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39.0 FEP IO Library (36-53223 B)

39.1 Purpose

The FEP IO Library is a set of functions, executing in the FEP, which provide an interface to the front end hardware. Clients may use these functions to direct the FEP without having to know low level hardware details.

39.2 Uses

The FEP IO Library provides the following features:

  1. Transfer data from the FEP to the BEP

  2. Handle communications between the FEP and BEP

  3. Manage the Mongoose DMA

  4. Provide read/write access to internal Mongoose memory and status words

  5. Reset the Watchdog Timer

39.3 Organization

Figure 186 illustrates the interfaces to the FEP provided by the IO Library.

FIGURE 186. FEP IO Library Interface Diagram

The FEP IO Library provides access functions to various areas of the FEP and BEP hardware.

39.4 Scenarios

The following paragraphs describe the basic function performed by the FEP, and which library functions should be used in a given scenario. In general, the functions prefaced by FIO (upper case) should be adequate for any task required by the science processing. All function prefaced with a lower case (fio) are used at the directive of the BEP.

39.4.1 Use 1: Transfer data from the FEP to the BEP

Transferring data across the interface uses a portion of the shared memory which has been configured as a ring buffer, consisting of a series of 32-long word blocks. The function FIOappendBlock() writes the specified data block to the ring buffer. This function does not return until the operation is completed, or until a command arrives at the BEP to FEP Command Mailbox.It is possible for the buffer to be full, so a wait may be required until the BEP has emptied more of the buffer. While waiting for space in the buffer, this function calls FIOtouchWatchdog(). If the BEP is too slow in clearing the buffer, science processing may be affected. The function fioRbStatus() returns the status of the ring buffer and the available number of blocks. The library users do not need to call this routine before calling FIOappendBlock().

39.4.2 Use 2: Handle communications between the FEP and BEP

The FEP has little independent action; therefore, there is a command protocol for directing the FEP. A portion of the shared memory is set aside for a mailbox. The function FIOgetNextCmd()polls the command mailbox to look for pending commands and performs the required actions. The functions fioPollMBox(), fioGetCmd(), and FIOwriteCmdReply()are used by FIOgetNextCmd()to handle the command interface. If the command is directed to the science processing, it returns that information to the calling function.

39.4.3 Use 3: Manage the FEP DMA

The Mongoose DMA may be used to transfer data between the D-cache and general purpose memory, or between two general memory locations. The function FIOdmaTransfer()initiates the transfer. The function FIOdmaDone()indicates when the transfer has completed.

39.4.4 Use 4: Provide read/write/execute access to internal FEP memory

The I-cache requires special access through read/write registers. The functions fioReadIcache()and fioWriteIcache() should be used to for any access to the I-cache. For completeness, the functions fioReadMem()and fioWriteMem()are available for accessing the D-cache. There are also several functions available to read and/or write some of the FEP hardware registers and access the addresses of the various portions of hybrid memory, this includes the capability for directly executing a function located in the memory.

39.4.5 Use 5: Reset WatchdogTimer

The watchdog timer must be reset frequently. If the timer reaches zero, it assumes the data processing is hung and resets the FEP. The function FIOtouchWatchdog()should be called within a TBD interval to reset the timer.

See the ACIS Software Preliminary Design Specification (FEP IO Library), (#36-02402) for further details on this interface.

39.5 BEP - FEP Communication Protocol

Communication between the BEP and the FEP is accomplished via two mailboxes, one for BEP initiated commands and their corresponding responses, the other for FEP initiated requests and their corresponding replies. The mailboxes are located in a section of shared memory between the BEP and the FEP. It is necessary to have some handshaking to ensure proper delivery and receipt of messages.

39.5.1 Mailbox Structure

The first field contains the mailbox state, the second contains the message. The actual message is divided into further sub-fields: the length of the following message, the type field, which indicates the kind of message, and any additional arguments required. Replies are written into the same structure as the initial command or request. (NOTE: See "fio.h" for a formal definition of this structure, and the definition of SIZE).

39.5.2 BEP to FEP

Communication originating in the BEP is usually a command directive to the FEP. There are two general types of commands, diagnostic and science. Diagnostic commands require information regarding the state of the FEP and are handled by the IO library. All science commands are forwarded to the science process.

