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4.10 FEP to BEP Science Protocols and Formats (36-53204.03 B)

4.10.1 Purpose

This chapter describes the Science-level interface between the FEPs and the BEP, as defined in the fepBep.h include file. The details of the interface itself are further described in Section 39.0 on page 1170. Here we concentrate on those aspects that directly concern the science processes executing within the FEP.

4.10.2 Uses

The fepBep interface is used in the following situations:

  1. BEP tells a FEP to start a bias calibration or science run.

  2. BEP tells a FEP to stop a bias calibration or science run.

  3. FEP reports an exposure record to the BEP.

  4. FEP reports an event record to the BEP.

  5. FEP reports a raw pixel record to the BEP.

  6. FEP reports a raw pixel histogram to the BEP.

  7. FEP reports the end of exposure record to the BEP.

  8. FEP reports a fiducial pixel record to the BEP.

  9. FEP reports a bias parity error to the BEP.

  10. BEP loads a parameter block into a FEP.

  11. BEP temporarily suspends and resumes processing in a FEP.

  12. BEP asks a FEP to report its current processing status.

  13. BEP loads one or more fiducial pixel addresses into a FEP.

4.10.3 Organization

FEP exposures, events, fiducial pixels, and bias errors are reported to the BEP via the FEP's ring buffers. All other communication uses the BEP-FEP mailbox (see Section 39.5 on page 1174). Ring Buffer Records

All ring buffer records are an integral number of 32-bit words in length, and start on a 32-bit boundary. Their first 32-bit field is a fepRingType code indicating their contents,

typedef enum {

  FEP_EXPOSURE_REC,  /* output is FEPexpRec */

  FEP_EXPOSURE_END_REC,  /* output is FEPexpEndRec */

  FEP_EVENT_REC_3x3,  /* FEPeventRec3x3 */

  FEP_EVENT_REC_5x5,  /* FEPeventRec5x5 */

  FEP_EVENT_REC_RAW,  /* FEPeventRecRaw */

  FEP_EVENT_REC_HIST,  /* FEPeventRecHist */

  FEP_EVENT_REC_1x3,  /* FEPeventRec1x3 */

  FEP_FID_PIX_REC,  /* FEPfidPixRec */

  FEP_ERROR_REC  /* output is FEPerrorRec */

} fepRingType;

The transfer itself is performed by a call to FIOappendBlock(). Exposure Start Record

When the FEP software detects the arrival of a new image frame from the DEA, it appends a copy of the FEPexpRec structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EXPOSURE_REC */

  unsigned expnum;  /* exposure number */

  unsigned timestamp;  /* time stamp */

  unsigned short bias0[4];  /* initial overclocks */

  short dOclk[4];  /* changes in overclock */

} FEPexpRec;
expnum      the frame counter value of this new exposure, as reported by the 
FEP hardware.
timestamp  the value of the 1 MHz system clock as latched by the FEP hard
ware upon arrival of the first pixel of the new frame.
bias0[4]  the average DEA output node overclock values that were de
rived from the initial frame of the most recent bias calibration.
dOclk[4]  the 4 overclock correction factors to be applied to each DEA 
output node of the new frame, where index 0 corresponds to 
Output Node A, 1 to Output Node B, 2 to Output Node C, and 3 
to Output Node D (NOTE: If any of the output nodes are unused 
for a given mode, the corresponding overclock correction factor 
is also unused, and is set to 0). Each of these values consists of 
a raw computed overclock value for the output node, minus the 
corresponding bias0. Exposure End Record

When the FEP ends its processing of an image frame, it appends a copy of the FEPexpEndRec structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EXPOSURE_END_REC */

  unsigned expnum;  /* exposure number */

  unsigned thresholds;  /* # of threshold crossings*/

  unsigned parityerrs;  /* # of bias parity errors */

} FEPexpEndRec;
expnum      the frame counter value of this new exposure, as reported by the 
FEP hardware.
thresholds  the number of threshold crossings detected in the frame.    
parityerrs  the number of bias parity errors detected in the frame. 3x3 Event Record

When the FEP software detects a threshold event, it appends a copy of the FEPeventRec3x3 structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EVENT_REC_3x3 */

  unsigned short row, col;  /* center pixel address */

  unsigned short p[3][3];  /* pixel values */

  unsigned short b[3][3];  /* bias values */

} FEPeventRec3x3;
row      the row index of the center pixel. The first row in FEP image 
memory has row index 0, and the index increases by 1 for each 
subsequent row.
col  the column index of the center pixel. The first pixel from the 
first DEA output node has column index 0, and the index in
creases by one for each subsequent pixel.
p[3][3]  the 9 pixel values, p[rows][cols], including the central 
value, p[1][1]. Each 12 low-order bits contain the pixel val
ue, with the remaining 4 high-order bits set to zero.
b[3][3]  the 9 bias values, b[rows][cols], including the central val
ue, b[1][1]. Each 12 low-order bits contain the bias value, 
with the remaining 4 high-order bits set to zero. A bias value of 
4094 indicates that the original bias value has suffered a parity 
error since the most recent bias calibration. A bias value of 4095 
indicates that the corresponding image pixel is a member of the 
Bad Pixel List. 5x5 Event Record

