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The purpose of the Telemetry Device is to provide access to Back End's Telemetry Interface logic and to the Downlink Transfer Controller.
The Telemetry Device class, TlmDevice, provides the following features:
The Telemetry Device, TlmDevice, is an interruptible device, and is therefore a subclass of IntrDevice (see Section 6.0 ). This class relies on the BepReg class to provide access to the downlink hardware control logic and Downlink Transfer Controller (DTC).
FIGURE 30. Telemetry Device Class Relationships
TlmDevice - This class represents the Back End's downlink logic and controller hardware. It provides functions which reset the controller, start a downlink transfer, determine if a transfer is in-progress, and handle interrupts. In addition to theses functions, it inherits the ability to install and invoke interrupt callback instances from IntrDevice.
IntrDevice - This is an abstract class which defines the common interface to all types of interruptible devices. It is used by the Interrupt Controller (not shown) to dispatch control to interruptible devices, and by client code to install callback functions. Child classes of IntrDevice, including TlmDevice, may use their parent's protected method, invokeCallback() to invoke the installed callback instance (see Section 6.0 ).
BepReg- This class represents the lowest level hardware access to the features provided by the Back End hardware control, status, and pulse registers, and to the Downlink Transfer Controller.
The Back End Processor's Downlink Transfer Controller (DTC) is a type of Direct-Memory-Access (DMA) device. It transfers buffers of data from the BEP's uncached memory to the Remote Command and Telemetry Unit (RCTU) telemetry serial port interface logic. This logic handles the insertion of the ACIS time-stamp into the first 32-bits of science data of each Science Telemetry Frame. This logic also provides two deep, 32-bit word FIFO between the DTC and the RCTU. During a transfer, the DTC enqueues 32-bit words from uncached memory into the interface logic's buffer. Once the last word of the block has been transferred from uncached memory, the logic generates a Downlink Interrupt. Assuming that peak transfer rate out of the FIFO is 128Kbps, the 2-deep FIFO gives the software about 0.5 milliseconds to handle the interrupt and start a new transfer before a gap is introduced between the transfers. If a gap is introduced, the hardware will respond to RCTU requests with an 8-bit pattern whose value is 0xb7 in hexadecimal (see Section Section 4.3.6 ).
To start a telemetry transfer, a client invokes TlmDevice::startTransfer(), passing the start address and number of 32-bit words in the transfer. TlmDevice::startTransfer() then uses BepReg::clrControl() to disable the DTC. It then uses BepReg::dtcStart() and BepReg::dtcEnd() to obtain the address of the start and end registers. It then programs the registers for the transfer, and enables the controller using BepReg::setControl(). Once enabled, the hardware transfers the contents of the buffer to the RCTU interface logic.
It is the callers responsibility to ensure that a transfer is not already in-progress before calling this function.
A client determines if a transfer is in-progress by calling TlmDevice::isBusy(). Currently, there is no way of determining if a transfer is busy by examining the hardware. In order to support this function, the TlmDevice class contains a state variable which is asserted whenever a transfer is started, and which is cleared whenever a transfer interrupt is handled. TlmDevice::isBusy() first checks the state variable. If the state variable is de-asserted, then no transfers have been requested, or the previous transfer has completed and its interrupt has been handled. If the state variable is asserted, then either a transfer is underway, or a transfer has completed, but the corresponding interrupt has not yet been handled. In this case, the function uses BepReg::getStatus() to examine the Downlink Interrupt bit. If the bit is de-asserted, then a transfer is still in-progress. If the bit is asserted, then a pending downlink interrupt has not yet been handled, but the previous transfer has completed.
In order to support initialization, and best-effort attempts to send fatal error messages, the TlmDevice class provides a TlmDevice::reset(). This function ensures that the DTC is disabled, that any pending interrupts are cleared, and places the start and end registers into a known state. Any transfers in-progress when this function is called will be aborted, even though a portion of the previous transfer may have already been sent.
Whenever all of a request's data have been transferred from uncached memory to the RCTU interface logic, the hardware will generate a Downlink Interrupt. This will eventually cause TlmDevice::handleInterrupt() to be called. This function then clears the transfer busy state variable, resets the interrupt cause, and uses IntrDevice::invokeCallback() to call the telemetry device's callback instance, if one is installed.
Implementation Uses:
Public Interface:
handleInterrupt() isBusy() reset() startTransfer()
Protected Interface:
Has-A Relationships:
const unsigned* srcaddr
unsigned wordcnt
This function starts a telemetry transfer of wordcnt 32-bit words from srcaddr to the RCTU interface hardware.