Timed Exposure Parameter blocks. The steps used to check other types of blocks are identical, except for the identities of the parameter block list objects.

FIGURE 91. Check integrity of stored Parameter Blocks

  1. The client instructs the Timed Exposure Parameter Block List object to verify the integrity of each of its blocks using pblTimedExp.checkBlocks().

  2. checkBlocks() prevents other tasks from overwriting the contents of the blocks by obtaining its semaphore using lock.waitFor(). If the wait time-out expires, the attempt to check the block is aborted and the function returns BoolFalse. Assume that the lock is obtained successfully.

  3. checkBlocks() iterates through each parameter slot that it maintains. On each iteration, it declares a Timed Exposure Parameter block instance, pblock, and instructs it to load its contents from the parameter slot maintained in I-cache RAM, using pblock.loadFromIcache().

  4. pblock.loadFromIcache() uses mongoose.icacheRead() to copy the parameter block data from I-cache RAM into its private buffer.

  5. pblTimedExp.checkBlocks() instructs the block to compute its CRC, compare the value with the one contained within the parameter block data, and return the result of the comparison, using pblock.checkCrc().

  6. pblTimedExp.checkBlocks() repeats these steps for each of its parameter block slots. Once all of the blocks have been checked, checkBlocks() releases the lock, using lock.release(). It then returns whether or not any of its parameter blocks have been corrupted (BoolTrue if the blocks are intact, and BoolFalse if the lock attempt failed or any block has been corrupted).

20.5.3 Use 3: Supply parameter blocks when needed

Figure 92 illustrates the steps used to retrieve the contents of a Timed Exposure Parameter block. The steps used to obtain Continuous Clocking, 2D Window, 1D Window and DEA Housekeeping parameter blocks are identical except for the identities of the parameter block list objects.

FIGURE 92. Retrieve contents of Parameter Block

  1. During system startup, the instrument constructs the parameter block list, pblTimedExp, specifying the address and size of the block (not shown). Once running, the client declares an instance of a Timed Exposure Parameter Block object, pblock, and passes the block slot id and the instance to the Timed Exposure Parameter Block list to be loaded to pblTimedExp.getBlock().

  2. pblTimedExp.getBlock() prevents overwrites of the list while performing the retrieval using lock.waitFor(). If the wait's time-out expires, the fetch is aborted, and returns BoolFalse. Assume for the purposes of this scenario that the lock is obtained, and the function returns BoolTrue.

  3. getBlock() instructs the block to load its contents from I-cache RAM, using pblock.loadFromIcache().

  4. loadFromIcache() uses mongoose.icacheRead() to copy the parameter data into its local buffer.

  5. getBlock() instructs the block to check its CRC, using pblock.checkCrc().

  6. getBlock() releases the semaphore, using lock.release(). It then returns to the client, informing it whether or not the loaded block's CRC was valid or not.

20.6 Class PblockList

This class represents a collection of parameter blocks. It defines the common functions defined for all types of parameter blocks.
Export Control:




Public Uses:


Public Interface:



Protected Interface:



Private Interface:

Has-A Relationships:

Semaphore lock: This is used lock access to the parameter blocks.

unsigned* const slotBase: This points to the starting location within I-cache RAM of the array of parameter block slots.

const unsigned slotCnt: This is the number of parameter blocks.

const unsigned slotWordCnt: This specifies the number of 32-bit words in each parameter block slot maintained by this instance.

20.6.1 PblockList()

Public member of:


unsigned semid
unsigned* base
unsigned nSlots
unsigned wordCnt
This is the constructor for a parameter block list. semid is the RTX id for the semaphore the instance uses to synchronize access to the parameters, base is the starting address within I-cache used to maintain the list of blocks, nSlots is the number of parameter block slots maintained by the instance, and wordCnt is the number of 32-bit words in each parameter block slot.
Construct lock using semid. Copy base to slotBase, nSlots to slotCnt and wordCnt to slotWordCnt.

20.6.2 checkBlocks()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function checks the CRC of all parameter blocks in the collection. It returns BoolTrue if all are ok, and BoolFalse if there is an error in one or more of the blocks.
Call waitForLock() to prevent overwrites. If it times out, return BoolFalse. For each slot, declare pblock, instruct it to load from i-cache address slotBase + (slot counter * slotWordCnt), using pblock.loadFromIcache(), then call pblock.checkCrc() and set a flag it if fails. Once all slots have been checked, release the lock using releaseLock(). If any CRC fails, return BoolFalse. If all of the CRC checks pass, return BoolTrue.

