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41.0 FEP Command Controller (36-53236 A)

41.1 Purpose

fepCtl performs high-level control functions within the FEPs, namely the interception of science commands from the BEP and their subsequent execution. Low level commands (memory read, write, and execute) are handled within the FEP IO Library (36-53223 B) routines (see Section 39.0) and are essentially transparent to the command controller and science modules.

41.2 Uses

The FEP Controller provides the following features:

  1. Respond to a BEP science command from IDLE status

  2. Respond to one BEP command while executing another

FIGURE 188. FEP controller subroutines and their calling hierarchy

41.3 Organization

The FEP Controller module contains the main FEP command processing loop, along with various external functions for frequently used FEP operations. Its stack contains a single copy of the FEPparm structure, whose address is passed to all FEP modules and functions. Thus if, for instance, fepCtl calls fepSciTimed to conduct a timed exposure science run, and fepSciTimed itself calls fepHandleCmd to process an incoming BEP command, it is fepSciTimed's responsibility to ensure that it passes to fepHandleCmd the same pointer to FEPparm that it was itself given.

A brief description of the functions within this module is as follows:

41.4 Global Variables

Table 40 lists those FEPparm fields that are referenced within the FEP command 
controller module. They are defined in fepCtl.h and always addressed by a pointer 
parameter named fp:

TABLE 40. Global FEPparm fields used by the Command Controller

   FEPparm      Variable                             Description                           
Substructure       Name                                                                     
bepCmd                      Latest command received from BEP, and the FEP's reply          
              args          Command/reply contents                                         
              len           Command/reply length in fullwords                              
              type          Command/reply type code (see fepBep.h)                         
br                          Bias calibration parameters                                    
              bias0[4]      Average overclock values of each output node for the first     
                            data frame used for bias calibration                           
              biassum       Checksum of bias0 values, initialized to 0xffffffff            
                            unless valid bias parameters are extracted from I-cache        
ex                          FEPexpRec exposure record                                      
              expnum        Current exposure frame                                         
              timestamp     Current frame's arrival time                                   
              type          Initialized to FEP_EXPOSURE_REC                                
exend                       FEPexpEndRec end-of-exposure record                            
              type          Initialized to FEP_EXPOSURE_END_REC                            
fepStatus                   FEP status reported to BEP                                     
              biasflag      TRUE if a valid bias map exists, else FALSE                    
              mode          Initialized to zero                                            
              parityplane   Address of the start of the bias parity plane                  
              bias0[4]      Initialized to bias0[4], if bias valid, otherwise zeroes       
flags                       Flag bits defined in fepCtl.h                                  
              FP_SUSPEND    BEP has sent BEP_FEP_CMD_SUSPEND                               
              FP_TERMINATE  BEP has sent BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP                                  
tp                          Exposure parameter block                                       
              btype         Initialized to FEP_NO_BIAS (see fepBep.h)                      
              ncols         Number of pixels per output node                               
              quadcode      Output node clocking mode (see fepBep.h)                       
              type          Initialized to FEP_NO_PARM (see fepBep.h)                      
fidpix[MAX_FID_PIX]         Row and column addresses of fiducial pixels.                   
nfidpix                     Number of fiducial pixels to be reported in timed-exposure     
                            event detecting modes, set by the most recent call to          
nextexpnum                  Next possible frame number to be processed, set by a call to   

41.5 Scenarios

41.5.1 Use 1: Respond to a BEP science command from IDLE status

The fepCtl loop receives a positive return code from a call to FIOgetNextCmd, signifying that a command has been received from the BEP and is sitting in the BEP-to-FEP mailbox. The command type is copied to fp->fepStatus.mode and examined to determine the action to be taken, as shown in Table 41.

Parameter loads (BEP_FEP_CMD_PARAM) and status requests (BEP_FEP_CMD_STATUS) are handled entirely within the fepCtl module and have no immediate external consequence. Commands to start science runs (BEP_FEP_CMD_TIMED and BEP_FEP_CMD_CCLK) and bias calibrations (BEP_FEP_CMD_BIAS) cause the corresponding science modules to be invoked. The remaining commands---BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP to terminate a running command, and BEP_FEP_CMD_SUSPEND and BEP_FEP_CMD_RESUME to temporarily suspend and restart a command---have no meaning since no command is running. fepCtl therefore responds by calling fepNackCmd to indicate to the BEP that this was the case.

