This program reads a stream of ACIS packets, verifies their format and internal consistency, and optionally, sorts, reformats, and writes them to a series of data streams and disk files, as detailed in Table 11. The UNIX command syntax is as follows:
psci [-BDTVacmpqsuv] [-h name] [-l name] [file]
Packets are read from the input file named on the psci command line, or, if omitted, from the standard input stream, stdin. They are subjected to a variety of tests, as detailed below. If the l option is specified, their headers are translated into ASCII and written to log files. If m is specified, a one-line description is written to stdout, suitable for display by monitorScience (q.v.) Most packets are then discarded, and psci reads the next one, but some are retained, as follows:
psci has been compiled with tables derived directly from the IP&CL Structures database. Packets with unrecognized TTAG codes (as defined in the "acis_h/interface.h" file) cause warning messages to be written to stderr, and are ignored. All fields in recognized packets and pseudopackets are then checked against their IP&CL limits--bit fields are expanded to "unsigned long int" values unless their minimum permissible values (column 15 in the IP&CL structure tables) are negative, in which case, psci treats them as twos-complement signed integers and expands them to "long int". If a field is discovered to beout of range, psci writes a message to stderr, e.g.
file: packet[ntotal,ncount].field[index] above maximum (val > maxval) file: packet[ntotal,ncount].field[index] below minimum (val < minval)
This example illustrates several features of psci. All stderr messages begin with a file: argument; for errors and warnings, this is the name of the input file (or "stdin"); for informatory messages, it is usually the name of an output file. Packets are designated by their IP&CL names, e.g., exposureTeRaw, followed by ntotal, the sequence number of the packet within the input stream, and ncount, the sequence number among packets of this particular type. Both counts start at zero, so the first packet is [0,0]. Multi-dimensional fields within packets are followed by an array index, which also starts at 0. The value of the field is displayed as a decimal integer.
File or Stream | Contents | Remarks |
stdout | One line per input packet, containing the packet name followed by one or more keyword=value fields. | For use by monitorScience. Only generated when the m option is specified on the psci command line. For an example, see Table 13. |
stderr | Error, warning, and informatory messages. | Warning messages will be suppressed by including q on the psci command line; informatory messages are only generated if v is specified. |
Files containing formatted listings of packet headers | ||
name.s.bias.log | Bias packets from science run s. | |
name.command.log | CommandEcho packets. | Details all commands received and echoed by the ACIS BEP. |
name.deahk.log | DeaHousekeeping packets. | | | Science packets from run s. | Includes the contents of all load*Block commands within dumped*Block packets. |
name.packet.log | Miscellaneous packets. | Describes all packets not logged in one of the other files. |
name.pseudo.log | Pseudopackets. | Only generated if the p flag is specified on the psci command line. |
name.swhk.log | SwHousekeeping packets. | Details all messages received from the BEP software housekeeper. |
Files containing data in various other formats | ||
name.s.n.erv.txt | Events in "extended RV" format from FEP number n from science run s. *.txt if ASCII; *.dat if binary. | If the a flag is specified on the psci command line, the file will be written in ASCII (see Table 15); else it will contain 36-byte binary records (Table 14). |
name.s.n.erv.dat | ||
name.s.n.i-j.hist.txt | Histograms from exposures i through j of FEP number n from science run s. *.txt if ASCII; *.fits if binary. | If the a flag is specified, contains columns of ASCII values (see Table 17), one per CCD output node; otherwise writes FITS files containing 4096 samples of 32-bit binary integers per output node. |
name.s.n.i-j.hist.fits | ||
name.s.packet.n.txt | The contents of the n'th instance of a memory read-back packet- multiple packets generated by the same ACIS command will be concatenated. | If a is specified on the psci command line, the data are written in groups of hexadecimal ASCII words to *.txt (except Huffman blocks which are formatted as shown in Table 19.) Without a, they are written in binary to *.dat. |
name.s.packet.n.dat | ||
name.s.n.bias.fits | A bias map from FEP number n from science run s, in FITS format. | Continuously clocked bias maps are replicated to 512 rows by 1024 columns. Timed exposure maps contain 1024 rows of 1024 columns (see Table 18). |
name.s.n.m.raw.fits | Raw pixels from exposure m of FEP number n from science run s, in FITS format. | Overclock values are appended to each image line. Frame-average overclocks are written to the FITS header (see Table 7). |
name.s.time.txt | Exposure time tag files. | See Section 5.5 |
name.s.n.TMP.fits | A temporary file name used for raw data. | psci will rename the file as soon as it determines the exposure number. |
Since out-of-limits field-values are not considered to be sufficient reason for halting the program, psci writes these messages and continues processing. The messages themselves can be suppressed by invoking psci with the q option.