The transfer sequence is as follows: the BEP writes a command to the mailbox and changes the state to NEW_MESSAGE. The FEP has been polling the mailbox (FIOgetNextCmd()) and takes the appropriate action when a command is received. In all cases, a response must be written to the command by the recipient (FIOwriteCmdReply()). This function will write the response and set the mailbox state to REPLY_RDY. The BEP reads the response and sets the mailbox state to NO_MESSAGE in preparation for the next exchange. Diagnostic Command Formats

The following is a list of the commands that the FEP responds to. All other commands are forwarded to the science process. Read I-Cache

This command accepts a source I-cache address and count of words to be read, in the format specified by Table 30 . If the parameters are within valid ranges, the data are read from I-Cache and stored back in the mailbox in the format specified by Table 31 . If the parameters are invalid, the action taken by the FEP is TBD.

TABLE 30. Read I-Cache command format

Argument  Field      Units      Values           Description                    
len       Argument   32 bit     2                Number of command argu         
          count      unsigned                    ments + type                   
type      Command    enum       CMD_READ_ICACHE  Execute Read I-Cache com       
          type                                   mand                           
args[0]   Address    32 bit     0x80080000 -     Source address in I-cache to   
                     unsigned   0x800ffffe       read data from.                
args[1]   Length     32 bit     0 -127           Number of words to be read.    
                     unsigned                    May not cross I-cache          

TABLE 31. Read I-Cache command response

Argument      Field      Units      Values           Description               
len           Argument   32 bit     0 - 127          Number of words in argu   
              count      unsigned                    ments field + type        
type          Command    enum       CMD_READ_ICACHE  Indicates which command   
              type                                   has been executed         
args[0 .. N]  Data       32 bit                      Data values read from I-  
                         unsigned                    cache.                    
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write I-cache

This command accepts a destination address, count of words to be written, and data, in the format specified by Table 32 . If the parameters are within valid ranges, the data are written into I-Cache. The command response is detailed in Table 33 . If the parameters are invalid, the action taken by the FEP is TBD.

TABLE 32. Write I-Cache command format

Argument     Field      Units      Values            Description                      
len          Argument   32 bit     0 - 127           Number of command argu           
             count      unsigned                     ments + type                     
type         Command    enum       CMD_WRITE_ICACHE  Execute Write I-Cache com        
             type                                    mand                             
args[0]      Address    32 bit     0x80080000 -      Destination address in I-cache   
                        unsigned   0x800ffffe        to write data too.               
args[1.. N]  Data       32 bit                       Data values to write to I-       
                        unsigned                     cache.                           

TABLE 33. Write I-Cache command response

Argument  Field      Units      Values            Description                   
len       Argument   32 bit     1                 Number of command argu        
          count      unsigned                     ments + type                  
type      Command    enum       CMD_WRITE_ICACHE  Indicates which command has   
          type                                    been executed                 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read Memory

This command accepts a source address and count of words to be read, in the format specified by Table 34 . If the parameters are within valid ranges, the data are read from D-cache or general memory and stored back in the mailbox in the format specified by Table 35 . If the parameters are invalid, the action taken by the FEP is TBD.

TABLE 34. Read memory command format

Argument  Field      Units      Values                   Description                   
len       Argument   32 bit     2                        Number of command argu        
          count      unsigned                            ments + type                  
type      Command    enum       CMD_READ_MEM             Execute read memory com       
          type                                           mand                          
args[0]   Address    32 bit     0x80000000 - 0x8007fffc  Source address in memory to   
                     unsigned   0xa0000000 - 0xfffffffc  read data from.               
args[1]   Length     32 bit     0 - 127                  Number of words to be read.   
                     unsigned                            May not memory boundaries     

TABLE 35. Read memory command response

Argument      Field      Units      Values        Description                   
len           Argument   32 bit     0 - 127       Number of words in argu       
              count      unsigned                 ments field + type            
type          Command    enum       CMD_READ_MEM  Indicates which command has   
              type                                been executed                 
args[0 .. N]  Data       32 bit                   Data values read from mem     
                         unsigned                 ory                           
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Write Memory

This command accepts a destination address, count of words to be written, and data, in the format specified by Table 36 . If the parameters are within valid ranges, the data are written into memory. The command response is detailed in Table 37 . If the parameters are not valid, the action taken by the FEP is TBD.

TABLE 36. Write memory command format

Argument     Field      Units      Values                   Description                    
len          Argument   32 bit     0 - 127                  Number of command argu         
             count      unsigned                            ments + type                   
type         Command    enum       CMD_WRITE_MEM            Execute write memory com       
             type                                           mand                           
args[0]      Address    32 bit     0x80000000 - 0x8007fffc  Destination address in write   
                        unsigned   0xa0000000 - 0xfffffffc  data to.                       
args[1.. N]  Data       32 bit                              Data values to write to        
                        unsigned                            memory.                        

