Field Name Length (bits) Bit Contents Description
Item Total Algn Off
addBadPixel 48 + 32*n 16 0 command Packet Add set of pixels to Bad Pixel Map (see table 39, swreq Rev. I)
  header 4848 16 0 command Header Command Packet Header
    commandLength 1616 16 0 uint16 = 3+2*n Number of 16-bit words in the command packet
    commandIdentifier 1616 16 16 uint16 Used by ground to identify the command
    commandOpcode 1616 16 32 uint16 = 23 Command Operation code which determines format and action of the command [see enum CmdOpcode]: CMDOP_ADD_BAD_PIXEL
  pixels[(pl-3)/2] 3232*n 16 48 bad Pixel Array of bad pixel entries to add
    ccdId 44 16 48+
uint4 Ccd Identifier of CCD's whose pixel is bad [see enum CcdId]
    ccdRow 1010 1 52+
uint10 CCD Row position of bad pixel
    ccdColumn 1010 1 62+
uint10 CCD Column position of bad pixel

Definition of variables
i the index of an element in the pixels array (0 < i < n)
n the dimension of the pixels array [(pl-3)/2]
pl the value of the commandLength field