When the FEP software detects a threshold event, it appends a copy of the FEPeventRec5x5 structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EVENT_REC_5x5 */

  unsigned short row, col;  /* center pixel address */

  unsigned short p[3][3];  /* pixel values */

  unsigned short b[3][3];  /* bias values */

  unsigned short pe[16];  /* edge pixel values */

  unsigned short be[16];  /* edge bias values */

} FEPeventRec5x5;
row      the row index of the center pixel. The first row in FEP image 
memory has row index 0, and the index increases by 1 for each 
subsequent row.
col  the column index of the center pixel. The first pixel from the 
first DEA output node has column index 0, and the index in
creases by one for each subsequent pixel.
p[3][3]  the center 9 pixel values, p[rows][cols], including the cen
tral pixel, p[1][1]. Each 12 low-order bits contain the pixel 
value, with the remaining 4 high-order bits set to zero.
b[3][3]  the center 9 bias values, b[rows][cols], including the cen
tral bias, b[1][1]. Each 12 low-order bits contain the bias val
ue, with the remaining 4 high-order bits set to zero. A bias value 
of 4094 indicates that the original bias value has suffered a par
ity error since the most recent bias calibration. A bias value of 
4095 indicates that the corresponding image pixel is a member 
of the Bad Pixel List.
pe[16]  the 16 outer pixel values---pe[0] is 2 rows and 2 columns be
fore the center, pe[1] is two rows and 1 column before it, etc. 
Each 12 low-order bits contain the pixel value, with the remain
ing 4 high-order bits set to zero.
be[16]  the 16 outer bias values---be[0] is 2 rows and 2 columns be
fore the center, be[1] is two rows and 1 column before it, etc. 
Each 12 low-order bits contain the bias value, with the remain
ing 4 high-order bits set to zero. A bias value of 4094 indicates 
that the original bias value has suffered a parity error since the 
most recent bias calibration. A bias value of 4095 indicates that 
the corresponding image pixel is a member of the Bad Pixel 
List. 1x3 Event Record

When the FEP software detects a threshold event, it appends a copy of the FEPeventRec1x3 structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EVENT_REC_1x3 */

  unsigned short row, col;  /* center pixel address */

  unsigned short p[3];  /* pixel values */

  unsigned short b[3];  /* bias values */

} FEPeventRec1x3;
row      the row index of the center pixel. The first row in FEP image 
memory has row index 0, and the index increases by 1 for each 
subsequent row.
col  the column index of the center pixel. The first pixel from the 
first DEA output node has column index 0, and the index in
creases by one for each subsequent pixel.
p[3]  the 3 pixel values, p[rows], including the central value, p[1]. 
Each 12 low-order bits contain the pixel value, with the remain
ing 4 high-order bits set to zero.
b[3]  the 3 bias values, b[rows], including the central value, b[1]. 
Each 12 low-order bits contain the bias value, with the remain
ing 4 high-order bits set to zero. A bias value of 4094 indicates 
that the original bias value has suffered a parity error since the 
most recent bias calibration. A bias value of 4095 indicates that 
the corresponding image pixel is a member of the Bad Pixel 
List. Raw Mode Pixel Record

As images are acquired by the FEP, the FEP software appends a copy of the FEPeventRecRaw structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EVENT_REC_RAW */

  unsigned short row;  /* pixel row address */

  unsigned short p[1024];  /* pixel values */

  unsigned short oc[MAX_NOCLK*4];  

    /* overclock pixel values */

} FEPeventRecRaw;

row      the row index of the center pixel. The first row in FEP image 
memory has row index 0, and the index increases by 1 for each 
subsequent row.
p[1024]  up to 1024 pixel values. Each 12 low-order bits contain the pixel 
value, with the remaining 4 high-order bits set to zero.
oc[]  up to MAX_OCLK overclock pixels per DEA output node. 
Each 12 low-order bits contain the overclock value, with the re
maining 4 high-order bits set to zero. Histogram Mode Record