TABLE 37. Write memory command response

Argument  Field      Units      Values         Description               
len       Argument   32 bit     1              Number of command argu    
          count      unsigned                  ments + type              
type      Command    enum       CMD_WRITE_MEM  Indicates which command   
          type                                 has been executed.        
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Execute Memory

This command accepts the address of a function and a list of the functions arguments, in the format specified by Table 38 . The function is called with the indicated arguments. the return value of the function is stored back in the mailbox in the format specified by Table 39 .

TABLE 38. Execute memory command format

Argument     Field      Units      Values           Description                   
len          Argument   32 bit     0 - 20           Number of command argu        
             count      unsigned                    ments + type                  
type         Command    enum       CMD_EXECUTE_MEM  Execute "execute memory"      
             type                                   command                       
args[0]      Address    32 bit                      Pointer to function to be     
                        unsigned                    called.                       
args[1..20]  Arguments  32 bit                      Arguments for function call.  

TABLE 39. Execute memory command response

Argument  Field      Units      Values           Description                  
len       Argument   32 bit     2                Number of words in argu      
          count      unsigned                    ments field + type           
type      Command    enum       CMD_EXECUTE_MEM  Indicates which command      
          type                                   has been executed.           
args[0]   Data       32 bit                      Return value from function   
                     unsigned                    call.                        

39.6 Specification

The following are the function definitions for the FEP IO Library. There are several access functions that will just return an address pointer, a hardware register value, or a constant. Most of these will be implemented as macros or in-line functions, defined in the file fep.h. See the DPA Hardware Specification & System Description #36-02104, section TBD, for more detailed information.

The functions defined in Section 39.6.1 through Section 39.6.19 are interface functions to read and write the FEP hardware registers. These are defined as in-line functions in the include file fep.h.

39.6.1 FIOgetBiasMapPtr()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned *

Return a pointer to the start of the bias map. The address points to a pre-defined array of 1024 x 1024 16-bit pixels, and begins on a 4-byte boundary in non-cache memory.

39.6.2 FIOgetBiasConfig()

Scope: Science
unsigned   *biasrec
  unsigned cnt
Return type void

Retrieve the Bias Configuration information stored in I-Cache. cnt words are read from the I-cache address specified by the constant BIAS_CONFIG_SAVE and stored in the buffer indicated by biasrec.

39.6.3 FIOsetBiasConfig()

Scope: Science
unsigned     *biasrec
unsigned cnt

Return type void

Write cnt words of bias configuration data specified by biasrec into I-cache. The location in I-cache is specified by the constant BIAS_CONFIG_SAVE.

39.6.4 FIOgetBiasParityPlanePtr()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned *

Return a pointer to the location of the bias parity plane previously specified by a call to fioSetSegAllocReg().

39.6.5 FIOgetCcdRowStart()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned

Return the row index of the CCD where processing should begin, not necessarily the first row. The first row has index 0.

39.6.6 FIOsetCcdRowStart()

Scope: Science
unsigned     row_index
Return type void

Set the index row of the CCD where processing should begin. The first row has index 0.

39.6.7 FIOgetImageMapPtr()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned *

Return a pointer to the start of the Image map. The address points to a pre-defined array of 1024 x 1024 16-bit pixels, and begins on a 4-byte boundary in non-cache memory.

39.6.8 FIOgetImageMapRowIndex()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned

Return an index to the last row written in the image map. The first map has index 0.

39.6.9 FIOgetImageMapRowLength()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned

Return the count of CCD rows.

39.6.10 FIOsetImageMapRowLength()

Scope: Science
unsigned     count
Return type void

Set the number of CCD rows.

39.6.11 FIOgetImageMapRowStart()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned

Return the Image Map row index at which the hardware should begin loading the image into non-cache memory. The first row has index 0.

39.6.12 FIOsetImageMapRowStart()

Scope: Science
unsigned     row_index

Return type void

Set the index row of the Image Map where we should begin loading the image. The first row has index 0.

39.6.13 FIOgetStartCntReg()

Scope: Science
unsigned     regnum 
Return type unsigned

Return the contents of the indicated register (0 - 3).

39.6.14 FIOsetStartCntReg()

Scope: Science
unsigned     regnum 
short     value    
Return type void

Set the indicated offset register (0 - 3) to the value specified.

