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ACIS Users Guide, Rev. A |
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This section describes the facilities provided by ACIS for monitoring the health and safety of the instrument, and to verify the receipt and execution of its software commands.
Engineering housekeeping information is polled by the spacecraft and inserted in the engineering portion of the telemetry stream, in fixed locations specified by the telemetry format descriptions provided by TRW. Refer to TBD for a description of these items.
Whenever the instrument software re-boots, either due to a power-on reset, cold reset, warm reset or watchdog reset, the software issues a "Startup Message" telemetry packet. (bepStartupMessage). The ground can determine the type of reset using the following:
Table 11. Startup Message Flags to Reset Type watchdogFlag warmBootFlag Reset Type Reference 0 0 Cold Boot or Power On Boot Section and Section 0 1 Warm Boot Section 1 0 Cold Watchdog Boot Section 1 1 Warm Watchdog Boot Section The message also indicates the results of the parameter block and table integrity checks. If any of the following message fields are `1', then the associated table has been corrupted. Since these tables reside in SEU-immune RAM, the corruption is probably due to either a software problem, a misdirected write-memory command, or due to a ROM or RAM failure:
patchValidFlag - Patch List has been corrupted. configFlag - System Configuration Table has been corrupted, and is now re-loaded from ROM. parametersFlag - One or more parameter blocks have been corrupted.
Approximately once every 64 seconds, the Software Housekeeping task issues a "Software Housekeeping" telemetry packet and updates the engineering LED bi-level values.
The engineering bi-level LED values indicate the state of the instrument during boot (see Section 3.1.3 and Section 3.1.4) and, once running under flight software control, indicate the overall state of the instrument. To indicate that the instrument is alive, the Software Housekeeping task toggles the level values. The following lists the bi-level mnemonics associated with each bit of the bi-level code:
LED Bi-level Telemetry Mnemonics
Table 12. LED Bi-level Telemetry Mnemonic Mnemonic LED Bit Position (lsb first) 1STAT0ST 0 1STAT1ST 1 1STAT2ST 2 1STAT3ST 3 The following lists the LED codes used by the Software Housekeeping task (to review those used by the boot process, refer to Section 3.1).
Table 13. Software Housekeeping LED States Symbol Bit-Pattern (3 2 1 0)
Instrument State LED_RUN_IDLE_A 0 1 1 0 Most recent boot was commanded. Not performing science run. LED_RUN_IDLE_B 0 1 1 1 LED_RUN_SCIENCE_A 0 1 0 0 Most recent boot was commanded. Performing Science Run. LED_RUN_SCIENCE_B 0 1 0 1 LED_WD_IDLE_A 0 0 1 0 Most recent boot was from watchdog timer (patches not installed). Not performing science run. LED_WD_IDLE_B 0 0 1 1 LED_WD_SCIENCE_A 0 0 0 0 Most recent boot was from watchdog timer (patches not installed). Performing Science Run. LED_WD_SCIENCE_B 0 0 0 1
TBD Double samples
Once every approximately 64 seconds, the Software Housekeeping task produces a "Software Housekeeping" telemetry packet. This packet consists of a list of entries, which were reported during since the previous housekeeping packet was sent. Each entry consists of an identifier (swStatisticId), a report counter (count), and an entry-specific value field (value). The identifier indicates what was reported, the count indicates how many times it was reported since the previous housekeeping packet (or since the instrument booted), and the associated value supplied with the most recent report. When the housekeeping task is started, and after it issues each telemetry packet, it reports SWSTAT_VERSION, using the "value" field to supply the software version number (this may be overwritten by software maintenance to indicate the current patch version).
If, due to telemetry saturation, a software housekeeping packet is held for additional 64 second periods, the occurrence will be indicated in the SWSTAT_SWHOUSE_SKIPPED, where the "count" indicates the number of 64 second periods skipped, and the "value" field is unused.
If a report is issued and the housekeeping identifier is out-of-range (most likely due to an improperly conceived patch or software error), the SWSTAT_SWHOUSE_RANGE item will be reported instead, where the "value" field is the most recent offending identifier.
