Engineering Telemetry Conversions ICD

Last updated: Tue Dec 30 12:50:10 1997

Module Information
Rev A
Scale NONE
Sheets 8
Title Engineering Telemetry Conversions ICD
Size T
Code ID No. 80230
Drawing No. 36-02214

Revision Table
Rev Date(mm/dd/yy). ECO No. Page(s)Affected Reason Approval
A 12/10/97 36-968 All Initial Release RFG

Undetermined Items

Table of Contents

1.0  - Introduction
2.0  - Reference
3.0  - Active and Passive Analog Telemetry
3.1  - Items
3.2  - Conversions
4.0  - Bi-level Telemetry
4.1  - Hardware LED's
4.2  - Software LED's
5.0  - Serial Digital Telemetry

1.0 Introduction

This document defines the conversion of externally read ACIS engineering telemetry into engineering units. All of these measurements are performed by the spacecraft Remote Command and Telemetry Unit (RCTU) and placed into the data stream independent of actions taken by the ACIS instrument itself, and are available in Formats 1 and 2.

2.0 Reference

Part NumberVersionTitle
52100.200.063 Instrumentation Program and Command List (IP&CL)
D17387 AXAF-I Users' Guide to Remote Command and Telemetry Unit (RCTU)

3.0 Active and Passive Analog Telemetry

3.1 Items

Passive temperature transducers are read by the RCTU as voltages after the application of a 1.0ma current and converted to an 8 bit value with a scale factor of 20mv/bit. The active test points are read directly as voltages with the same scale factor.

Table 1.  
1CB[AB]TCamera Body TemperatureRTD C
1CR[AB]TCold Radiator TemperatureRTD C
1DACT[AB]TCollimator TemperatureRTD C
1DAHH[AB]VODA Heater Bus VoltageLineara = 0.156
b = 0
1DAH[AB]CUDA Heater Output CurrentLineara = 0.0200
b = 0
1DAH[AB]TDA Heater Control StatusDiscrete 
1DAH[AB]VODA Heater Output VoltageLineara = 0.1198
b = 0
1DE28[AB]VODEA Input VoltageLineara = 0.138
b = 0
1DEAMZTDEA -Z TemperatureACIS thermistor C
1DEIC[AB]CUDEA Input CurrentLineara = -0.0704
b = 18.09
1DEN0[AB]VODEA -6v OutLineara = -0.0301
b = 0
1DEN1[AB]VODEA -15v OutLineara = -0.0769
b = 0
1DEP0[AB]VODEA +6v OutLineara = 0.0300
b = 0
1DEP1[AB]VODEA +15v OutLineara = 0.0781
b = 0
1DEP2[AB]VODEA +24v OutLineara = 0.120
b = 0
1DEP3[AB]VODEA +28v OutLineara = 0.150
b = 0
1DP28[AB]VODPA Input VoltageLineara = 0.138
b = 0
1DPAMYTDPA -Y TemperatureACIS thermistor C
1DPAMZTDPA -Z TemperatureACIS thermistor C
1DPIC[AB]CUDPA Input CurrentLineara = 0.0101
b = 0
1DPP0[AB]VODPA +5v OutLineara = 0.022
b = 0
1HOPRAPRDifferential PressureLineara = 0.284
b = -21.13
1HOPRBPRDifferential PressureLineara = 0.284
b = -19.10
1MAHC[AB]TDoor Close Actuator TemperaturePSMC thermistor C
1MAHO[AB]TDoor Open Actuator TemperaturePSMC thermistor C
1OAH[AB]TStarsys Housing TemperatureRTD C
1PIN1ATPSMC Lid TemperatureRTD Cyes
1SSMYTSS -Y (DPA) TemperatureACIS thermistor C
1SSPYTSS +Y (DEA) TemperatureACIS thermistor C
1VAHC[AB]TVent Close Actuator TemperaturePSMC thermistor C
1VAHO[AB]TVent Open Actuator TemperaturePSMC thermistor C
1WR[AB]TWarm Radiator TemperatureRTD C

Table 2.  
MnemonicSpecial Case
1DAH[AB]TSee DA Heater Control Status below
1DEIC[AB]CUIf (1DEP3[AB]VO <= 10) a = 0, b = 0
1PIN1ATDivide count by 1.99 before converting.

3.2 Conversions

Within this section the term count represents the value that the RCTU reads. It ranges from 0 to 255. The term EU represents the value converted to the appropriate engineering units.