39.6.15 FIOgetOverclockBufPtr()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned *

Return a pointer to the start of the overclock buffer previously specified by a call to fioSetSegAllocReg().

39.6.16 FIOgetThresholdRegister()

Scope: Science
unsigned     regnum 
Return type short

Return the contents of the indicated threshold register (0 - 3).

39.6.17 FIOsetThresholdRegister()

Scope: Science
unsigned     regnum 
short     thresholdval    
Return type void

Set the indicated threshold register (0 - 3) to the value specified. In order to support updating the threshold register values synchronously with the advent of the next exposure, this function stores the passed thresholdval into a holding variable. When the Beginning of Frame interrupt occurs, the interrupt handling routine will copy the contents of the holding variable into the actual threshold register.

NOTE: This scheme requires that the interrupt handler is capable of copying the holding variables into the threshold registers within one pixel clock of the Beginning of Frame interrupt (~10µseconds).

39.6.18 FIOgetThresholdXings()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned

Return the value of the T-Plane crossings counter.

39.6.19 FIOgetTPlanePtr()

Scope: Science
Return type unsigned *

Return a pointer to the start of the T-Plane, previously specified by a call to fioSetSegAllocReg().

39.6.20 FIOappendBlock()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type: bool
unsigned     *ptr
unsigned     wordcnt
Copy wordcnt words (32 bit values) pointed to by ptr to the block at the end of 
the ring buffer. wordcnt must be less than or equal to 32. Although wordcnt 
may be less than 32 words, the written block will always consume 32-words of 
ring-buffer space. This function does not return until the action is completed, or un
til a command is received at by the Command Mailbox. There may be delays if the 
ring buffer is full. Data values must be aligned on long word boundaries. While 
waiting for room the function maintains the watchdog timer using FIOtouch
Watchdog(), and polls the status of the Command Mailbox using fioPollM
Box(). If the block is successfully appended to the ring buffer, the function 
returns TRUE. If a command arrives while waiting for room in the ring buffer, the 
function aborts, and returns FALSE. Using FIOgetNextCmd(),the caller must 
then read and process the received command.
NOTE: Interrupts to the BEP on writes to an empty ring-buffer have been replaced 
by having the BEP poll the ring-buffers for data.

39.6.21 FIOdmaDone()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type bool
Arguments: none
This function returns TRUE if the most recent DMA transfer has completed. It re
turns FALSE if the transfer is not complete.

39.6.22 FIOdmaTransfer()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type void
unsigned     * src
unsigned     * dest
unsigned     wordcnt
This function requires a mongoose processor to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
Transfer wordcnt words indicated by src across the DMA interface to location 
indicated by dest. This operation can only be used between D-cache and memo
ry, and memory to memory. If src and dest both point to D-cache, a panic will 
be generated. 

39.6.23 FIOgetExpInfo()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type: void
unsigned     *expnum
unsigned     *timestamp
This function requires a mongoose processor to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
Return information about the current exposure, i.e., the exposure number and the 
timestamp of the exposure. Interrupts will be masked while this function executes. 
The interrupts will be disabled for less than ~5mseconds.

39.6.24 FIOgetNextCmd()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type: bool
COMMAND     *cmd
Returns TRUE if a new science command has arrived, in which case, structure 
cmd contains the science command. Returns FALSE, and leaves cmd unchanged, 
if there are no new science commands. If the command is diagnostic in nature, this 
functions does the necessary processing before returning. Refer to the file "fio.h" 
for a list of possible diagnostic command types. All diagnostic command types are 
negative in value. Non-diagnostic command types, which are not defined in 
"fio.h", must have a value greater than 0.

39.6.25 FIOinit()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type: void
Arguments none
This function initializes the various hardware registers in the FEP. The ring buffer 
is initialized by the BEP. Refer to the DPA Hardware Specification & System De
scription for a detailed accounting of the registers and initialization information.

39.6.26 FIOtouchWatchdog()

#include fio.h
Scope: Control
Return type: void
Arguments: none
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function resets the watchdog timer to prevent a hardware reset.

39.6.27 FIOwriteCmdReply()

#include fio.h
Scope: Control
Return type: void
COMMAND      * cmdreply
This function writes the command into the command reply buffer. It is required after a call to FIOgetNextCmd()returns the value TRUE, and is also called with FIOgetNextCmd()to respond to diagnostic commands.