Note that if fepCtl calls another module to execute the command, it is the responsibility of the called function to make a prompt call to either fepAckCmd or fepNackCmd to tell the BEP whether the command was accepted or rejected.

TABLE 41. FEP responses to BEP commands received in IDLE mode

Value of fp->bepCmd.type(a)   Function Called                   Description                  
BEP_FEP_CMD_BIAS             fepBias          Start a bias calibration                     
BEP_FEP_CMD_CCLK             fepSciCClk       Start a continuously clocked science run     
BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX           fepCreateFidPix  Load zero or more fiducial pixel addresses   
                                              into fp->fidpix.                             
BEP_FEP_CMD_PARAM            fepLoadParm      Load and check a new FEP parameter block     
BEP_FEP_CMD_RESUME           fepNackCmd       Signal the BEP that the command is inap      
                                              propriate in IDLE mode                       
BEP_FEP_CMD_STATUS           fepHandleCmd     Return the current FEP software status       
BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP             fepNackCmd       Signal the BEP that the command is inap      
                                              propriate in IDLE mode                       
BEP_FEP_CMD_SUSPEND          fepNackCmd       Signal the BEP that the command is inap      
                                              propriate in IDLE mode                       
BEP_FEP_CMD_TIMED            fepSciTimed      Start a timed exposure science run           
None of the above            fepNackCmd       Signal the BEP that the command is not       
see the #define statements in fepBep.h.

41.5.2 Use 2: Respond to one BEP command while executing another

The "high-level" science processing routines---fepSciTimed, fepSciCClk, and their corresponding bias calculation routines, fepTimedBias, and fepCClkBias---should make frequent calls to FIOgetNextCmd to determine whether a command has been received from the BEP. When this function returns TRUE, it indicates that a high-level command has been received via the BEP-FEP mailbox.(1) The science routine should immediately call fepHandleCmd, which uses the value of fp->bepCmd.type to determine the action to take, as shown in Table 42:

TABLE 42. FEP responses to BEP commands received during a science or bias run

Value of fp->bepCmd.type    Function Called                    Description                  
BEP_FEP_CMD_BIAS          fepNackCmd        This command is unanticipated while a sci     
                                            ence or bias run is in progress.              
BEP_FEP_CMD_CCLK          fepNackCmd        This command is unanticipated while a sci     
                                            ence or bias run is in progress.              
BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX        fepNackCmd        This command is unanticipated while a sci     
                                            ence or bias run is in progress.              
BEP_FEP_CMD_PARAM         fepNackCmd        This command is unanticipated while a sci     
                                            ence or bias run is in progress.              
BEP_FEP_CMD_RESUME        fepAckCmd         Signal that processing is to be resumed by    
                                            clearing the FP_SUSPEND bit in fp->flags.     
BEP_FEP_CMD_STATUS        FIOwriteCmdReply  Call FIOwriteCmdReply directly to             
                                            reply to the BEP, passing as argument the     
                                            current fp->fepStatus structure.              
BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP          fepAckCmd         Signal that the run is to be terminated by    
                                            setting the FP_TERMINATE bit in fp-           
BEP_FEP_CMD_SUSPEND       fepAckCmd         Signal that processing is to be temporarily   
                                            suspended by setting the FP_SUSPEND bit       
                                            in fp->flags. The suspension is per           
                                            formed entirely by the science process.       
BEP_FEP_CMD_TIMED         fepNackCmd        This command is unanticipated while a sci     
                                            ence or bias run is in progress.              
Any other value           fepNackCmd        -                                             

41.6 Specification

41.6.1 fepCtl()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
Arguments: none
Once the bootServerFep loader has copied the FEP executable image to I-Cache memory, the BEP sends it a CMD_EXECUTE_MEM command to branch to the fepCtl entry point. This function starts out by calling FIOinit to initialize the low-level library functions, and fepInit to initialize fields in fepCtl's automatic FEPparm structure, as shown in Section 41.4.
fepCtl then executes an endless loop, alternately calling FIOgetNextCmd to see whether a command has arrived from the BEP, and FIOtouchWatchdog to reset the watchdog timer. Whenever FIOgetNextCmd returns a positive value, fepCtl inspects the bepCmd.type code and calls the appropriate function (see Table 41).
fepCtl never returns. This is a good thing, since it is either called directly from the FEP loader executing in bulk memory, or through a small assembler-language stub, and the return path will almost certainly have been overwritten long since.