The ACIS software attempts to write "Command Echo" telemetry packets to describe each software command packet it receives. The echo contains a copy of the received command packet, plus an error code, indicating the disposition of the command. If, due to telemetry saturation, a command echo is dropped, a SWSTAT_CMDECHO_DROPPED report will be issued to software housekeeping, where the "value" field contains a copy of the "commandId" of the most recent command whose echo was not telemetered. Although the echo isn't sent, the command is executed.
TBD - fill-in more detail
If and when the instrument detects an error from which it cannot recover, or which indicates a serious problem with the integrity of the instrument software, the Flight Software issues a "Fatal Error" telemetry message packet, and resets the BEP, using the watchdog timer.
TBD - Fatal Error Detail
The ACIS software supports acquisition and telemetry of hardware housekeeping information from the Detector Electronics Assembly. The system sends this information under two scenarios. In the first scenario, the ground loads a housekeeping parameter block and then starts a "DEA Housekeeping" run. In the second, the instrument acquires and telemeters DEA video board housekeeping information as part of the setup for a science run.
The DEA Housekeeping Parameter Block contains an ordered list of DEA Housekeeping items to query, and a rate at which to query the entire list (i.e. how often to produce 1 DEA Housekeeping telemetry packet containing the results of each query). A given item may appear more than once in the parameter block, although this is of marginal use. During the acquisition, there is a built-in 0.2 second delay between each item query (NOTE: Video Board ADC Read-Out delays are much longer. See Section
The instrument has five slots in which it stores DEA Housekeeping Parameter blocks. The parameter blocks are loaded into a particular slot using a "Load DEA Housekeeping Parameter Block" command packet. When a slot is loaded, its prior contents are overwritten by the new block contained in the command. If the instrument is power-cycled or cold-booted (see Section, Section, the contents of the slots will be restored to their "as-launched" values. A warm- boot (see Section, however, retains the contents of the most recently loaded blocks.
Each parameter block contains a checksum field. The checksum is the bitwise XOR of each 16-bit word in the command packet following the checksum field (i.e. starting with the least-significant 16-bit word of the deaBlockId field).
Load DEA Housekeeping Parameter Block
loadDeaBlock: CMDOP_LOAD_DEA { deaBlockSlotIndex = 0..5 - Specify which slot to load checksum = checksum - 16-bit wide XOR of remainder of packet (illustrated in bold-type) deaBlockId = id - Ground selected Parameter Block Id sampleRate = seconds - Frequency of housekeeping packet queries[] = - Array of items to query { ccdId = I0..S5 or CCD_DESELECT - Select which Video board to query, or CCD_DESELECT to choose a DEA interface board item. queryId = item - Select item on the chose board to read } }For example, the following shows a command which loads a parameter block into slot 3, which when used as part of a DEA Housekeeping run, will read both focal plane temperatures and the board temperature from CCD I3 (see Section 3.3.3 for a description of the relationship between a video board and its associated CCD) once every 10 seconds:
loadDeaBlock: CMDOP_LOAD_DEA { deaBlockSlotIndex = 3 - Load block into slot 3 checksum = 0x823d - 16-bit wide XOR of remainder of pkt deaBlockId = 0x1234 - Ground selected Parameter Block Id sampleRate = 10 - Query the set once every 10 seconds queries[] = - Array of items to query { ccdId = CCD_DESELECT - Select interface board queryId = DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_FPTEMP_12 - Query FP temperature } { ccdId = CCD_DESELECT - Select interface board queryId = DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_FPTEMP_11 - Query FP temperature } { ccdId = CCD_I3 - Select I3 queryId = DDEAHOUSE_CCD_TEMP_BOARD - Query board temperature } }
Science Telemetry
Command Echo on a successful load:
commandEcho: TTAG_CMD_ECHO { arrival = time command arrived (BEP 10Hz Ticks) result = CMDRESULT_OK (other values indicate an error) loadDeaBlock: CMDOP_LOAD_DEA { deaBlockSlotIndex = 0..5 checksum = checksum deaBlockId = id sampleRate = seconds queries[] = { ccdId = I0..S5 or CCD_DESELECT } } }If the checksum of the packet doesn't match its contents, the block will not be loaded into the slot, and the Command echo will report the error by setting the result field to CMDRESULT_STORE_ERROR.