When the -l option is used, psci writes packet-header information to the log files listed in Table 11. The format of these files is derived from that of data structures in the C language, e.g. Table 12, which identifies itself as the first dataTeFaintBias packet, the 16th packet in the stream. Note that fields whose values are enumerated in acis_h/interface.h will be followed by "#" and the enumeration. Unsigned values larger than 32767 are shown in hexadecimal base, preceded by "0x". The values of arrays of fields with dimension > 9 are not shown-merely their dimension. When a packet contains one or more command blocks, e.g. dumpedTeBlock, which contains a science parameter block (either loadTeBlock or loadCcBlock) and an optional window block (either load1dBlock or load2dBlock), the individual sub-fields are logged, shifted to the right by 2 columns.
As shown in Table 11, the "name" supplied with the -l option of psci is used as a common prefix to the names of all output files. When a dumpedCcBlock or dumpedTeBlock packet is received, a comment is written into all open log files, and the science run number is incremented. Any opened science and bias data files are automatically closed, and a warning message is written to stderr since they should have been closed: science files by the receipt of a previous scienceReport packet, and bias files when complete.
A timed-exposure faint-mode event packet |
dataTeBiasMap[12,4] = { telemetryLength = 779 formatTag = 14 # TTAG_SCI_TE_BIAS sequenceNumber = 9 biasStartTime = 0x9e73a7e5 biasParameterId = 4011 ccdId = 6 # CCD_S2 fepId = 2 # FEP_2 dataPacketNumber = 4 initialOverclocks = 180 184 181 184 pixelsPerRow = 1023 rowsPerBias = 1023 ccdRow = 1015 ccdRowCount = 1 compressionTableSlotIndex = 255 compressionTableIdentifier = 0xffffffff pixelCount = 2048 data = [768] } |
A timed-exposure bias data packet |
dataTeFaint[15,0] = { telemetryLength = 1021 formatTag = 21 # TTAG_SCI_TE_DAT_FAINT sequenceNumber = 11 ccdId = 6 # CCD_S2 fepId = 2 # FEP_2 dataPacketNumber = 0 ccdRow = 1 events = [138] } |
When psci is invoked with the -m flag, monitor records are written to stdout. The example in Table 13 shows the start of a science run, from the BEP's restart message (bepStartupMessage) through the commands (commandEcho) used to configure the DEA and BEP, the dump of the parameter blocks (dumpedTeBlock), and the beginning of interleaved event (dataTeFaintBias) and bias (dataTeBiasMap) records. These records should be piped into monitorScience. They are not intended to be read in this form by humans!
To save bandwidth, and lighten the load on monitorScience, psci does not write all packet fields to the monitor stream-the excluded items include all arrays and fields identified by the nomonitor directive in the tlm.aux file used to build the psci executable (see "Architecture").
A different level of monitoring is achieved when psci is invoked with the -s flag. In this case, all telemetry packets will be converted to ASCII and written to the standard output stream, stdout, in a format identical to that used for the various log files when the -l flag is used.