20.6.3 getBlock()

Protected member of:
Return Class:


unsigned slotid
Pblock& pblock
This function fills pblock with the parameter block data stored in the location identified by slotid. If successful, this function returns BoolTrue. If slotid is invalid, the wait for the lock times-out, or if the CRC of the requested block is invalid, this function returns BoolFalse.
Call waitForLock() to prevent overwrites. If it times out, return BoolFalse. Instruct pblock to load its contents from I-cache address slotBase + (slotid * slotWordCnt) using pblock.loadFromIcache(), then call pblock.checkCrc(). Release the lock using releaseLock(). If the CRC failed, return BoolFalse, otherwise return BoolTrue.

20.6.4 releaseLock()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function releases the parameter block list, by calling lock.release(), allowing other tasks to use this instance.

20.6.5 replaceBlock()

Public member of:
Return Class:


const CmdPkt* cmdpkt
This function uses the cmdpkt to replace the contents of the block specified by the slot id contained within the command packet pointed to by cmdpkt. This function returns BoolTrue if the replacement succeeds, and BoolFalse if it fails.
Call waitForLock() to prevent overwrites. If it times out, return BoolFalse. Declare a parameter block, pblock, and instruct it to load its contents from the command packet, using pblock.loadFromCmdPkt(). Check its CRC using pblock.checkCrc(). If the CRC is valid, retrieve the parameter block's slot id using pblock.getSlotId(), and store its contents into I-cache using pblock.storeToIcache(). Release the semaphore using releaseLock(). If the loaded parameter block's CRC check failed return BoolFalse without storing the block. If the block is intact and stored, the function returns BoolTrue.

20.6.6 waitForLock()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned timeout
This function waits for the parameter block list to become available, and locks it by calling lock.waitFor(). If successful, this function returns BoolTrue. If timeout is reached first, it returns BoolFalse.

20.7 Class Pblock

This class is used to define a common top-level interface for all parameter blocks loaded into the instrument. This class provides mechanisms to load parameter block data from command packets, to store and retrieve parameter data from I-cache. Subclasses of this class provide functions which retrieve block-specific fields.
Export Control:




Public Uses:


Implementation Uses:


Public Interface:



Protected Interface:

Has-A Relationships:

unsigned databuf[128]: This is the data buffer which contains the parameter block.

20.7.1 checkCrc()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function computes the CRC of the current block and compares it with the CRC contained within the block. If the CRC is invalid, the function returns BoolFalse, else it returns BoolTrue.
The block contents must have been loaded either via loadFromCmdPkt() or loadFromIcache().

20.7.2 copyToBuffer()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned* dstptr
This function copies the body of the parameter block to the buffer pointed to by dstptr. The caller must ensure that the destination buffer is large enough to hold the contents of the parameter block.
The block contents must have been loaded either via loadFromCmdPkt() or loadFromIcache(). dstptr must not point into I-cache.

20.7.3 getSlotId()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function returns the slot id of the parameter block.
The block contents must have been loaded either via loadFromCmdPkt() or loadFromIcache().

20.7.4 getWordCnt()

Public member of:
Return Class:
This function returns the length of the parameter block, in 32-bit words.
The block contents must have been loaded either via loadFromCmdPkt() or loadFromIcache().

20.7.5 loadFromCmdPkt()

Public member of:
Return Class:


const CmdPkt* cmdpkt
This function loads the parameter block contents from the command packet pointed to by cmdpkt.
Get the packet's data buffer address and length using cmdpkt>getDataAddress() and cmdpkt>getDataLength() respectively. Copy the data from the packet into the private data buffer, databuf, using mongoose.copyMem().

20.7.6 loadFromIcache()

Public member of:
Return Class:


const unsigned* srcptr
This function loads the parameter block from data store in I-cache at the address, srcptr into its data buffer, using mongoose.icacheRead().

20.7.7 storeToIcache()

Public member of:
Return Class:


unsigned* dstptr
This function stores the parameter block information at the I-cache address dstptr, using mongoose.icacheWrite().
The block contents must have been loaded either via loadFromCmdPkt() or loadFromIcache().

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