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The purpose of the collection of interrupt control classes is to manage interrupts from the various Back End Processor devices. For a description of the R3000 and Mongoose interrupt structure and registers, see Section 4.1 and Section 4.2 . For a list of Back End Processor interrupt causes, priorities and their timing requirements, see Section 4.3.13 .
This collection of classes consists of (a) an IntrController class, which manages prioritized interrupts and dispatches control to the interrupting device, (b) an IntrGuard class, whose construction and destruction delimit periods during which interrupts are disabled, (c) an abstract IntrDevice class, which generalizes the common interface to all interrupting devices, and (d) an abstract DevCallback class, which provides the common interface to all classes which can be installed to be "called-back" during interrupt processing. The IntrController class is a top level class, and uses the Mongoose class to provide access to the R3000 and Mongoose interrupt control and status registers. Not shown in the figure is the low-level R3000 assembly language code which passes control to the IntrController during interrupt processing.
FIGURE 12. Interrupt Controller and Device Relationships
IntrController - The IntrController class is responsible for top-level interrupt handling (dispatchInterrupt), and for enabling (enableInts), disabling (disableInts) interrupts, and for restoring a previous interrupt-enable state (restoreInts). It uses the Mongoose class to manipulate the R3000 Co-processor 0's Status Register (setStatusReg), read Co-processor 0's Cause Register (getCauseReg), and to read and write to the Mongoose Control/Status Interface's (CSI) Extended Mask and Cause registers (mongoose.regs->xmask and mongoose.regs->xcause, not shown in Figure 12).
IntrDevice - This is an abstract class which defines the common interface to all types of interruptible devices. It is used by the IntrController to dispatch control to interruptible devices (handleInterrupt()), and by client code to install callback functions (installCallback), which are invoked during a devices's interrupt processing (invokeCallback() and DevCallback::invoke()). Child classes of IntrDevice, may use their parent's protected method, invokeCallback() to invoke the installed callback instance.
DevCallback- This is an abstract class which defines the common interface to all classes which can be installed as a device callback (via IntrDevice::installCallback()). The IntrDevice class uses the DevCallback member function invoke() to pass control to the callback instance during the device's interrupt processing.
IntrGuard - This class provides a "safe" mechanism by which client code can temporarily disable interrupts during critical sections of code. The constructor for IntrGuard uses Mongoose::setStatusReg() to read the current interrupt enable state and disable interrupts. The read state is stored in a private variable within the IntrGuard instance. When the destructor for the class is invoked, it uses the same Mongoose function to restore the saved interrupt enable state. By declaring an instance of IntrGuard within a local scope (i.e. a function or sub-block within a function) interrupts are disabled from the point of declaration until the code leaves the scope of the block. By relying on the compiler to generate the destructor when a function returns or a local block is exited, it ensures that the original interrupt state is restored.
Mongoose - This class is used by the IntrController class to manage the R3000 Co-processor 0's Status and Cause registers, and the Mongoose Extended Interrupt Mask and Cause registers. Refer to Section 5.0 for a description of this class.
The R3000 manages interrupts through its System Co-processor (Co-processor 0). This co-processor contains a Status Register and Cause Register (see Section 4.1 ). The Status Register controls interrupt enables and disables, and contains (in addition to many other control bits) 8 interrupt mask bits. Two of these bits correspond to the two R3000 software interrupts, and the other 6 correspond to hardware interrupts level-triggered lines wired to the R3000. In addition to various other status information, the co-processor's Cause register contains an Exception cause code and 8 interrupt cause bits, corresponding to the mask bits in the Status Register.
The ACIS instrument software only deals with the Interrupt Exception Cause. All other Exception codes are considered fatal errors, and during pre-flight debugging, will cause a fatal system error and reboot.
In addition to the R3000 interrupts, the Mongoose Microcontroller adds another suite of interrupt causes, including a Watchdog Timer Interrupt, General Purpose Timer Interrupt, DMA Interrupt, UART Receive Interrupt, UART Transmit Interrupt and three external edge triggered interrupts, and a collection of additional error exceptions (see Section 4.2 ). These interrupts are ORed to the R3000 hardware interrupt number 3. The device interrupts (DMA, Timers, and UART) can be individually masked via a memory-mapped register in the Mongoose's CSI block, the Extended Interrupt Mask register. The cause of a particular Mongoose Interrupt is indicated by the Extended Cause register, in the same CSI block.
When the R3000 is interrupted, it saves the interrupt return address in its Co-processor 0's Exception Program Counter register, disables interrupts, places the processor into "Kernel" mode and executes its Exception Vector code located at processor address 0x80000080. This code branches to the main low-level interrupt handler, written in assembler. This handler then saves a few registers, invokes the Nucleus RTX function SKD_Interrupt_Context_Save(), which saves all of the R3000 registers, including the R3000 Co-processor's Exception Program Counter and Status Register, and some information on the task being interrupted. The assembler handler then calls a "C/C++" function, intr_handler(). This function then invokes the IntrController::dispatchInterrupt() function. Once IntrController and intr_handler() return, the assembly handler calls SKD_Interrupt_Context_Restore() to restore control to a task.