The instrument software does not correct the requested sample rate by the inter-sample delay time, nor for jitter due to instrument processor loading and DEA command time- delays. Not counting processor loading and command delays, the actual sample rate is approximately:
actual rate := sampleRate + (0.2 seconds * number of queries)
In order to handle the rise-times of the Video Board ADC signal path, the read-time of a video board ADC channel is longer than normal. See Section for a more detailed description.
See Section
A power-cycle or cold reboot of the instrument will reload the contents of the DEA Housekeeping parameter block slots with those provided in ROM.
A DEA Housekeeping Run is initiated using a "Start DEA Housekeeping" command. The slot field in the command specifies which slot contains the DEA Housekeeping parameter block to use for the run.
Once started, the DEA Housekeeping task will accumulate all of the entries specified in the parameter block, with at least 0.2 second delay between each query, into a DEA Housekeeping telemetry buffer and then send the buffer (NOTE: Video Board ADC Read-Out delays are much longer. See Section The task will then sleep for the time requested in the "sampleRate" field of the parameter block, and then repeat the process. The task will continue in this fashion until a "Stop DEA Housekeeping" command is received.
Start DEA Housekeeping Run:
startDea: CMDOP_START_DEA { deaBlockSlotIndex = 0..4 - Select parameter block slot }For example, the following would start a DEA Housekeeping run using parameters previously loaded into slot 3 (see example in Section Commands):
startDea: CMDOP_START_DEA { deaBlockSlotIndex = 3 - Select parameters loaded into Slot 3 }
Science Telemetry
Command Echo on a successful start:
commandEcho: TTAG_CMD_ECHO { arrival = time command arrived (BEP 10Hz Ticks) result = CMDRESULT_OK (other values indicate an error) startDea: CMDOP_START_DEA { deaBlockSlotIndex = 0..5 } }If the contents of the chosen parameter block slot have been corrupted, but the parameters in slot 0 are intact, the parameters in slot 0 will be used instead of the selected slot. In this case, the run will commence, and the result field of the command echo will be CMDRESULT_CORRUPT_DEFAULT.
If, however, both the contents of the selected slot, and the contents of slot 0 are corrupt, the system will not attempt to start the DEA Housekeeping run. The command echo result field will be CMDRESULT_CORRUPT_IDLE.
Once running, the DEA Housekeeping task will produce 1 DEA Housekeeping telemetry packet each sample period (extended as needed for any read-out delays, or telemetry saturation).
deaHousekeepingData: TTAG_DEA_HOUSE { deaBlockId = Id of DEA Housekeeping parameter block used for the DEA Run (or, if part of a science setup, the Id of the science parameter block. See Section commandId = Id of the command which started the DEA Run (or, if part of a science setup, the Id of the command which started the Science Run. See Section bepTickCounter = BEP 10Hz Tick at start of DEA housekeeping acquisition entries[] = Array of queried housekeeping items { query = { ccdId = Queried CCD or CCD_DESELECT for interface board queryId = Requested item } value = Value of the requested item, or 0xffff if there was an error when the item was queried (NOTE: Housekeeping time-outs may occur during science setup. This is expected.). }, ... }
In order to reduce noise and improve science data quality, science runs typically disable the video board command clock and command data lines while taking data. In order to acquire housekeeping data from the video boards, the instrument software will temporarily re-enable the command clock and command data lines to the video boards during those queries. This may (this hasn't been quantified) introduce additional noise to the science data while DEA housekeeping is performed on the video boards. To avoid this, don't configure video board queries for housekeeping runs which are run concurrently with science runs.
If the selected slot is corrupt, is not slot 0, and slot 0 is also not corrupt, then slot 0 will be selected for the run. If both slots are corrupt, then the run will not be started.
