Field Name Length (bits) Bit Contents Description
Item Total Algn Off
dataTeBiasMap 352 + 32*n 32 0 telemetry Packet Portion of a Timed Exposure Bias Map from one FEP (see table 25, swreq Rev. I)
  header 6464 32 0 telemetry Header Telemetry Packet Header
    synch 3232 32 0 uint32 = 0x736f4166 This field delimits the start of a telemetry packet.
    telemetryLength 1010 1 32 uint10 = 11+n This field indicates the total number of 32-bit words in the telemetry packet
    formatTag 66 1 42 uint6 = 14 This field identifies the content of the telemetry packet [see enum TlmFormatTag]: TTAG_SCI_TE_BIAS
    sequenceNumber 1616 1 48 uint16 This field is the sequence number of the telemetry packet
  biasStartTime 3232 32 64 uint32 Science timestamp counter value at start of bias computation
  biasParameterId 3232 32 96 uint32 Bias Run's Parameter Block's Identifier field
  ccdId 44 1 128 uint4 Identify which CCD produced the data [see enum CcdId]
  fepId 33 1 132 uint3 Identifies which FEP computed and used the bias map [see enum FepId]
  dataPacketNumber 1616 16 144 uint16 Bias Packet Sequence Number
  initialOverclocks[4] 1664 16 160 uint16 Output node initial overclock values added to pixel map values (In Full/Diag Mode, nodes are ordered as [A, B, C, D]. In AC mode, [A, C, x, x], and in BD mode [B, D, x, x])
  pixelsPerRow 1010 1 224 uint10 Total number of pixels in each bias row minus 1 (i.e. 0 corresponds to 1 pixel)
  rowsPerBias 1010 1 234 uint10 Total number of rows in bias image minus 1 (i.e. 0 corresponds to 1 row)
  ccdRow 1010 1 244 uint10 CCD Row position of first pixel in data packet
  ccdRowCount 1010 1 254 uint10 Number of rows compressed into this data packet minus 1
  compressionTableSlotIndex 88 1 264 uint8 Slot index of Compression Table Identifier used to pack data (255 no compression)
  compressionTableIdentifier 3232 1 272 uint32 Identifier stored within Huffman Compression Table used to pack data (0 if no compression)
  pixelCount 3232 1 304 uint32 The total number of pixels packed into the packet
  data[pl-11] 3232*n 32 352 uint32 Compressed bias map data values (12-bits/uncompressed value). Indexed by column, starting from 0. Rows sent in reverse order (farthest from Framestore first)

Definition of variables
n the dimension of the data array [pl-11]
pl the value of the telemetryLength field