Finally, the -u flag causes psci to print all user-type pseudo-packets containing ASCII messages (i.e. those of type = 0) to the standard error stream, stderr.
psci saves the science parameter block and (optional) window block that ACIS reports at the start of a science run. It also saves event data blocks until an exposure packet is received for the corresponding FEP, at which time it writes 36-byte binary event records to the appropriate "name.s.n.m.erv.dat" file as shown in Table 14. During this process, psci checks numerous fields in each FEP's event data, exposure, and parameter block packets, as detailed in "Tests Applied to Packet Fields". This process should be sufficient to detect any missing, mislabeled, or out-of-order packet, but the events themselves-their row and column indices and pixel values-are not examined. Discrepancies are reported to stderr, in one of two formats:
file: packet1[tot1,cnt1].field1=val1 != val2 file: packet1[tot1,cnt1].field1=val1 != packet2[tot2,cnt2].field2=val2
where val1 is a (possibly signed) decimal integer, and val2 is an integer or an enumeration from acis_h/interface.h. As with the out-of-range messages described in "Packet Field Verification", these are merely warnings, and may be suppressed by the -q flag. psci also examines the irigB and bepSciTime fields of all scienceFramePseudo packets. Ifthese are accurate, it will calculate approximate irigtime fields for the ERV records, but the algorithm makes three assumptions: (a) that the BEPtimer runs at precisely 100 kHz, (b) that all exposures in timed exposure mode have the same duration, and (c) that until psci has received a pair of fepTimestamp fields, it will approximate the exposure repetition interval by the primaryExposure field of loadTeBlock
All event-finding modes generate ERV files in the same format, but the use of the 9 fields in the data array differs according to mode. In CC and TE graded modes, the event amplitude is recorded in data[0] and the grade code in data[1]; in graded TE mode, data[2] contains the mean of the 4 corner pixel amplitudes; the remaining graded-mode data fields contain zeroes. In faint modes, the central pixel value is reported in data[4], with the neighboring pixels from the same CCD row in data[3] and data[5]. In 1x3 faint mode, the remaining 6 fields contain zeroes; in 3x3 faint modes, data[0] through data[2] contain the pixel values from the previous row, and data[6] through data[8] those from the following row. CCD column and row numbers are defined from the lower left corner of the CCD.
typedef struct { unsigned short expnum; /* exposure number */ unsigned short exposure; /* exposure time (msec) */ unsigned long irigtime; /* IRIG timestamp */ unsigned short nodenum; /* output node index */ unsigned short col; /* column index */ unsigned short row; /* row index */ unsigned short data[9]; /* event data values */ short doclk; /* delta overclock */ } RvRec; |
n msec irig nq col row ----------------- Pixels ----------------- Doclk 0 2800 80856262 2 566 1 191 1057 178 217 1406 168 174 180 176 0 0 2800 80856262 0 192 2 197 181 201 175 1300 661 188 760 385 0 0 2800 80856262 1 352 2 187 213 217 161 1453 1143 178 170 177 0 0 2800 80856262 2 549 2 182 387 164 173 2094 177 169 155 165 0 0 2800 80856262 2 650 2 175 176 174 177 1599 891 181 177 181 0 0 2800 80856262 2 743 2 172 177 185 177 1292 185 160 1179 217 0 0 2800 80856262 3 1017 2 227 602 619 211 1014 936 213 211 209 0 0 2800 80856262 0 102 3 183 196 185 179 2549 184 180 180 184 0 0 2800 80856262 0 224 3 185 175 175 167 2517 192 181 173 187 0 0 2800 80856262 3 949 3 215 223 205 204 2431 205 205 217 214 0 ... |
In most event modes, psci will report the raw pixel values, but in Faint-with-Bias mode, the corresponding bias values are available. Even then, the subtraction will be made only if the -B flag is specified on the psci command line, in which case the appropriate "biasValues + deltaOverclocks" is subtracted from each valid pixel value. Invalid pixels, i.e. those with bias values exceeding 4093, will be assigned a value of -32768.
If the -a flag is specified, psci writes ERV files in ASCII format to "name.s.n.m.erv.txt", as shown in Table 15. A tally is kept of all exposures, events, and bias parity errors for checking against the contents of the scienceReport packet that should terminate the science run. Additional informatory messages will be written to stderr if psci is invoked with the -v flag, e.g.