When a DEA Housekeeping run is active, and a science run is in the process of setting up, the DEA Housekeeping task and the Science task arbitrate for access to the DEA command and status channels. Some actions of the Science task can cause the DEA Housekeeping task to time-out (but not vice-versa) waiting for the channel. This is reported as an 0xffff value for the affected query or queries.
An active DEA Housekeeping run is stopped using a "Stop DEA Housekeeping" command packet. Once the instrument receives this command, it stops its periodic acquisition and telemetry of DEA Housekeeping information. Issuing this command packet when no DEA Housekeeping run is active has no ill effects.
Stop DEA Housekeeping Run:
stopDea: CMDOP_STOP_DEA { No additional command-specific parameters }
Science Telemetry
Command Echo as a result of the stop:
commandEcho: TTAG_CMD_ECHO { arrival = time command arrived (BEP 10Hz Ticks) result = CMDRESULT_OK (other values indicate an error) stopDea: CMDOP_STOP_DEA { } }
The DEA Interface Board Housekeeping query items cover various thermistor, voltage and discrete items. Except for the relay position item and the focal plane temperature items, the values of interface board housekeeping items are loosely coupled to the software configuration and state of the instrument. The conversions for the voltage and thermistor readings are provided in TBD.
Video Board Relay State
DEAHOUSE_CNTL_RELAY - Reports Video Board Power Relays (see Section 3.3.3)Board Thermistors
DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_BEP_PCB - DPA Thermistor 1 - BEP PC Board DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_BEP_OSC - DPA Thermistor 2 - BEP Oscillator DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP0_MONG - DPA Thermistor 3 - FEP 0 Mongoose DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP0_PCB - DPA Thermistor 4 - FEP 0 PC Board DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP0_ACTEL - DPA Thermistor 5 - FEP 0 ACTEL DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP0_RAM - DPA Thermistor 6 - FEP 0 RAM DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP0_FB - DPA Thermistor 7 - FEP 0 Frame Buf. DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP1_MONG - DPA Thermistor 8 - FEP 1 Mongoose DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP1_PCB - DPA Thermistor 9 - FEP 1 PC Board DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP1_ACTEL - DPA Thermistor 10- FEP 1 ACTEL DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP1_RAM - DPA Thermistor 11- FEP 1 RAM DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_TMP_FEP1_FB - DPA Thermistor 12- FEP 1 Frame Buf.Video Board Sub-Housekeeping (TBD - Better description)
DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_SUBAHK - DEA Video Board ADCFocal Plane Temperature
DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_FPTEMP_12 - Focal Plane Temp. Board 12 DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_FPTEMP_11 - Focal Plane Temp. Board 11Ground References
DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_DPAGNDREF1 - DPA Ground Reference 1 DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_DPAGNDREF2 - DPA Ground Reference 2 DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_GND_1 - Interface Ground Reference DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_GND_2 - GroundVoltages
DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_RAD_PCB_A - Relative Dose Rad. Monitor Side A DEAHOUSE_CNTL_ADC_RAD_PCB_B - Relative Dose Rad. Monitor Side B
The DEA Housekeeping items for the Video boards include the current values in the video board control registers, and some analog housekeeping, which include measurements of the CCD clocking voltage rails and some video board temperatures (NOTE: To obtain sensible values for the analog housekeeping items, all 10 video boards must be powered on. This is due to the analog multiplexer built into the video boards).
Due to the behavior of the Video Board ADC signal path, the read-out procedure of a video board ADC channel takes longer than all other read-outs. In order to "pre-charge" the capacitance of the signal path, the instrument software reads a queried video board ADC housekeeping value 5 times, with a 0.1 second delay between each read. This adds 1/2 second to the actual sample time for each video board ADC channel being read during a DEA Housekeeping run. The adjusted formula for the actual sample rate is:
actual rate := sampleRate + (0.2 seconds * number of queries) + (0.5 seconds * number of video board queries)The register state values are directly coupled to the current state of the video boards, and the clocking voltage rails are directly coupled to the state of the DAC settings used to configure the boards. The board temperatures, however, are only loosely coupled to the configured state of the boards. The conversions for the voltage and thermistor readings are provided in TBD.