41.6.2 fepAckCmd()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
A command previously received from the FEP is positively acknowledged by (a) setting the reply type to the fp->bepCmd.type of the original command, (b) setting the reply length to 2, (c) setting the single reply value to TRUE, and (d) calling FIOwriteCmdReply to send the reply back to the BEP.

41.6.3 fepAppendRingBuf()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
unsigned *ptr
unsigned wordcnt
FEPparm *fp
fepAppendRingBuf calls FIOappendBlock to write ptr to the ring buffer in segments of no more than 32 words each. If FIOappendBlock returns FALSE, it indicates that a command has been received from the BEP, and FIOgetNextCmd will be called to process it. If FIOgetNextCmd returns TRUE, this was a high-level command and fepHandleCmd is then called to give it further processing. Once any command is processed, fepAppendRingBuf resumes its calls to FIOappendBlock, not returning until all wordcnt words have been copied to the ring buffer.

41.6.4 fepBias()

Scope: Static
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
The fp->tp.type and fp->tp.btype fields are inspected and the appropriate bias calibration routine called, as shown in Table 43.
The bias routine, fepTimedBias or fepCClkBias, must immediately inspect the parameter block, fp->tp, for validity and respond fepAckCmd or fepNackCmd, as appropriate, so that the BEP can be assured that the bias command has been received.

TABLE 43. Selection of Bias Calibration Function

        fp->tp.type          fp->tp.btype     Function               Comments            
           value                 value        called                                    
FEP_TIMED_PARM_RAW           FEP_BIAS_1    fepTimedBias  Start a timed-exposure bias    
FEP_TIMED_PARM_HIST          FEP_BIAS_2                  calibration                    
                             FEP_NO_BIAS   fepAckCmd     No bias calibration required   
                                 Other     fepNackCmd    Unexpected btype value         
FEP_CCLK_PARM_RAW            FEP_BIAS_1    fepCClkBias   Start a continuously clocked   
FEP_CCLK_PARM_1x3            FEP_BIAS_2                  bias calibration               
                             FEP_NO_BIAS   fepAckCmd     No bias calibration required   
                                 Other     fepNackCmd    Unexpected btype value         
Any other value, including        Any      fepNackCmd    Unexpected type value          

41.6.5 fepCreateFidPix()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
This is called when fepCtl receives a BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX command while in IDLE mode. It checks the fp->bepCmd.len field for legality(2), returning FEP_CMD_ERR_PARM_LEN to the BEP if illegal. It then determines whether the bias map is valid (is fp->fepStatus.biasflag true?). If not, it returns FEP_CMD_ERR_NO_BIAS to the BEP.
If the tests succeed, any existing fiducial pixels are cleared out of the bias parity plane (see below) and the stored count fp->nfidpix is set to zero. Then the first fp->bepCmd.len1 elements of fp->bepCmd.args are accepted as defining the new fiducial pixel list for subsequent time exposure science runs using the current bias map. Within each 32-bit element, the 12 low order bits (011) define the column(3) and bits 1627 define the row. For each new fiducial pixel, the corresponding bias parity plane bit is set to an incorrect value, relative to its 12-bit value in the bias map, thereby causing the hardware thresholder to flag it as a parity error on every exposure frame. This in turn will allow the timed-exposure event-detection routine (FEPtestEvenPixel) to recognize and store it as a fiducial pixel.
When the fiducial pixel address list has been processed, fepCreateFidPix calls fepAckCmd to pass a FEP_CMD_NOERR return code to the BEP.

41.6.6 fepEnableNextFrame()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
This function is called to signal the FEP hardware to store then next image frame, i.e. the pixels that follow the next VSYNC code. This is done with a call to fioWriteImPulseReg(IPULSE_ARMNXTACQ), sandwiched between calls to FIOgetExpInfo. If the exposure number is found to have changed between these calls, it implies that a VSYNC code was encountered. Since the software has no way of knowing whether the VSYNC was received before or after the pulse register was updated, the call to fioWriteImPulseReg will be issued a second time, causing a frame to be skipped.
On exit, fp->ex.expnum contains the current value of the exposure counter, fp->ex.timestamp contains the corresponding latched clock time, and fp->nextexpnum = fp->ex.expnum + 1.

