Field Name Length (bits) Bit Contents Description
Item Total Algn Off
exposureTeFaint 576576 32 0 telemetry Packet Exposure Record, Timed Exposure, Faint and Graded Mode (see table 21, swreq Rev. I)
  exposureInfo 576576 32 0 exposure Event Telemetry Packet Header:
    header 6464 32 0 telemetry Header Telemetry Packet Header
      synch 3232 32 0 uint32 = 0x736f4166 This field delimits the start of a telemetry packet.
      telemetryLength 1010 1 32 uint10 = 18 This field indicates the total number of 32-bit words in the telemetry packet
      formatTag 66 1 42 uint6 = 20, 24, 47, 56 This field identifies the content of the telemetry packet [see enum TlmFormatTag]:
      sequenceNumber 1616 1 48 uint16 This field is the sequence number of the telemetry packet
    runStartTime 3232 32 64 uint32 Science timestamp counter value at start of science run
    parameterBlockId 3232 32 96 uint32 Parameter Block's Identifier field
    windowBlockId 3232 32 128 uint32 Window List Parameter Block's Identifier field (0xffffffff if none used)
    biasStartTime 3232 32 160 uint32 Science timestamp counter value at start of bias computation
    biasParameterId 3232 32 192 uint32 Parameter Block Identifier from most recent bias computation
    ccdId 44 1 224 uint4 Identify which CCD produced the data [see enum CcdId]
    fepId 33 1 228 uint3 Identify which FEP processed the data [see enum FepId]
    fepTimestamp 2525 32 256 uint25 Fep Timestamp when FEP received Beginning of Frame mark
    exposureNumber 3232 32 288 uint32 Exposure Number since start of run (of the data just received)
    eventsSent 3232 32 320 uint32 Number of events telemetered in preceding set of data records
    thresholdPixels 3232 32 352 uint32 Number of pixels detected above their respective threshold levels
    discardEventAmplitude 3232 32 384 uint32 Number of events discarded due to their corrected amplitude
    discardWindow 3232 32 416 uint32 Number of events discarded due to their CCD position
    discardGrade 3232 32 448 uint32 Number of events discarded due to their Grade Code
    deltaOverclocks[4] 1664 16 480 int16 Output node Delta Overclock values used for the completed exposure (delta = (exposure overclock) - (initial overclock)) (NOTE: In Full/Diag modes, the nodes are indexed as follows [A, B, C, D]. In AC mode, the nodes are [A, C, x, x]. In BD mode, the nodes are [B, D, x, x].
    biasParityErrors 3232 32 544 uint32 Total number of pixel bias errors so far in the run