Video Board Registers
DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_0 - Sequencer Control Register { bit 0 - Sequencer Start (1 - Sequencer Started, 0 - N/A) bit 1 - Sequencer Stop (1 - Sequencer Stopped, 0 - N/A) bits 2..7 - Sequencer Offset (see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_SEQ_OFFSET) } DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_1 - Video A/D Converter Register { bit 0 - A/D-Cycle Start (1 - ADC Started, 0 - N/A) bit 1 - A/D-Cycle Stop (1 - ADC Stopped, 0 - N/A) bits 2..7 - A/D-Cycle Offset Delay Count (see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_ADC_OFFSET) } DEAHOSUE_CCD_REG_2 - Test Aid Register { bit 0 - Video Output A (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE) bit 1 - Video Output B (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE) bit 2 - Video Output C (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE) bit 3 - Video Output D (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE) bit 4..5 - Unused bit 6 - Hold Video Housekeeping Address (0 - un-held, 1 - held) The instrument software holds this bit only when reading ADC values. Since the DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_2 is NOT an ADC item, the read value of this bit should always be 0. Also, see Section 3.3.7 SYSSET_CCD_HOLD_HOUSE. bit 7 - Unused } DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_3 - Miscellaneous Register { bit 0 - Unused bit 1 - Back-Junction Diode (0 - off, 1 - on, see Section 3.3.4 SYSSET_CCD_BJD) bit 2 - Clock-swap (0 - 4 node clocking, 1 - 2 node clocking, see Section 4.1.4). This field should be 0 when in FULL or DIAG clocking mode, and 1 when in AC or BD clocking mode. bit 3 - High-Speed Tap (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, see Section 3.3.7 SYSSET_CCD_HIGH_SPEED_TAP) bit 4 - Status Enable (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) This bit must be 1 in order for a video board to respond to any query, including the query to read the register, and therefore will always read as a 1. bit 5..7 - Unused }Video Board Clocking Signal Rail and Bias Voltages
DEAHOUSE_CCD_PIA_P - Image Array Parallel + DEAHOUSE_CCD_PIA_M - Image Array Parallel - DEAHOUSE_CCD_PFS_P - Framestore Parallel + DEAHOUSE_CCD_PFS_M - Framestore Parallel - DEAHOUSE_CCD_S_P - Serial Register + DEAHOUSE_CCD_S_M - Serial Register - DEAHOUSE_CCD_R_P - Reset Gate + DEAHOUSE_CCD_R_M - Reset Gate - DEAHOUSE_CCD_OG - Output Gate Bias Level DEAHOUSE_CCD_SCP - Scupper DEAHOUSE_CCD_RD - Reset Diode DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR0 - Drain Output Channel A DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR1 - Drain Output Channel B DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR2 - Drain Output Channel C DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR3 - Drain Output Channel DVideo Board Temperatures
The following roughly illustrates the architecture of the video board analog housekeeping:
The analog multiplexers on the Video boards shunt to ground when powered off, and all outputs from these multiplexers are tied together before going into the interface board multiplexer and housekeeping ADC. This drags down the housekeeping readings from the powered video boards. Under these conditions, the read values can indicate that the read channel isn't dead, but not much more than that. However, if all of the video boards have power, then the read values reflect a close approximation to the actual voltage, current or temperature level.
Due to the charging time of the video board ADC signal path, the instrument software reads a Video Board ADC channel 5 times, with a 0.1 second delay between each read. This leads to minimum of 0.5 seconds for each read of an ADC video board channel.
Due to the behavior of the instrument software, certain bits in the Video Board registers should always read the same value. These are:
DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_2 bit 6 - Hold Housekeeping - Always reads as 0 DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_3 bit 4 - Status Enable - Always reads as 1
Since a Science run globally resets the video boards, the video board parameters are not loaded into the boards until the setup stage of a Science Run (see Section 3.3.4), and, therefore, the affected DEA Video Board housekeeping values will not reflect any System Configuration changes until a science run starts.