The FEP reads exposures, accumulating histograms of raw pixel values (FEP_TIMED_PARM_HIST). Once the specified number of exposures (nhist in fepParmBlock) have been processed, the FEP software appends a copy of the FEPeventRecHist structure to the ring buffer.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_EVENT_REC_HIST */

  unsigned expfirst;  /* first exposure number */

  unsigned explast;  /* last exposure number */

  unsigned short omin[4];  /* minimum node overclock */

  unsigned short omax[4];  /* maximum node overclock */

  unsigned short omean[4];  /* mean node overclock */

  unsigned ovar[4];  /* node overclock variance */

  unsigned hist[4][4096];  /* pixel histogram */

} FEPeventRecHist;
expfirst      the frame counter value of the first exposure in which the his
togram was accumulated, as reported by the FEP hardware.
explast      the frame counter value of the last exposure in which the his
togram was accumulated, as reported by the FEP hardware.
omin[4]      the minimum value of the overclocks from the 4 CCD nodes 
while the histogram was being accumulated.
omax[4]      the maximum value of the overclocks from the 4 CCD nodes 
while the histogram was being accumulated.
omean[4]      the mean of the average overclock values from the 4 CCD 
nodes while the histogram was being accumulated. The aver
age is computed for each node of each frame and these are 
then averaged over nhist frames.

ovar[4]      the mean of the variances of the overclock values from the 4 
CCD nodes while the histogram was being accumulated. The 
variance is computed for each node of each frame and these 
are then averaged over nhist frames.
hist[4][4096]  the pixel histogram. The first index denotes the CCD nodes, 
AD, and the second the number of 12-bit values found in all 
rows of the CCD during that particular set of exposures. Fiducial Pixel Record

When fiducial pixels have been defined by a prior BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX command, the FEP software appends a copy of the FEPfidPixRec structure to the ring buffer whenever that particular fiducial pixel is encountered (in timed exposure event-finding mode only).

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_FID_PIX_REC */

  unsigned index;  /* fiducial pixel index */

  unsigned val;  /* fiducial pixel pair */

} FEPfidPixRec;
index  the index of this pair of fiducial pixels in the args array of row 
and column addresses passed to the FEP in the most recent 
BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX command (see Section on 
page 147).
val  the value of the pair of fiducial pixels---the 12 low-order bits 
(011) contain the value of the even-column-number pixel and 
bits 1627 contain the value of the pixel at the same row and one 
higher column number. The remaining bits are set to zero. Error Record

Immediately the FEP software detects a parity error in the bias map, it appends a copy of the FEPerrorRec structure to the ring buffer and immediately changes the stored bias value to 4094. NOTE: if both of a pair of bias values in neighboring even/odd columns have experienced a parity error, only a single FEPerrorRec record will be generated.

typedef struct {

  fepRingType type;  /* = FEP_ERROR_REC */

  unsigned short row, col;  /* pixel address */

  unsigned expnum;  /* exposure number */

  unsigned biasval;  /* the erroneous value */

} FEPerrorRec;

row      the row index of the bad bias pixel. The first row in FEP image 
memory has row index 0, and the index increases by 1 for each 
subsequent row.
col  the column index of the bad bias pixel. The first pixel from the 
first DEA output node has column index 0, and the index in
creases by one for each subsequent pixel.
expnum      the frame counter value of the exposure in which the bias parity 
error was detected, as reported by the FEP hardware.
biasval      the value of the 32-bit register containing one or two bad bias 
values. Bits 011 and 1627 contain the values, bits 12 and 28 
contain the corresponding parity bits, and bits 15 and 31 con
tains the parity error flags.

4.10.4 BEP-FEP Mailbox Messages

The BEP sends commands to the FEPs using a COMMAND mailbox (see Section 39.5 on page 1174). However, this is not accompanied by a hardware interrupt, so the FEP must arrange to make frequent calls to FIOgetNextCmd() to poll the mailbox for new business. This arrives in the form of a COMMAND structure,

typedef struct {

  unsigned len;  /* number of args + type */

  int type;  /* type of request */

  unsigned args[];  /* data */


Several BEP-to-FEP commands, signified by negative type values, are handled automatically within FIOgetNextCmd(). The remainder must be handled by the science-level code. When the command has been processed, the FEP fills a second COMMAND structure and passes it back to the BEP with a call to FIOwriteCmdReply(). Start Bias Calibration

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to start a bias calibration by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 1

command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_BIAS

command.  args[0] = (unused)

This command should be preceded by a FEP_CMD_LOAD_PARAM command to load a parameter block. Otherwise, the FEP won't know how to perform the calibration. The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_BIAS

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the bias calibration started successfully, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it didn't. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Start a Timed Exposure

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to start a timed exposure run by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 1

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_TIMED

command.  args[0] = (unused)

This command should be preceded by a FEP_CMD_LOAD_PARAM command to load a parameter block. Otherwise, the FEP won't know how to start the run. The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_TIMED

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the timed-exposure science run started successfully, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it didn't. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Start a Continuously Clocked Exposure

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to start a continuously clocked exposure run by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 1

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_CCLK

command.  args[0] = (unused)

