Last updated: Tue Dec 30 12:50:10 1997
Rev | A |
Scale | NONE |
Name | |
Sheets | 8 |
Title | Engineering Telemetry Conversions ICD |
Size | T |
Code ID No. | 80230 |
Drawing No. | 36-02214 |
Rev | Date(mm/dd/yy). | ECO No. | Page(s)Affected | Reason | Approval |
A | 12/10/97 | 36-968 | All | Initial Release | RFG |
- 1.0 - Introduction
- 2.0 - Reference
- 3.0 - Active and Passive Analog Telemetry
- 3.1 - Items
- 3.2 - Conversions
- 4.0 - Bi-level Telemetry
- 4.1 - Hardware LED's
- 4.2 - Software LED's
- 5.0 - Serial Digital Telemetry
Part Number | Version | Title |
52100.200.063 | Instrumentation Program and Command List (IP&CL) | |
D17387 | AXAF-I Users' Guide to Remote Command and Telemetry Unit (RCTU) |
Passive temperature transducers are read by the RCTU as voltages after the application of a 1.0ma current and converted to an 8 bit value with a scale factor of 20mv/bit. The active test points are read directly as voltages with the same scale factor.
Table 1. Mnemonic Description Conversion
TypeConstants Units Special
Case?1CB[AB]T Camera Body Temperature RTD C
1CR[AB]T Cold Radiator Temperature RTD C
1DACT[AB]T Collimator Temperature RTD C
1DAHH[AB]VO DA Heater Bus Voltage Linear a = 0.156
b = 0V
1DAH[AB]CU DA Heater Output Current Linear a = 0.0200
b = 0V
1DAH[AB]T DA Heater Control Status Discrete yes
1DAH[AB]VO DA Heater Output Voltage Linear a = 0.1198
b = 0V
1DE28[AB]VO DEA Input Voltage Linear a = 0.138
b = 0V
1DEAMZT DEA -Z Temperature ACIS thermistor C
1DEIC[AB]CU DEA Input Current Linear a = -0.0704
b = 18.09A
1DEN0[AB]VO DEA -6v Out Linear a = -0.0301
b = 0V
1DEN1[AB]VO DEA -15v Out Linear a = -0.0769
b = 0V
1DEP0[AB]VO DEA +6v Out Linear a = 0.0300
b = 0V
1DEP1[AB]VO DEA +15v Out Linear a = 0.0781
b = 0V
1DEP2[AB]VO DEA +24v Out Linear a = 0.120
b = 0V
1DEP3[AB]VO DEA +28v Out Linear a = 0.150
b = 0V
1DP28[AB]VO DPA Input Voltage Linear a = 0.138
b = 0V
1DPAMYT DPA -Y Temperature ACIS thermistor C
1DPAMZT DPA -Z Temperature ACIS thermistor C
1DPIC[AB]CU DPA Input Current Linear a = 0.0101
b = 0A
1DPP0[AB]VO DPA +5v Out Linear a = 0.022
b = 0V
1HOPRAPR Differential Pressure Linear a = 0.284
b = -21.13torr
1HOPRBPR Differential Pressure Linear a = 0.284
b = -19.10torr
1MAHC[AB]T Door Close Actuator Temperature PSMC thermistor C
1MAHO[AB]T Door Open Actuator Temperature PSMC thermistor C
1OAH[AB]T Starsys Housing Temperature RTD C
1PDEA[AB]T PSMC DEA Pwb Temperature RTD C
1PIN1AT PSMC Lid Temperature RTD C
1SSMYT SS -Y (DPA) Temperature ACIS thermistor C
1SSPYT SS +Y (DEA) Temperature ACIS thermistor C
1VAHC[AB]T Vent Close Actuator Temperature PSMC thermistor C
1VAHO[AB]T Vent Open Actuator Temperature PSMC thermistor C
1WR[AB]T Warm Radiator Temperature RTD C
Table 2. Mnemonic Special Case 1DAH[AB]T See DA Heater Control Status below 1DEIC[AB]CU If (1DEP3[AB]VO <= 10) a = 0, b = 0 1PIN1AT Divide count by 1.99 before converting.