41.6.7 fepHandleCmd()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
This function is called whenever a call to fepGetNextCmd returns TRUE, indicating that a BEP command has been received. The responses are determined by the bepCmd.type value and are listed in Table 42 on page 1210. In each case, a reply is sent to the BEP: usually either positive acknowledgment (fepAckCmd) or negative acknowledgment (fepNackCmd), or, in response to a BEP_FEP_CMD_STATUS request, FIOwriteCmdReply is called to return the contents of fp->fepStatus in the reply argument list.

41.6.8 fepInit()

Scope: Static
Return Type: void
Arguments: none
This function is called to initialize the Front End Processor's FEPparm parameter block, as shown in Table 44. Bias values are restored from I-cache by a call to FIOgetBiasConfig. If br.biassum is consistent with the bias0 array, it is assumed that the bias map itself is still usable, so fepStatus.biasflag is set TRUE. Otherwise, it is set FALSE and br.biassum is initialized to the "impossible" value 0xffffffff.

TABLE 44. FEPparm variables Initialized by fepInit

       Variable                       Initial Value                
br.biassum             0xffffffff unless the value copied from     
                       I-cache was consistent with the values of   
                       br.bias0[] also copied from I-cache.        
ex.type                FEP_EXPOSURE_REC                            
exend.type             FEP_EXPOSURE_END_REC                        
fepStatus.mode         0                                           
fepStatus.biasflag     TRUE if br.biassum is valid, otherwise      
fepStatus.parityplane  FIOgetBiasParityPlanePtr() value            
fepStatus.bias0[]      br.bias0[] if br.biassum is valid,          
                       otherwise zeroes.                           
flags                  0                                           
nfidpix                0                                           
tp.type                FEP_NO_PARM                                 

41.6.9 fepLoadParm()

Scope: Static
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
This function copies a FEP parameter block from the command mailbox
to fp->tp. It checks the parameters shown in Table 45 and calls fepAckCmd if they are valid, or fepNackCmd if they are not.

TABLE 45. FEPparm variables that are tested by fepLoadParm

Variable Name            Validity Test           
btype          Any legal fepBiasType value      
ncols          Even and within the range 2-256  
noclk          Even and within the range 0-32   
nrows          Within the range 1-1024          
quadcode       legal fepQuadCode value          
type           legal fepParmType value          

41.6.10 fepNackCmd()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
FEPparm *fp
fepCmdRetCode errno
A command previously received from the FEP is negatively acknowledged by (a) setting the reply type to the fp->bepCmd.type of the original command, (b) setting the reply length to 2, (c) setting the single reply value to errno, and (d) calling FIOwriteCmdReply to send the reply back to the BEP. errno values are tabulated in fepBep.h.

41.6.11 fepSetAddrMode()

Scope: Science
Return Type: void
fepQuadCode quadcode
unsigned ncols
bool tHold
This function loads FEP hardware registers with values derived from
, the current DEA clocking mode, and ncols, the number of pixels per output node per row, as shown in Table 46. It calls fioClearBitCtrlReg and fioSetBitCtrlReg to set the control register, and FIOsetOffsetReg to set the four address offset registers.
FEP science and bias modules call the FIOsetAddrMode function to set FEP hardware registers so that the FEP addressing hardware can correctly interpret the incoming image pixels. It does this on the basis of the quadcode and ncols parameters, the former to specify the DEA output node configuration, and the latter to show the number of pixels to be read from a CCD quadrant by each output node.
The tHold parameter determines whether FEP hardware thresholding and bias parity detection should be turned on (TRUE) or off (FALSE). Overclock processing is always enabled.
The result will be to initialize the FEP image control register, and the four address offset registers, as shown in Table 46. Note that the fourth (diagnostic) output clocking possibility, in which nodes A--D are clocked "backwards", need not be distinguished from FEP_QUAD_ABCD within the FEP, and the latter is therefore used for both.

TABLE 46. FEP hardware register configuration for CCD output clocking modes

Value of quadcode    FEP Img         FEP Address Offset Registers        
                             Offset0     Offset1   Offset2     Offset3   
FEP_QUAD_ABCD        0x2a       0     2*ncols--1   2*ncols   4*ncols--1   
FEP_QUAD_AC          0x1a       0     2*ncols--1   2*ncols   4*ncols--1  


Low-level commands from the BEP are handled transparently within FIOgetNextCmd and are never reported to the high-level science layer.
1 fp->bepCmd.len MAX_FID_PIX.
Since fiducial pixels are always reported in contiguous even/odd pairs, an odd column address will be decremented upon receipt.

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