# psci -a -l test1 -v dat.1 dat.1: start TE EV3x3 FAINTBIAS bep 0x52ccbf71 irig 935:72262 exptime 3.207 test1.2.fits: bias file written, 2100032 bytes test1.2.erv: written 13 exposures 25127 events dat.1: scienceReport[909,0] irig 935:72301 exp 13 fep ok ccd ok dea 0 bep 0 test1.packet.log: 456 bytes written test1.command.log: 1570 bytes written 80351 bytes written test1.bias.log: 371820 bytes written psci: 930 packets read from dat.1
When the -T flag is specified on the psci command line, the times of each event-mode exposure frame present in the input stream are written to the ASCII file "name.s.time.txt". This consists of the quantities shown in Table 16. The timestamp file is only generated during event-mode science runs, i.e. not during raw or histogram mode. The BepTime value should be constant within a given file. Frames will only be listed if at least one FEP processed that exposureNumber. Since the external (IRIG) time will drift relative to the ~100 kHz pixel clock reported in BepTime and FepTime, the drift can be estimated by comparing BEP and IRIG timestamps within science header pseudopackets. This drift is reported in the dIrig0 field.
Field Name | Description |
Exp | ACIS frame number |
BepTime | BEP start-of-run timestamp |
FepTime | FEP timestamp for this frame |
dFEP | FEP timestamp increment since the last frame |
dFrame | Length of a frame in pixel clock units |
irigTime | IRIG time (UTC) of this exposure |
dIrig | Frame-to-frame time in seconds |
dIrig0 | Drift between IRIG and ACIS clock in seconds |
Although ACIS writes histograms for each CCD output node at a time, psci saves the data packets until all expected nodes have been received, and writes a binary file in FITS format (see the left hand column of Table 18) named "name.s.n.i-j.hist.fits" for each contributing FEP. If the -a flag is specified, this will be an ASCII file named "name.s.n.i-j.hist.txt", consisting of 6 header lines followed by 4096 lines of 5 columns each containing, respectively, the pixel value and one pixel count for each output node A through D (see Table 17). If the CCDs are run with restricted output nodes (i.e. QUAD_AC or QUAD_BD), the unused columns are filled with zeroes.
! histogram of fep n for n exposures n to n ! ! minimumOverclock valA valB valC valD ! maximumOverclock valA valB valC valD ! meanOverclock valA valB valC valD ! varianceOverclockLow valA valB valC valD ! varianceOverclockHigh valA valB valC valD ! 000000 histA histB histC HistD 000001 histA histB histC HistD |
The contents of raw data packets are written to disk files in FITS format as soon as they are received. Since the data packets always precede the exposure packet that describes them, the output file is first named "name.s.n.TMP.fits", and renamed "name.s.n.m.raw.fits" as soon as the exposure number "m" is known. For greater efficiency, psci uses memory mapping (the mmap(2) system call) to write raw-mode and bias files. As a consequence, the "ls -l" command will indicate that these files contain at least 2 Mbytes (1 Mbyte in continuous clocking mode), but the actual disk allocation, e.g. from the "du -a" command, will gradually increase as the data packets are received. Care must be taken to allow for this extra disk space when psci is receiving raw data and bias maps.
The headers of raw-mode FITS files will contain the fields shown in the center column of Table 18. Overclocks are appended to each line of the image array. The data area is always 1024x1024 pixels in timed-exposure mode and 1024x512 pixels in continuous clocking mode. psci will examine the dumpedTeBlock or dumpedCcBlock packet to see whether the CCD was run in a pixel-summing mode, or in sub-array readout mode, and will replicate and shift pixels accordingly to recreate a FITS file that reconstructs the original CCD geometry.
Binary Histograms | Raw Mode with Overclocks | Bias Images |
These are created in the same manner as raw pixel images, i.e. they are memory-mapped into pre- allocated files of fixed length. The FITS file header format is shown in the right-hand column of Table 18. Timed exposure bias files always contain 2100032 bytes (2880 header bytes followed by 1024x1024 2-byte image pixels). As in raw mode, psci replicates and shifts the pixels to fill the entire 1024x1024 pixel array. Continuously clocked bias maps contain 1051456 bytes--the single row reported by the BEP is replicated 512 times.