Within this section the term count represents the value that the RCTU reads. It ranges from 0 to 255. The term EU represents the value converted to the appropriate engineering units.
if ( count < 10 )
EU = "--"
else if ( count > 176 )
EU = "Cold"
aa = ( 5050 * count ) / ( 6175 - count )
qq = log( ( 152 * aa ) / ( 152 - aa) )
EU = 1 / (1.074e-7 * qq * qq * qq + 2.372e-4 * qq + 1.4733e-3)
- 273.16 + 15.0
if ( count < 10 )
EU = "Short"
else if ( count > 150 )
EU = "Open"
EU = -count * count * count * 3.181e-6 + count * count * 2.009e-3
+ count * 2.218 - 238.67
if ( count < 10 )
EU = "Short"
else if ( count > 245 )
EU = "Open"
aa = ( count * 20 * 5.23e3 ) / ( 5.23e3 - 20 * count )
qq = log(aa)
EU = 1 / (1.074e-7 * qq * qq * qq + 2.372e-4 * qq + 1.4733e-3)
- 273.16
if ( count > 253 )
EU = "+Error"
EU = count * a + b
if ( count > 224 )
EU = "Cold"
else if ( count < 32 )
EU = "Hot"
EU = "OK"
Mnemonic | Description | 0 = | 1 = |
1STA4ST | Active BEP | A | B |
1STA5ST | BEP is held in the reset state | Yes | No |
1STA6ST | BEP FIFO is full | Yes | No |
1STA7ST | BEP FIFO is empty | Yes | No |
In the following, val =
Table 4. Value Software State 0
Watchdog Science active - Blink State A 1
Watchdog Science active - Blink State B 2
Watchdog Science idle - Blink State A 3
Watchdog Science idle - Blink State B 4
Science active - Blink State A 5
Science active - Blink State B 6
Science idle - Blink State A 7
Science idle - Blink State B 8
Initializing loaded code 9
About to patch up linked code 10
About to execute up linked code 11
Copying packets from up link 12
Waiting for first up link packet 13
Spare (formerly Ready to execute ROM code) 14
Spare (formerly Copying code from ROM to RAM) 15
BEP just reset 1STA3ST*8 + 1STA2ST*4 + 1STA1ST*2 + 1STA0ST*1
Byte | Bit | Mnemonic | Description | 1 = | 0 = |
1 | 1 | 1LVDB[AB]ON | Small Vent Valve Power | Enabled | Disabled |
1 | 2 | 1DEPS[AB]EN | DEA Power Supply | Enabled | Disabled |
1 | 3 | 1DEDB[AB]ON | DEA Power Supply | Ready | Off |
1 | 4 | 1DPDB[AB]ON | DPA Power Supply | Ready | Off |
1 | 5 | 1DPPS[AB]EN | DPA Power Supply | Enabled | Disabled |
1 | 6 | 1DPPS[AB]ON | DPA Power Supply | On | Off |
1 | 7 | 1DPCP[AB]OC | DPA Power Supply Over- Current Protection | Trip | Off |
1 | 8 | spare bit | always 1 | ||
2 | 1 | 1DABO[AB]EN | DA Bake Out | Enabled | Disabled |
2 | 2 | 1DAHT[AB]EN | DA Normal Mode Heater | Enabled | Disabled |
2 | 3 | 1DAHT[AB]ON | DA Normal Mode Heater | On | Off |
2 | 4 | 1DE28[AB]OC | DEA Power Supply +28v Over-Current Protection | Trip | Off |
2 | 5 | spare bit | always 0 | ||
2 | 6 | spare bit | always 0 | ||
2 | 7 | 1DEPS[AB]ON | DEA Power Supply | On | Off |
2 | 8 | 1DEMV[AB]OC | DEA Power Supply Multi- Volt Over-Current Protection | Trip | Off |
3 | 1 | 1MCAT[AB]TR | Door Actuator Status N.B. Side B is always 0. | In transition | -- |
3 | 2 | 1MEOP[AB]OP | Door Open Latch | -- | Engaged |
3 | 3 | 1MCDR[AB]CL | Door Close Actuator | Powered | Off |
3 | 4 | 1MODR[AB]OP | Door Open Actuator | Powered | Off |
3 | 5 | 1MDBU[AB]ON | Door Mechanism Power | Enabled | Disabled |
3 | 6 | 1MIPW[AB]ON | Door Input Power | Available | -- |
3 | 7 | 1VVCL[AB]CL | Vent Valve Close Latch | -- | Engaged |
3 | 8 | 1DABO[AB]ON | DA Bake Out | On | Off |
4 | 1 | spare bit | always 0 | ||
4 | 2 | 1VVAT[AB]TR | Vent Valve Actuator Status N.B. Side B is always 0. | In Transition | -- |
4 | 3 | 1VVOP[AB]OP | Vent Valve Open Latch | -- | Engaged |
4 | 4 | 1VVCD[AB]CL | Vent Valve Close Actuator | Powered | Off |
4 | 5 | 1VVOD[AB]OP | Vent Valve Open Actuator | Powered | Off |
4 | 6 | 1PRDB[AB]ON | Pressure Transducer Power | On | Off |
4 | 7 | 1VVDB[AB]ON | Vent Valve Power | Enabled | Disabled |
4 | 8 | 1MECL[AB]CL | Door Close Latch | -- | Engaged |