This command should be preceded by a FEP_CMD_LOAD_PARAM command to load a continuous clocking parameter block. Otherwise, the FEP won't know how to start the run. The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_CCLK

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the continuously clocked science run started successfully, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it didn't. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Terminate the Current Mode

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to stop whatever it is doing (please) by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 1

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP

command.  args[0] = (unused)

The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_STOP

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the FEP stopped its processing, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it didn't, e.g. because it was idling at the time. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Load a Parameter Block

The BEP transfers a parameter block to the FEP by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 18

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_PARAM

command.  args[0] = type

      command.args[1] = nrows


The args array actually contains a copy of the following FEPparmBlock structure.

typedef struct {

  fepParmType type;  /* parameter block type */

  unsigned nrows;  /* ending pixel row */

  unsigned ncols;  /* # of pixels/row/node */

  fepQuadCode quadcode;  /* Quadrant (node) selection */

  unsigned noclk;  /* # overclocks/row/node */

  unsigned nhist;  /* # exposures/histogram */

  fepBiasType btype;  /* bias algorithm type */

  int thresh[4];  /* user specified thresholds */

  int bparm[5];  /* bias calibration params */  

  unsigned nskip;  /* exposure skip factor */

  unsigned initskip;  /* # initial frames to ignore */

} FEPparmBlock;

typedef enum {

  FEP_NO_PARM,  /* no param block specified */

  FEP_TIMED_PARM_RAW,  /* timed raw mode */

  FEP_TIMED_PARM_HIST,  /* timed raw histogram */

  FEP_TIMED_PARM_3x3,  /* timed 3x3 events */

  FEP_TIMED_PARM_5x5,  /* timed 5x5 events */

  FEP_CCLK_PARM_RAW,  /* continuous raw mode */

  FEP_CCLK_PARM_1x3,  /* continuous 1x3 events */

} fepParmType;
typedef enum {

  FEP_QUAD_ABCD,  /* All four nodes in use */

  FEP_QUAD_AC,  /* Only A and C nodes in use */

  FEP_QUAD_BD  /* Only B and D nodes in use */

} fepQuadCode;
typedef enum {

  FEP_NO_BIAS,  /* none */

  FEP_BIAS_1,  /* algorithm #1 */

  FEP_BIAS_2  /* algorithm #2 */

} fepBiasType;

Note that the same structure is used to define parameters in timed mode and in continuous clocking mode. Once the FEP has loaded the block, it replies to the FEP as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_PARAM

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the parameter block was successfully loaded, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it wasn't. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Suspend FEP Operations

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to temporarily suspend its operations by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 1

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_SUSPEND

command.  args[0] = (unused)

The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_SUSPEND

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the FEP suspended its current task, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it didn't, e.g. because it was idling at the time. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Resume FEP Operations

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to resume its operations by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 2

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_RESUME

command.  args[0] = mode

where mode is the FEP operating mode that is to resume. The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_RESUME

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the FEP resumed its suspended task, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if it didn't, e.g. because it hadn't been suspended. The codes are defined in fepBep.h. Command a FEP to return its status

The BEP signals to the FEP that it is to return its current processing status by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = 1

  command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_STATUS

command.  args[0] = (unused)

The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 4

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_REPLY_STATUS

reply.  args[0] = mode

      reply.args[1] = biasflag

      reply.args[2] = biasparityaddr

      reply.args[3] = bias0[0] and bias[01]

      reply.args[4] = bias0[2] and bias0[3]

where mode is the command.type of the command that is currently executing in the FEP (or zero if it is idle), biasflag is TRUE if the FEP contains a valid bias map, or FALSE if it doesn't, and biasparityaddr is the address, in the FEP's address space, of the start of its bias parity plane. bias0[4] is an array of unsigned 16-bit average overclock values from the first frame of the bias calculation, packed into two 32-bit ring buffer words. Load one or more fiducial pixel addresses into a FEP

Fiducial pixels are particular CCD pixels whose values are always to be reported by the FEP in timed exposure event modes. The BEP passes one or more fiducial pixel addresses to the FEP by sending it the following COMMAND structure:

command.len = varying

      command.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX

command.  args[0] = row_and_column_1

      command.args[1] = row_and_column_2

      command.args[2] = row_and_column_3


where the column addresses(1) occupy bits 011 of each element of the args array, and the corresponding row addresses occupy bits 1627. The number of fiducial pixels is one less than command.len. The reply sent to the FEP is as follows:

reply.len = 2

  reply.type = BEP_FEP_CMD_FIDPIX

reply.  args[0] = status

where status is FEP_CMD_NOERR if the fiducial pixels were successfully loaded, or a particular fepCmdRetCode if they weren't. The codes are defined in fepBep.h.



Since fiducial pixels are always reported in contiguous even/odd pairs, an odd column address will be decremented upon receipt.

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