When the -l flag is specified, psci copies the contents of all memory readout packets to disk files named "name.pkt.n.dat", where "name" is the prefix specified on the command line, "pkt" is the type of memory readout, and "n" is an index that increments whenever a packet, or group of packets of this type is encountered. They are written in the native byte order of the host machine. When the a flag is also present, the files are written in hexadecimal notation similar to the output of the "od -X" command (or "od -x" for the 16-bit SRAM and PRAM dumps), and they will be named "name.pkt.n.dat".
The compression tables used by the BEP to compress the contents of raw science and bias data packets are treated by psci as special cases of memory readout. Since the Huffman table block is too long to dump in a single packet, psci assembles it from several dumpedHuffman packets and, when it is complete, saves it to decompress any subsequent raw or bias packets. If the "l" option is used, the Huffman block will also be written to a disk file. Since Huffman blocks will not always be part of the packet stream, psci can be told, via the "h" option, to pre-load a previously saved binary Huffman block, but this will always be supplanted by a complete Huffman block in the packet stream.
When the "a" flag is used, Huffman blocks will be written to disk in ASCII format. These cannot be loaded by the "h" option, but they are more readable, e.g. the example in Table 19.
huffmanTable[0] = { tabid = 0xffffffff lowlim = 3837 tabsize = 512 trunc = 07 3e0000 1111100 badbias = 21 184df8 111111011001000011000 badpix = 21 004df8 111111011001000000000 -256 = 16 43bf00 1111110111000010 -255 = 17 87ef80 11111011111100001 -254 = 18 8897c0 111110100100010001 -253 = 19 d737e0 1111110110011101011 ... 252 = 19 0937e0 1111110110010010000 253 = 18 f6efc0 111111011101101111 254 = 20 a89bf0 11111101100100010101 255 = 19 e937e0 1111110110010010111 } huffmanTable[1] = { tabid = 0xfffffffe lowlim = 3837 tabsize = 512 trunc = 06 280000 010100 badbias = 21 497af8 111110101111010010010 badpix = 18 c557c0 111110101010100011 -256 = 20 eaf5f0 11111010111101010111 -255 = 19 bc77a0 1011110111000111101 -254 = 19 9c77a0 1011110111000111001 -253 = 21 c17af8 111110101111010000011 ... } |
If the "p" flag is specified, these are written to "name.pseudo.log". BEP & IRIG time fields are saved from scienceFramePseudo packets, as outlined in "Science Event Modes". above. Also, when psci is invoked with the "-u" flag, userPseudo packets with "type" field values of zero are interpreted as diagnostic messages from the flight software and the remainder of the packets, assumed to contain null-terminated character strings, are written to stderr.Otherwise, pseudopackets are ignored.
With the exception of the external tables discussed in "Huffman Tables", psci is self-contained-all packet and field names and formats are compiled into the executable module. The code is generated in three stages. In the first, a Perl script named genmap reads the IP&CL structures file and creates intermediate and files which define the field formats and minimum and maximum values. genmap also extracts the enumeration values from acis_h/interface.h and writes them to enum.c as character string arrays.Then gentab, a second Perl script, converts and into C structures in cmdtab.c and cmdtab.h. Finally, gcc compiles the structures with the remaining source code. While the process is automatic, it can be guided by directives in the three files enum.aux, cmd.aux, and tlm.aux. An example of enum.aux is shown in Table 20-lines of the form "command id name" assign "name" to command packets with that "id", and "packet id name" performs the same function for telemetry packets. This causes psci to use the new names within messages and in log and monitor files, as well as giving symbolic names to pseudopackets, since these were never described by the IP&CL.
Examples of the cmd.aux and tlm.aux files are shown in Table 21 and Table 22. They share a common syntax. The "enumerate" command assigns a character string array in enum.c to a particular command or telemetry packet field. psci will display the enumerated value in its log files and error messages. The "nolog" directive prevents psci from logging a particular type of command, or packet, or field. The "nomonitor" command, which is only used in tlm.aux, performs the same function-of eliminating fields from monitor packets. The more restrictive "nomonitornull" command prevents fields from being written to the monitor stream if they have zero value.