3.2.1 Thermistor in parallel with 5.05K, buffered inside PSMC; units of C

if ( count < 10 )
EU = "--"
else if ( count > 176 )
EU = "Cold"
aa = ( 5050 * count ) / ( 6175 - count )
qq = log( ( 152 * aa ) / ( 152 - aa) )
EU = 1 / (1.074e-7 * qq * qq * qq + 2.372e-4 * qq + 1.4733e-3)
- 273.16 + 15.0

3.2.2 RTD at 2K nominal; units of C

if ( count < 10 )
EU = "Short"
else if ( count > 150 )
EU = "Open"
EU = -count * count * count * 3.181e-6 + count * count * 2.009e-3
+ count * 2.218 - 238.67

3.2.3 Thermistor in parallel with 5.23K (MIT) excited by 1ma; units of C

if ( count < 10 )
EU = "Short"
else if ( count > 245 )
EU = "Open"
aa = ( count * 20 * 5.23e3 ) / ( 5.23e3 - 20 * count )
qq = log(aa)
EU = 1 / (1.074e-7 * qq * qq * qq + 2.372e-4 * qq + 1.4733e-3)
- 273.16

3.2.4 Linear volts, current, temperature, or pressure according to aN + b formula

if ( count > 253 )
EU = "+Error"
EU = count * a + b

3.2.5 DA Heater Control Status

if  ( count > 224 )
EU = "Cold"
else if ( count < 32 )
EU = "Hot"
EU = "OK"

4.0 Bi-level Telemetry

ACIS uses 8 bits of bi-level telemetry to read out hardware (4 bits) and software (4 bits) status.

4.1 Hardware LED's

Table 3.  
MnemonicDescription0 =1 =
1STA5STBEP is held in the reset stateYesNo
1STA6STBEP FIFO is fullYesNo
1STA7STBEP FIFO is emptyYesNo

4.2 Software LED's

Table 4.  
ValueSoftware State
0Watchdog Science active - Blink State A
1Watchdog Science active - Blink State B
2Watchdog Science idle - Blink State A
3Watchdog Science idle - Blink State B
4Science active - Blink State A
5Science active - Blink State B
6Science idle - Blink State A
7Science idle - Blink State B
8Initializing loaded code
9About to patch up linked code
10About to execute up linked code
11Copying packets from up link
12Waiting for first up link packet
13Spare (formerly Ready to execute ROM code)
14Spare (formerly Copying code from ROM to RAM)
15BEP just reset

In the following, val = 1STA3ST*8 + 1STA2ST*4 + 1STA1ST*2 + 1STA0ST*1

5.0 Serial Digital Telemetry

The ACIS Power Supply and Mechanism Controller (PSMC) supplies a 32 bit word to the RCTU to indicate the discrete status of various voltages and mechanism states.

Table 5.  
ByteBitMnemonicDescription1 =0 =
111LVDB[AB]ONSmall Vent Valve PowerEnabledDisabled
121DEPS[AB]ENDEA Power SupplyEnabledDisabled
131DEDB[AB]ONDEA Power SupplyReadyOff
141DPDB[AB]ONDPA Power SupplyReadyOff
151DPPS[AB]ENDPA Power SupplyEnabledDisabled
161DPPS[AB]ONDPA Power SupplyOnOff
171DPCP[AB]OCDPA Power Supply Over-
Current Protection
18spare bit always 1  

211DABO[AB]ENDA Bake OutEnabledDisabled
221DAHT[AB]ENDA Normal Mode HeaterEnabledDisabled
231DAHT[AB]ONDA Normal Mode HeaterOnOff
241DE28[AB]OCDEA Power Supply +28v
Over-Current Protection
25spare bitalways 0  
26spare bitalways 0  
271DEPS[AB]ONDEA Power SupplyOnOff
281DEMV[AB]OCDEA Power Supply Multi-
Volt Over-Current Protection

311MCAT[AB]TRDoor Actuator Status
N.B. Side B is always 0.
In transition--
321MEOP[AB]OPDoor Open Latch--Engaged
331MCDR[AB]CLDoor Close ActuatorPoweredOff
341MODR[AB]OPDoor Open ActuatorPoweredOff
351MDBU[AB]ONDoor Mechanism PowerEnabledDisabled
361MIPW[AB]ONDoor Input PowerAvailable--
371VVCL[AB]CLVent Valve Close Latch--Engaged
381DABO[AB]ONDA Bake OutOnOff

41spare bit always 0  
421VVAT[AB]TRVent Valve Actuator Status
N.B. Side B is always 0.
In Transition--
431VVOP[AB]OPVent Valve Open Latch--Engaged
441VVCD[AB]CLVent Valve Close ActuatorPoweredOff
451VVOD[AB]OPVent Valve Open ActuatorPoweredOff
461PRDB[AB]ONPressure Transducer PowerOnOff
471VVDB[AB]ONVent Valve PowerEnabledDisabled
481MECL[AB]CLDoor Close Latch--Engaged


ACIS: Engineering Telemetry Conversions - 30 DEC 1997