39.6.28 fioClearBitCtrlReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     mask
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function clears the bits in the FEP Control Register indicated by the mask. It 
does not affect any of the other bits in the control register. The constants for setting 
particular bits are defined in the enum CtlRegMask in fio.h.

39.6.29 fioClearBitImCtrlReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     mask
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function clears the bits in the FEP Image Control Register indicated by the 
mask. It does not affect any of the other bits in the register. The constants for set
ting particular bits are defined in the enum ImgCtlRegMask in fio.h.

39.6.30 fioGetCmd()

#include fio.h
Scope: Control
Return type: void
COMMAND     * cptr
This function does not check if the command is current. Use fioPollMBox()to 
check the status of the command.
Get a command from the BEP. The command is returned in the area indicated by 

39.6.31 fioGetStatusReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type unsigned
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function returns the value of the status register.

39.6.32 fioGetImStatusReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type unsigned
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function returns the value of the Image Status register.

39.6.33 fioPollMBox()

#include fio.h
Scope: Control
Return type: bool
MBOXstate     *mbox
MBOXstate     state
Returns TRUE if the MBOXstate of the mailbox matches state in the argument 
list. Returns FALSE otherwise. Mailbox state variables are defined in "fio.h".

39.6.34 fioRbStatus()

#include fio.h
Scope: Science
Return type:
unsigned     *available  
This function returns the status of the ring buffer. This function should be called before any other functions concerning the ring buffer are used. Available contains the number of 32-word blocks available in the buffer.
Return Values
RB_FULL   - Ring buffer is full, do not append more data
RB_EMPTY - Ring buffer is empty
RB_NOT_FULL - Ring buffer is not full and not empty, check available to 
see if there is enough room to append more data.
RB_ERROR - There is an internal error in the ring buffer

39.6.35 fioReadIcache()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type: void
unsigned     * src
unsigned     * dest
unsigned     wordcnt
This function requires a mongoose processor to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function reads wordcnt 32-bit words from the I-cache, starting at src, into 
the buffer indicated by dest.

39.6.36 fioReadMem()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     * src
unsigned     * dest
unsigned     wordcnt
This function reads wordcnt 32-bit words starting at src in D-cache or general 
memory into the buffer indicated by dest.

39.6.37 fioSetBitCtrlReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     mask
This function sets the bits in the Control register indicated by mask. It does not 
affect any of the other bits in the register. The constants for setting particular bits 
are defined in the enum CtrlRegMask in the file fio.h.

39.6.38 fioSetBitImCtrlReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     mask
This function sets the bits in the Image Control register indicated by mask. It does 
not affect any of the other bits in the register. The constants for setting particular 
bits are defined in the enum ImgCtrlRegMask in the file fio.h.

39.6.39 fioSetSegAllocReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Control
Return type void
unsigned pplane
unsigned tplane
unsigned oclk
This function sets the bits in the Bulk Memory Segment Allocation register. It is 
used to designate where in bulk memory the parity plane, threshold plane, and 
overclock buffer are located. It does not affect any of the other bits in the register. 
pplane, tplane, and oclk specify which segment to use for the parity plane, 
threshold plane, and overclock memory, respectively.Each must be unique and 
may range from 0 to 15. Each increment selects a 128Kbyte block within bulk 
memory, where 0 corresponds to the first block within bulk memory. The constants 
used for setting particular bits are defined by the enum SEGALLOC in fio.h.

39.6.40 fioWriteIcache()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type: void
unsigned     * src
unsigned     * dest
unsigned     wordcnt
This function requires a mongoose processor to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.

This function writes wordcnt 32-bit words starting at src into the I-cache start
ing at dest.

39.6.41 fioWriteMem()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type: void
unsigned     * src
unsigned     * dest 
unsigned     wordcnt
This function writes wordcnt 32-bit words starting at src, into the D-cache or 
general memory starting at dest.

39.6.42 fioWritePulseReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     mask
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.

This function sets the bits in the Pulse register indicated by mask. It does not affect 
any of the other bits in the register. The constants for setting particular bits are by 
the enum PulseRegMask in fio.h.

39.6.43 fioWriteImPulseReg()

#include fio.h
Scope: Diagnostic
Return type void
unsigned     mask
This function requires actual ACIS hardware to be tested, it can not be tested on a 
development workstation.
This function sets the bits in the Image Pulse register indicated by mask. It does 
not affect any of the other bits in the register. The constants for setting particular 
bits are by the enum ImgPulseRegMask in fio.h.

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