During the setup of a Science Run (see Section 4.1), the Science task (as opposed to the DEA Housekeeping task) resets all of the DEA video boards, loads the parameters into the boards, and loads the contents of the video boards Sequencer and Program RAM (SRAM/PRAM), and then reads all of the housekeeping channels on each video board used for the science run (it will not read housekeeping from boards not used for the run). The task then packages the read housekeeping values into a DEA Housekeeping Telemetry packet, setting the deaBlockId field of the packet to the parameter block id, parameterBlockId, of the Science Parameter block, loadTeBlock or loadCcBlock, used to configure the science run (as opposed to the deaBlockId field of a loadDeaBlock).
This housekeeping pass occurs as the result of a science run. See Section 4.1.5.
Science Telemetry
Science Run DEA Housekeeping Telemetry Packet
deaHousekeepingData: TTAG_DEA_HOUSE { deaBlockId = Id of Science Parameter Block used to configure the science run (either a loadTeBlock, or loadCcBlock) commandId = Id of the command which started the Science Run bepTickCounter = BEP 10Hz Tick at start of Science Run DEA housekeeping acquisition entries[] = Array of queried housekeeping items { For each selected CCD, the following items will have the form: query = { ccdId = Selected CCD queryId = Requested item } value = Read Value } ... }Since the science run is actively controlling the video boards during the setup, the read Video Board Registers should have the following values:
DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_0 - Sequencer Control Register { bit 0 := 0 - Sequencer Start (sequencer not started) bit 1 := 1 - Sequencer Stop (sequencer is stopped) bits 2..7 := value of SYSSET_CCD_SEQ_OFFSET } DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_1 - Video A/D Converter Register { bit 0 := 1 - A/D-Cycle Start (ADC started) bit 1 := 0 - A/D-Cycle Stop (ADC not stopped) bits 2..7 := value of SYSSET_CCD_ADC_OFFSET } DEAHOSUE_CCD_REG_2 - Test Aid Register { bit 0 := bit 0 of SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE bit 1 := bit 1 of SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE bit 2 := bit 2 of SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE bit 3 := bit 3 of SYSSET_CCD_VIDEO_ENABLE bit 4..5 := undefined bit 6 := always 0 bit 7 := undefined } DEAHOUSE_CCD_REG_3 - Miscellaneous Register { bit 0 := undefined bit 1 := value of SYSSET_CCD_BJD bit 2 := 0 if in FULL/DIAG Mode := 1 if in AC or BD Mode bit 3 := value of SYSSET_CCD_HIGH_SPEED_TAP bit 4 := always 1 bit 5..7 := undefined }In addition to the above, the housekeeping packet will report the following for each configured board:
DEAHOUSE_CCD_PIA_P - Image Array Parallel + DEAHOUSE_CCD_PIA_M - Image Array Parallel - DEAHOUSE_CCD_PFS_P - Framestore Parallel + DEAHOUSE_CCD_PFS_M - Framestore Parallel - DEAHOUSE_CCD_S_P - Serial Register + DEAHOUSE_CCD_S_M - Serial Register - DEAHOUSE_CCD_R_P - Reset Gate + DEAHOUSE_CCD_R_M - Reset Gate - DEAHOUSE_CCD_OG - Output Gate Bias Level DEAHOUSE_CCD_SCP - Scupper DEAHOUSE_CCD_RD - Reset Diode DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR0 - Drain Output Channel A DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR1 - Drain Output Channel B DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR2 - Drain Output Channel C DEAHOUSE_CCD_DR3 - Drain Output Channel D DEAHOUSE_CCD_TEMP_BOARD - Board Temperature (RTD4) DEAHOUSE_CCD_TEMP_SRAM - SRAM Temperature (RTD3) DEAHOUSE_CCD_TEMP_ADC - ADC Temperature (RTD2) DEAHOUSE_CCD_TEMP_ACTEL - Gate Array Temperature (RTD1)
See Section Warnings
If the user assigns distinct block ids for DEA Housekeeping parameter blocks and Science Parameter blocks, the deaBlockId within housekeeping telemetry packets can be used to discriminate between housekeeping packets produced by a DEA Housekeeping run, v.s. packets produced during the setup for a science run.