Table 23 details the tests applied within the particular packet-handling modules. These are in addition to the range tests described in "Packet Field Verification", which themselves verify the following fields:
A number of other consistency checks are made in the process of creating the output data files, and may cause warning messages to appear on stderr. For instance, the ccdRow and ccdRowCount fields in dataTeBiasMap packets are verified against the sub-array fields in loadTeBlock. The warnings are usually self-explanatory; the user should consult the source code for further details.
# # resolve duplicated command packet names # command CMDOP_START_TE startTe command CMDOP_BIAS_TE startTeBias command CMDOP_START_CC startCc command CMDOP_BIAS_CC startCcBias command CMDOP_ADD_BAD_TE_COL addBadTeColumn command CMDOP_RESET_BAD_TE_COL resetBadTeColumnMap command CMDOP_ADD_BAD_CC_COL addBadCcColumn command CMDOP_RESET_BAD_CC_COL resetBadCcColumnMap command CMDOP_DUMP_TE_SLOTS dumpTeSlots command CMDOP_DUMP_CC_SLOTS dumpCcSlots command CMDOP_DUMP_2D_SLOTS dump2dSlots command CMDOP_DUMP_1D_SLOTS dump1dSlots command CMDOP_DUMP_DEA_SLOTS dumpDeaSlots # # resolve duplicated telemetry packet names # packet TTAG_DUMP_SYS_CONFIG dumpedSysConfig packet TTAG_DUMP_BAD_PIXEL dumpedBadPix packet TTAG_DUMP_BAD_TE_COL dumpedBadTeCol packet TTAG_DUMP_BAD_CC_COL dumpedBadCcCol packet TTAG_DUMP_PATCHES dumpedPatches packet TTAG_DUMP_HUFFMAN dumpedHuffman packet TTAG_DUMP_TE_SLOTS dumpedTeSlots packet TTAG_DUMP_CC_SLOTS dumpedCcSlots packet TTAG_DUMP_2D_SLOTS dumped2dSlots packet TTAG_DUMP_1D_SLOTS dumped1dSlots packet TTAG_DUMP_DEA_SLOTS dumpedDeaSlots packet TTAG_SCI_CC_REC_FAINT exposureCcFaint packet TTAG_SCI_CC_REC_GRADED exposureCcGraded packet TTAG_SCI_TE_REC_FAINT exposureTeFaint packet TTAG_SCI_TE_REC_GRADED exposureTeGraded # # name the pseudopackets # packet 61 engineeringPseudo packet 62 scienceFramePseudo packet 63 userPseudo |
# # Use the following enumerations in log files # enumerate formatTag TlmFormatTagStr enumerate ccdId CcdIdStr enumerate fepId FepIdStr enumerate lastFatalCode FatalCodeStr enumerate commandOpcode CmdOpcodeStr enumerate result CmdResultStr enumerate fepErrorCodes FepIoErrorsStr enumerate query DeaQueryCntlIdStr enumerate queryId DeaQueryCcdIdStr enumerate fatalCode FatalCodeStr # # Omit the following fields from log records # nolog commandEcho.commandBody nolog scienceReport.ccdError nolog dumpedTeBlock.parameterBlockData # # Omit the following fields from monitor records # nomonitor userPseudo nomonitor engineeringPseudo nomonitor scienceFramePseudo nomonitor telemetryLength nomonitor formatTag nomonitor dataTeBiasMap.compressionTableSlotIndex nomonitor dataTeBiasMap.compressionTableIdentifier nomonitor dataTeBiasMap.biasStartTime nomonitor dataTeBiasMap.biasParameterId nomonitor commandEcho.commandLength # # Omit the following when null # nomonitornull biasParityErrors |
# # Use the following enumerations in log files # enumerate commandOpcode CmdOpcodeStr enumerate ccdId CcdIdStr enumerate itemId SystemSettingsStr enumerate fepId FepIdStr enumerate fepCcdSelect CcdIdStr enumerate queryId DeaQueryCcdIdStr enumerate outputRegisterMode QuadModeStr # # Enumerations specific to particular command blocks # enumerate loadCcBlock.fepMode CcFepModeStr enumerate loadTeBlock.fepMode TeFepModeStr enumerate loadCcBlock.bepPackingMode CcBepModeStr enumerate loadTeBlock.bepPackingMode TeBepModeStr # # Remove redundant fields from log output # nolog loadTeBlock.gradeSelectValue nolog loadTeBlock.videoResponse nolog loadCcBlock.gradeSelectValue nolog loadCcBlock.videoResponse |
Packet | Field | Checked against | Module |
dumped*Slots |
commandId | last packet of same type within multi-packet group | memory.c |
readAddress | |||
requestedAddress | |||
requestedWordCount | |||
dataCcBiasMap | biasParameterId | loadCcBlock: parameter BlockId | bias.c |
ccdId | loadCcBlock: fepCcdSelect | ||
fepId | |||
dataCcFaint dataCcGraded |
ccdId | exposureCcFaint: ccdId | event.c |
loadCcBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
dataPacketNumber | running packet count | ||
fepId | exposureCcFaint: fepId | ||
dataCcRaw | ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | raw.c |
loadCcBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
compressionTableIdentifier | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
compressionTableSlotIndex | loadCcBlock: rawCompressionSlotIndex | ||
last packet of same type from this FEP | |||
dataPacketNumber | running packet count | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
pixelCount | loadCcBlock fields and pixel count | ||
dataTeBiasMap | biasParameterId | last packet of same type from this FEP | bias.c |
loadTeBlock: parameter BlockId | |||
biasStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
ccdId | loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | ||
last packet of same type from this FEP | |||
ccdRow | compatibility with loadTeBlock fields | ||
ccdRowCount | |||
compressionTableIdentifier | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
compressionTableSlotIndex | loadTeBlock: rawCompressionSlotIndex | ||
last packet of same type from this FEP | |||
dataPacketNumber | running packet count | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
pixelsPerRow | pixel count | ||
loadTeBlock: onChip2x2Summing | |||
rowsPerBias | loadTeBlock: subarrayRowCount | ||
dataTeFaint dataTeGraded |
ccdId | exposureTeFaint: ccdId | event.c |
dataPacketNumber | packet count | ||
fepId | exposureTeFaint: fepId | ||
dataTeFaintBias | ccdId | exposureTeFaintBias: ccdId | event.c |
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
dataPacketNumber | packet count | ||
fepId | exposureTeFaintBias: fepId | ||
dataTeHist | ccdId | exposureTeHistogram: ccdId | hist.c |
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
dataPacketNumber | packet count | ||
fepId | exposureTeHistogram: fepId | ||
outputNodeId | exposureTeHistogram: outputNodeId | ||
startingBin | packet count | ||
dataTeRaw | ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | raw.c |
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
compressionTableIdentifier | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
compressionTableSlotIndex | loadTeBlock: rawCompressionSlotIndex | ||
last packet of same type from this FEP | |||
dataPacketNumber | packet count | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
exposureCcFaint | - | loadCcBlock: bepPackingMode | event.c |
loadCcBlock: commandOpcode | |||
loadCcBlock: fepMode | |||
biasParameterId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
biasStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: runStartTime | |||
ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
dataCcFaint: ccdId | |||
dataCcGraded: ccdId | |||
loadCcBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
eventsSent | event count | ||
exposureNumber | > last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
dataCcFaint: fepId | |||
parameterBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
loadCcBlock: parameter BlockId | |||
runStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: runStartTime | |||
windowBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
load1dBlock: windowBlockId | |||
exposureCcRaw | - | loadCcBlock: commandOpcode | raw.c |
loadCcBlock: fepMode | |||
ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
loadCcBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
exposureNumber | > last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
parameterBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: parameterBlockId | |||
runStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: runStartTime | |||
windowBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: windowBlockId | |||
exposureTeFaint exposureTeFaintBias |
- | loadTeBlock: bepPackingMode | event.c |
loadTeBlock: commandOpcode | |||
loadTeBlock: fepMode | |||
scienceReport: exposures Sent | |||
biasParameterId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
biasStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: biasStart Time | |||
ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
dataTeFaint: ccdId | |||
dataTeGraded: ccdId | |||
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
eventsSent | event count | ||
exposureNumber | > last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
dataTeFaint: fepId | |||
dataTeGraded: fepId | |||
parameterBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
loadTeBlock: parameter BlockId | |||
scienceReport: parameter BlockId | |||
runStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: runStartTime | |||
windowBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
load2dBlock: windowBlockId | |||
scienceReport: window BlockId | |||
exposureTeHistogram | - | loadTeBlock: commandOpcode | hist.c |
loadTeBlock: fepMode | |||
ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
dataTeHist: ccdId | |||
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
endExposureNumber | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
exposureCount | scienceReport: exposuresSent | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
dataTeHist: fepId | |||
outputNodeId | dataTeHist: outputNodeId | ||
parameterBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
loadTeBlock: parameter BlockId | |||
scienceReport: parameter BlockId | |||
runStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: runStartTime | |||
startExposureNumber | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
> last packet of same type from this FEP | |||
exposureTeRaw | - | loadTeBlock: commandOpcode | raw.c |
loadTeBlock: fepMode | |||
scienceReport: exposures Sent | |||
ccdId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
loadTeBlock: fepCcdSelect | |||
exposureNumber | > last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
fepId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
parameterBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: parameterBlockId | |||
runStartTime | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: runStartTime | |||
windowBlockId | last packet of same type from this FEP | ||
scienceReport: windowBlockId | |||
fepReadReply | commandId | last packet of same type within multi-packet group from this FEP | memory.c |
fepId | |||
requestedAddress | |||
requestedWordCount | |||
load1dBlock | commandOpcode | CMDOP_LOAD_1D |
bias.c event.c raw.c window.c |
windowBlockId | exposureCcFaint: windowBlockId | event.c | |
exposureCcRaw: windowBlockId | raw.c | ||
load2dBlock | commandOpcode | CMDOP_LOAD_2D |
event.c raw.c window.c |
windowBlockId | exposureTeFaint: windowBlockId | event.c | |
exposureTeFaintBias: windowBlockId | |||
exposureTeRaw: windowBlockId | raw.c | ||
loadCcBlock | bepPackingMode | BEP_CC_MODE_FAINT | event.c |
commandOpcode | CMDOP_LOAD_CC |
event.c raw.c |
fepMode | FEP_CC_MODE_EV1x3 | event.c | |
FEP_CC_MODE_RAW | raw.c | ||
parameterBlockId | dataCcBiasMap: biasParameterId | bias.c | |
exposureCcFaint: parameterBlockId | event.c | ||
loadTeBlock | bepPackingMode | BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT | event.c |
commandOpcode | CMDOP_LOAD_TE |
event.c hist.c raw.c |
fepMode | FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3 | event.c | |
FEP_TE_MODE_HIST | hist.c | ||
FEP_TE_MODE_RAW | raw.c | ||
parameterBlockId | dataTeBiasMap: biasParameterId | bias.c | |
exposureTeFaint: parameter BlockId | event | ||
exposureTeFaintBias: parameterBlockId | |||
exposureTeHistogram: parameterBlockId | hist.c | ||
subarrayRowCount | dataTeBiasMap: rowsPerBias | bias.c | |
pramReadReply sramReadReply |
ccdId | last packet of same type within multi-packet group from this DEA | memory.c |
commandId | |||
requestedIndex | |||
requestedWordCount | |||
scienceReport | biasErrorCount | bias error count | science.c |
biasParameterId | value in previous exposure record(s) | ||
biasStartTime | |||
exposuresProduced | exposure counters | ||
exposuresSent | |||
parameterBlockId | value in previous exposure record(s) | ||
runStartTime | |||
windowBlockId |
Considerate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.