The R3000 does not provide built-in facilities for nesting prioritized interrupts. It treats this as a software responsibility. The recommended technique (see "The MIPS Programmer's Handbook," Section 4) for implementing prioritized nested interrupts uses a 256 entry table, indexed by the 8 interrupt cause bits from the Co-processor's Cause register. During initialization, the software sets up the table to map the 8 possible causes to a single priority selection. A second table, indexed by priority, selects an interrupt mask to use. During interrupt processing, while interrupts are disabled, the software uses the Cause bits to select the priority, and then uses priority to select a mask which disables all lower-priority interrupt causes. It then writes the mask to the Co-processor's Status Register, and re-enables interrupts. This will allow higher priority interrupts to occur while the software is processing the current interrupt level.
Given that the Mongoose provides another set of interrupts (see Section 4.2 ), located in a different register, and masked using a different mask, it is difficult for the ACIS software to use exactly the same scheme for prioritizing interrupts. Instead, the IntrController::dispatchInterrupt() function tests for each of the known interrupt causes separately, and selects both an R3000 mask and Mongoose Extended Interrupt mask which disables lower-priority device interrupts. The function then masks both the R3000 and Mongoose causes, enables interrupts, and transfers control to the interrupt device, using IntrDevice::handleInterrupt(). Once the device returns, the dispatch function disables interrupts and restores the previous R3000 and Mongoose interrupt masks. For a list of Back End hardware interrupts and priorities, see Section 4.3.13 .
Figure 13 illustrates the overall interrupt handling scenario.
FIGURE 13. Interrupt Handling Scenario
In order to allow client code to perform a set of operations without worrying about one or more of the interrupt handlers modifying things behind its back, the system provides an IntrGuard class provides the ability to temporarily disable interrupts. This system relies on the C++ behavior of invoking a class constructor when an instance of that class is declared within a function or block within a function, and invoking its destructor when the function returns, or the block is ended.
The following C++ code fragment illustrates how to use the IntrGuard within a function.
// ---- Variable shared by both foo() and an interrupt handler ---- volatile unsigned sharedVariable; void foo () { // By declaring guard, interrupt state is saved, and interrupts are disabled // (The private, const variable guard.oldState contains the previous // interrupt enable state) IntrGuard guard; // --- Read variable, increment and write back sharedVariable++; if (sharedVariable < 10) { return; // -- Interrupt restored by guard destructor } sharedVariable = 0; return; // --- Interrupt state restore by guard destructor }
Another example shows its use within a block inside a function:
// ---- Variable shared by both bar() and an interrupt handler ---- volatile unsigned sharedVariable; unsigned nonSharedVariable; void bar() { nonSharedVariable++; { // Constructor saves old state and disable interrupts IntrGuard guard; sharedVariable++; // Safely read/modify/write } // Leaving block invokes destructor and restores interrupts // Modifying sharedVariable outside block may cause problems // due to contention with interrupt handler. }
Figure 14 illustrates the overall use of IntrGuard.
FIGURE 14. Performing block interrupt disables and restores
In order to support higher level operations during interrupt processing, the IntrDevice class contains a pointer to an installed DevCallback instance. Client applications install the callback during initialization using IntrDevice::installCallback(). When an interrupt handler is invoked, the handler is responsible for invoking the callback, DevCallback::invoke(). IntrDevice provides a function which does this, IntrDevice::invokeCallback(), which in general covers most needs. Figure 12, "Interrupt Controller and Device Relationships," on page 157 illustrates how and when the callback is invoked.
Public Uses:
Public Interface:
handleInterrupt() installCallback()
Protected Interface:
Private Interface:
Has-A Relationships:
DevCallback* callback
This function is used by a client to install an DevCallback instance, pointed to by callback, to be invoked whenever a device interrupt occurs.
Public Interface:
IntrDevice* device
This function is invoked by a device-specific interrupt handler. This function then performs whatever client specific operations are needed. It is intended that this function be implemented by the various sub-classes of this class.
Public Uses:
Implementation Uses:
Public Interface:
disableInts() dispatchInterrupt() enableInts() restoreInts()
unsigned icause
unsigned xcause
This function dispatches control to each device with a pending interrupt. Each device is serviced in prioritized order, with higher priority devices having the interrupts re-enabled.
unsigned oldState
Restore a previous interrupt enable/disable state. oldState is the value returned from disableInts() or enableInts().
Implementation Uses:
Mongoose mongoose
Public Interface:
IntrGuard() ~IntrGuard()
Private Interface:
Has-A Relationships: